When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 972: Ancient Beast Group

Behind Duan Xinxin, a man was chasing after him.

He was Zhao Buzhu.

Zhao Buzhu had a cold expression on his face, and he never thought that he would still meet Chen Ping'an's wife in the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng.

When he met Duan Xinxin and Zhen Mei, he was fascinated by Duan Xinxin's beauty, and even wondered if he had met the real daughter of destiny.

At that time, seeing Duan Xinxin fighting an ancient beast, he flew directly over and solved the ancient beast, and then took the opportunity to chat with Duan Xinxin and the others, and wanted to join them, saying that he wanted to talk to them. To practice together, the excuse is that in a dangerous forbidden area, one more person will be safer.

But his approach was politely rejected by Duan Xinxin.

Duan Xinxin only wanted to experience herself, and she came to Hongmeng forbidden area to go deep into the danger, and then stimulate her potential and improve herself.

Otherwise why wouldn't she be better off with her husband?

She even thought about going a little further and parted ways with Zhen Mei.

But after Zhao Buzhu was rejected, he still had the idea of ​​stalking him. Duan Xinxin had seen such a man too much and knew that he was obsessed with his beauty, so he told Zhao Buzhu directly that he was married. .

After Zhao Buzhu heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he looked indifferent, but even more moved.

Duan Xinxin looked at him like that, and could only say how powerful her husband was.

However, after revealing her identity as her husband, she became what she is now!

She knew that this person must be one of her husband's enemies!

Zhao Buzhu thought coldly: "Chen Pingan! When I catch your daughter-in-law, let's see how you feel!"

Zhao Buzhu continued to chase in the direction Duan Xinxin fled, and the more he saw Duan Xinxin fleeing into the depths of the forbidden area, the more his brows frowned.

Right now, he can't control the ancient beasts in the ancestral realm, and he can only sit on an equal footing with the other party.


The three of Chen Ping'an are also on their way at full speed. Under Zhen Mei's lead, they have reached the place where they separated from Duan Xinxin.

Then, under Zhen Mei's direction, they started chasing in one direction.

Now Chen Ping'an only hopes that his daughter-in-law will not change direction in the middle, otherwise, it will be even more difficult for him to find each other.


As for the kitchen knife, he has already brought two other men out of the Hongmeng forbidden area.

As soon as the two came out of the barrier, they parted ways with the kitchen knife.

After discussing for a while, they began to fly to the nearest ancestor Lan Yuan.

One of them said: "I just returned to the Hongmeng Realm, is the invincible ancestor really very energetic? Are you sure that the ancestor Lan Yuan can give us a lot of benefits?"

Another person had seen Chen Ping'an and knew Chen Ping'an's current status in the Hongmeng world, but he didn't know that he could get too many benefits from the ancestors of Lan Yuan, after all, they were all small people.

And they just led the way, and they didn't do anything major.

"Let's go and have a look first, anyway, we will tell Zun Zu Lan Yuan what we just said, and let's see what he says later." Another person smiled bitterly.

Their flying speed is also fast, plus they are familiar with the roads of the Hongmeng Realm, know that there is a teleportation formation in a certain big city, they flew directly to that big city, and then used some resources to pass through the teleportation formation. near the territory of the ancestors.

They only traveled for half an hour before they arrived near the palace-like hall of Zun Lan Yuan.

And their appearance was also discovered by guards patrolling nearby.

People from the early days of the lord surrounded them.

"Who is coming?!" The guard leader said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoists, we are here to look for Zunzu Lan Yuan, can you go and report to us? Just say that we were called by Zunzu Invincible." Even if he is the peak of the lord, at this moment, the man who led the way for Chen Ping'an not long ago You also have to smile at a late lord.

When the patrolling guards heard the words "Invincible Zunzu", their bodies trembled, and then they quickly looked at the two people in front of them respectfully.

The headed guard also changed his face instantly, and it was his turn to laugh with his face: "It turned out to be two distinguished guests! You wait a while, I will report to the ancestor! But our ancestor is now with the ancestor of the ten thousand Dharma. Wujie Zunzu and the others are together, it may take some time, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, the two men gulped.

Are the ancestors of the ten thousand Dharma and the ancestors of Wujie there? !


They were starting to feel a little bit of a pushback.

Especially the man who led the way in the main hall, who had seen Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu kneel before Chen Ping'an.

The reason why they chose to look for Lan Yuanzunzu was because they were afraid that when they went to Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu, the two would vent their anger at Wudi Zunzu and then vent on them.

Even if you don't dare to vent on them, you may have a lot of restrictions on the conditions they put forward.

But now that they have all come, there is nothing they can do. It is not good to leave directly, so they can only bite the bullet.

And inside the hall.

After Lan Yuan Zun Zu arranged the matter of Long Fu, he got together with Wan Daw Zun Zu and the others.

In fact, rather than saying that he got together with the two, it is better that the two are sticking to him.

Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu always wanted to put some information on Lanyuan Zunzu that they didn't know.

With wretched smiles on their faces, the two looked at the ancestors of Lan Yuan, and chatted with the snake about something.

But at this moment, a report sounded from outside.


Ancestor Lan Yuan said directly: "Come in."

The guard leader walked in and quickly reported: "Zunzu, there are two people outside who said that the invincible Zunzu asked them to come."

Hearing this, the three of Lan Yuan Zunzu were instantly excited, especially Lan Yuan Zunzu, and hurriedly said: "Then why don't you bring the distinguished guests in?"

But as soon as he finished speaking like this, the next moment he realized that he couldn't do this, so he stood up directly and said, "It's better for me to go out and greet myself!"

The guard couldn't help laughing when he looked at his ancestor.

After they heard the two men say that they were called by the Invincible Zunzu, they were so flattered because their Zunzu gave them a serious order.

Tell them that anyone who comes and has something to do with the invincible ancestors must be treated as if they had encountered the ancestors!

Zunzu Lan Yuan walked out, and Zunzu Wanfa and Zunzu Wujie were not slow, even Zunzu Wujie and Zunzu Lanyuan behaved at the same speed, obviously they had gradually become accustomed to and integrated into this role.

The guard leader twitched as he looked at the three ancestral realms who seemed to be scrambling for each other.

Why are these three ancestors completely different from what he had imagined.

And this is only because of the invincible ancestors!

The three dodged and quickly arrived at the main entrance.

The appearance of the three of them caused some people standing here at the main entrance to be unable to react.

Especially the two leading men.

When they saw the three ancestral realms suddenly "kill out", even their feet softened.

I doubt if I should come,

Why are these three people trying to get their feet wet?


Just when they were frightened and startled, Lan Yuan Zunzu instantly cast his gaze on the two of them, and then his slightly serious face changed instantly.

"Haha! Two distinguished guests! I don't know your surname? The invincible ancestor asked you to come?"

The way he looks now, explains what it means to be kind and polite.

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