When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 968: A woman is being chased by ancient beasts

Chen Pingan told Fan Yixuan what an adult world was.

You didn't do anything just now, but now that I'm done, I don't need you anymore.

Chen Ping'an didn't need to look at Fan Yixuan's memory anymore, and now he could see how to deal with the Chaos Pearl spirit body's memory.

After closing the door, Chen Pingan continued to look at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

There was a smile on the corner of the Chaos Pearl spirit body's mouth, and his eyes were bent like crescent moons, but at this time his face was still very serious: "That little girl is really cute, but she is only cute, okay, don't say anything else, I I really didn't lie to you, as long as you find more sources, you should be able to have more memories, and then all the mysteries will be solved!"

Chen Pingan fell into deep thought.

"Now I'm still busy with the treasure realm. I'm afraid it will take half a month to find the source."

After the clone went to that world, the knowledge of the formation that he learned directly solved the problems he encountered in creating the treasure realm.

Now his strength has improved a lot, and he should be able to completely create the treasure realm with another half month.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body doesn't want to wait too long. Her current strength has risen to the pinnacle of the lord, and she has the strength of the ancestral realm with all her strength.

Have some self-defense ability.

In addition, she also wanted to know what her identity was, so she directly proposed: "Since you can make the cultivation of the clone reach the peak of the lord, why not let the repair of the clone reach the ancestral realm?"

Chen Ping'an said: "Are you sure that my clone has the strength of the ancestor realm, and can keep you safe in the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng?"

He can indeed separate a clone of the ancestral realm and take the Chaos Pearl spirit body to find the source, and this will not affect his progress in creating the treasure realm too much. After all, his strength and formation skills have been improved by one. large section.

But he still felt that the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng was too dangerous, and the strength of the ancestral realm might not be enough, especially when he encountered a powerful ancient beast like the Qingzi ancient beast.

Now, through the memory of the Chaos Pearl spirit body, he feels that there may be more ancient beasts in the Ancestral Realm in the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng. After all, this world used to be ancient beasts.

Thinking of this, he thought of his daughter-in-law.

"I don't know how she is now. I hope she will not enter the depths of the Hongmeng Forbidden Realm as promised..."

In the periphery, there are not so many ancient beasts, and there is not a high incidence of spatial turbulence.

If it goes deep, it is dangerous.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body took a deep breath, and the image of Duan Xinxin going straight into the Hongmeng Forbidden Realm appeared in his mind, and he said decisively: "It should be fine, we will just walk around outside, not going deep inside. In fact, when we came back to the yard, I sensed that there are two origins nearby, and that origin is quite large, I think in such a peripheral place, there should be little danger!"

Chen Pingan thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Since the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body is not afraid of himself, then he is nothing.

And he may also find his daughter-in-law in the Hongmeng forbidden area.

"Then it's settled, and we'll set off later!" Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said impatiently.

Chen Ping'an didn't say anything, and directly separated a clone.

This is a clone of a ancestral realm.

After the clone is completed, he has nothing to say to the Chaos Orb Spirit Body, and is ready to continue to busy creating the treasure realm.

The ancient beast is obviously not simple. To resist the invasion of the ancient beast a year later, the overall strength of the human race must be increased several times!

The current priority is still the ancient beast.

After half an hour.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body was ready to go, and followed Chen Pingan's clone and left the yard.

And inside the yard.

At this moment, the rooster and the hoe, under Chen Ping'an's order, also took out the stone statues, and a group of utensils were studied together in the yard.

Chen Pingan felt that since the utensils here in the yard are all in the same situation, there is no need to hide other utensils. Before he immersed himself in the great cause of making treasures, he ordered the kitchen knife to let him know what he knew. 's utensils.

At the center of the courtyard, there are three stone statues standing at this moment.

The goldfish looked at the stone statue of the rooster with envy on his face: "I am also of extraordinary status, why do you have the stone statue and I don't have it! It's not fair!"

The peach tree is also unhappy: "Yes, I also want to have a stone statue!"

The rooster and the **** are not to mention how beautiful they are now, with their heads held high and proud expressions on their faces.

They feel that they can have stone statues, which should be better than other artifacts.

The Golden Lingling Immortal Tool is more comfortable, because its strength is not as strong as many big men here, but it has a stone statue, which is enough to make it swell to fly.

"Do you have any special feeling when you look at these stone statues? Or, is there any inspiration?" The kitchen knife asked.

When it looked at its stone statue, it awakened some memories, and now it wants to see other artifacts in the courtyard and see if there are any other discoveries.

As soon as his voice passed, the surroundings fell silent.

And in the corner.

The two sisters, Chi Shi Supreme and Xiao Bai, had strange expressions on their faces.

They feel left out.

They were completely created by Chen Ping'an, are they the most common ones in the courtyard? !

Seeing that there was no utensils around to speak, the kitchen knife could only smile bitterly: "If you suddenly notice any changes, let me know, especially the memory."

A group of artifacts nodded.

At this time, Heilong showed his iconic row of teeth and said with a smile: "According to what the kitchen knife boss said, my wife and I are both extraordinary, so what will happen to the child in my wife's belly? ?"

Hearing this, all the artifacts turned towards Huofeng.

Looking at the belly that bulged so much that it seemed to burst open, it was a strange expression.

That's right, if they have extraordinary identities, wouldn't this child be even more simple than they thought before?

Taoshu smiled and said, "Sister Huofeng, how many days will the child be born?"

Huofeng touched his stomach kindly and said, "There should be another half a month. Last time, the master said to try not to go to a space with a high flow of time, and to use time to achieve rapid labor, otherwise I really want to give birth to the baby sooner. already."

It was very uncomfortable during pregnancy... Fortunately, Heilong took good care of him.

half a month?

The kitchen knife smiled and said, "Take good care of your body. Now I have a faint feeling that this child will have an extraordinary future."

The other objects nodded.

And Heilong's big white teeth were even more obvious, and he smiled brightly.

I can't wait to say again, "My son has the capital of the emperor."

"Okay, since I can't study anything here in the stone statue, let's all practice hard. Try to reach the ancestral realm as much as possible. I found that after my strength reached the ancestral realm, my combat power reached a very terrifying level. Come on, too!" The kitchen knife encouraged.

Hearing this, both the **** and the rooster became interested.

"Brother Dao, how do you compare with the ancestors of the Hongmeng Realm? For example, compared with the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dharma." The **** tried to ask.

The kitchen knife has seen the ancestor of Wanfa, and after thinking for a while, he directly stretched out a hand and said, "One hand should be able to win."

The courtyard suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an's voice suddenly sounded.

"Chopper, go to the Forbidden Realm to find my clone."

Chen Ping'an actually forgot that the kitchen knife had just broken through to the ancestral realm.

With a kitchen knife, the Chaos Orb Spirit will be safer.


In front of Hongmeng Forbidden Territory.

Chen Ping'an and the Chaos Pearl spirit body are already nearby.

Looking at the barrier, Chen Ping'an looked at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body again, and said, "Be careful after entering, remember to follow me closely, don't stay too far, I'm afraid that as soon as I turn around, I will find that you have been swept away by the turbulent space. …”

After the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body heard it, he nodded with a wry smile.

However, just as they were about to go inside, they saw several lord peaks flying out with sullen faces and scolding in their mouths.

"What the **** is going on here! Why are so many ancient beasts of the peak of the lord gathered together!" One person's face was pale, and one arm was missing, and blood was still dripping there.

"The ancient beasts this time are a bit strange, the number is too terrifying! I heard a brother say that they seem to be tracking a woman, and now they are directly surrounding the enchantment side, it is difficult to get in and out!"

"Woman? The reason why I escaped from the encirclement of ancient beasts just now was precisely because a woman was surrounded by a group of ancient beasts, and I had a chance to escape when they were distracted!"

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