When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 966: you're thinking about ass

The faces of some people appeared in Chen Ping'an's mind for the first time.

My daughter-in-law, my sister-in-law, and Xiaolinger!

Xiaolinger doesn't count. Xiaolinger was actually created by him, but the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body is not.

The more Chen Pingan thought about it, the more he felt as if he had found the key to unlocking the biggest mystery.

"Two of the light groups are green... and my wife and sister-in-law are both born from the Chaos Tree, which seems to have something to do with green. Are they not completely the fruits of the Chaos Tree, but just borrowed from the Chaos Tree? The Chaos Tree was born? Are they also related to that cave?"

Thinking of this, Chen Pingan began to think of Chaos Beads.

Among those light groups, only one light group has a special color.

The faint blue light group!

If he guessed correctly, the Chaos Orb is also one of the light clusters, then with the particularity of the Chaos Orb, the dark blue color should have something to do with it.

dark blue......

Chen Ping'an started brainstorming in his mind. At this moment, he suddenly ding-dong and thought of one thing.

Inside the cave where the heart of the world is.

Quiet blue flame!

And the blue world heart!

What a dark blue!

He showed a shocked expression.

Are these things a coincidence?

He doesn't think so.

"Maybe it's the same as what I thought! The Chaos Orb was not born when the Hongmeng Realm first opened! It has something to do with the old man! This Chaos Orb is most likely the blue light group!"

Chen Ping'an's mouth wriggled, feeling that he had found out all the things represented by the light group.

The situation here in the yard can be perfectly explained.

It has something to do with the old man!

"If my guess is true, who is the old man?"

Chen Ping'an stood on the spot and pondered all this. This scene was very inexplicable in the eyes of all the utensils.

They don't know why their owners suddenly want to check their memories.

Now his master's expression was momentarily shocked, momentarily stunned, and momentarily frowning in worry, which made them even more confused.

The kitchen knife did not disturb its master, and it was also curious about what happened to its own utensils.

Only now did it realize that it was so special that it thought that it was just a strong talent, and that it was only through hard work that it had achieved what it is now.

At this moment, it seems that everything has been arranged in the dark.

Chen Pingan took a deep breath and scanned every corner of the yard.

When he thought about it, the old man might have something to do with the black ball in his head!

Or, that old man is him?

Of course, it may not be him, because in the kitchen knife's memory, the old man should be dead.

Who are you then?

Why can you become the owner of these special and obviously not simple artifacts? !

That's right, his status is a bit stronger now. If the kitchen knives are more normal and stronger, then he is their master, and it can be justified.

But now, he is still the owner of these artifacts, which shows that his identity is even more terrifying!

Not long ago, he thought that he might be the Ping An Emperor that the ancient beast said, but Ping An Emperor is only a person of the Hongmeng Realm level, and the mere Emperor Ping An can no longer describe his extraordinaryness.

Chen Ping'an did not continue to think about it. He felt that there was still no strong evidence to show that he was in a relationship with his identity. What he could only know now was that he seemed to be in a whirlpool.

There must be a reason why these artifacts became his subordinates.

Chen Ping'an cast his gaze into the house.

"I have to look at the memories of my sister-in-law and the Chaos Pearl spirit body!"

Chen Pingan muttered to himself.

With this in mind, he walked directly into the house.

The first one I found was my sister-in-law.

If his daughter-in-law was there, he would definitely look at his daughter-in-law. After all, it was easy to communicate, but now that her daughter-in-law was away, it would be better to find his sister-in-law first.

After all, the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body guy will definitely ask for a lot of benefits because of this.

Chen Ping'an walked to his sister-in-law's room, knocked on the door, and said, "Sister-in-law, my brother-in-law wants to discuss something with you, can I go in?"

Fan Yixuan was cultivating, and she also wanted to catch up with her sister's cultivation, and then go out to practice together.

Now I suddenly heard Chen Ping'an's voice, and I felt that the tone was different from usual, it was obviously much gentler, and when I thought of what the Chaos Pearl spirit body teased her not long ago, she suddenly blushed a little, and said directly: "I'm here. Auntie, it's not suitable to see people!"

Chen Pingan's face twitched.

What does it have to do with your aunt coming to see me?

I'm not doing anything with you...

"It's like this, I found out that the birth of you and your sister is actually not very related to the Chaos Tree. That is to say, your mother may not be the Chaos Tree. I need you to cooperate with me to check." Chen Peace of mind.

And he found his words very attractive.

This means that your current father or mother is not your own.

Anyone who hears it will want to know what's going on.

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, the door was quickly opened.

Fan Yixuan frowned and looked at Chen Ping'an, "What did you say?"

Chen Pingan entered Fan Yixuan's boudoir, and finally sat down on the bed skillfully, and then told Fan Yixuan what happened.

He also said that he wanted to check her memory.

After Fan Yixuan heard that her brother-in-law wanted to see her memory, she couldn't sit still, her face flushed instantly, like a monkey's butt, she jumped up away from Chen Ping'an, covered her chest with her hands and said, "You... .You rascal! You are still not human, my sister knows about this, you can't wash it out even if you jump into the Yellow River!"

Chen Pingan: "..."

"No, I don't do anything, I'll just skip other memories, just look at the memory of your first birth, how about it?"

Chen Ping'an knew that girls must have some privacy of their own. For example, he had a dream of making a small steamed bun into a big one, or he also tried to explore without anyone beforehand, but he didn't look at them, and it was nothing. Beautiful, not like this.

Fan Yixuan bit her to death and said, "This is impossible!"

Chen Pingan: "..."

"Okay, recall it yourself and tell me the head office."

Chen Ping'an had no choice but to say this.

In fact, he doesn't think that the cave is the most important information now. He thinks that the most important thing is the kind of Taoism that he doesn't know!

If Fan Yixuan had those Dao Principles in his memory, it must have been the same as what he had guessed.

Fan Yixuan was not so startled, and then began to recall alone.

"When I was born, my first memory was that I was in a dark space, and then I seemed to faint, and when I woke up, I was in the fruit of chaos. I tried my best to break the peel... …”

Chen Pingan heard the key point.

Dark space!

That's not necessarily in the fruit!


Maybe it was transferred from the cave to the fruit!

"Sister-in-law, did you see any special Taoism in that dark cave? It's the kind you haven't seen since you practiced until now." Chen Ping'an asked.

Fan Yixuan frowned and said, "Then I don't know, I just remember it was dark."

Chen Pingan felt that he still had to look at his sister-in-law's memory.

"Sister-in-law, let's just say something. You can do whatever you want with your brother-in-law. Let me see the memory. How about it?" Chen Ping'an took a deep breath and decided to give it up.

"Really anything is fine?" Fan Yixuan's face brightened, and she instantly became less determined.

It really explains that sentence, sometimes for certain things, you can actually give up your integrity!

Seeing hope, Chen Pingan nodded.

"Then you help me beat the Chaos Orb Spirit Body, and then beat me again!" Fan Yixuan said.

Hearing this, Chen Pingan stood up directly and walked out of the room.

Sister-in-law, you want to eat farts!

He should go and see what the Chaos Orb Spirit Body has requirements. As long as the requirements are not higher than that of his sister-in-law, then he should look at the Chaos Orb Spirit Body.

Fan Yixuan looked at Chen Ping'an's back indifferently walking out of the room, and stayed where she was.

Good guy, don't you have the slightest interest in my special memories? !

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