When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 961: Indirect cheating in no way

Li Mei's brain, which was rarely calm at first, started buzzing again.

He even wondered if his ears were broken by the three **** of the Ancestor Wanfa, which made him misheard.

After all, Lan Yuan Zunzu called Chen Ping'an the invincible Zunzu not long ago, why did he call Chen Ping'an a senior when he got here!

And the title of senior is generally for people who are much stronger than themselves. Between Zunzu and Zunzu, no matter how strong the other party is, it should not be called like this!

If Chen Ping'an was an existence above the ancestral realm, then the title would be right.

And he also heard the words behind Lan Yuan Zunzu.

He asked Chen Pingan if he created this world!

It was these words that made Li Mi sink into his own shock, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

He believed that this world must have come from the existence above the Hongmeng Realm, and he had already said it so clearly, presumably Lan Yuanzun also knew that the existence of this world indicated that there was an existence above the Hongmeng Realm, and now Lan Yuanzun When Zu Lai said this, the meaning was already obvious.

In the eyes of Zunzu Lan Yuan, Chen Ping'an is an existence above the Hongmeng Realm!

Li Mei, who understood the meaning of this, could only accept this information with a confused expression.

As for Chen Ping'an, when he heard Lan Yuan Zunzu's words, he also glanced at Lan Yuan Zunzu.

A pitiful look flashed across his face without a trace, and he felt that Zun Ancestor Lan Yuan had been fooled too much.

He had a deep understanding of the power of Murong Palace.

This world has something to do with him, but he thinks it shouldn't be created by him.

He doesn't have that ability yet.

Maybe it has something to do with the black ball, or the kitchen knife.

Faced with the question of the ancestor of Lan Yuan, Chen Ping'an also decided to cooperate with Murong Palace's flickering. After all, it was also beneficial for him to rule the Hongmeng world, but when he spoke, he did not forget to look at the ancestor of Wanfa.

The Ancestor Wanfa has never seen Murong Palace, and he has not been fooled...

Before Chen Ping'an could finish thinking, his thoughts suddenly stopped.

Looking at the appearance of Wanfa Zunzu, he couldn't help but say "cow criticism" in his heart.

Ancestor Wanfa looked at him normally at this moment, and like Ancestor Lan Yuan, his eyes were full of anticipation, and he was expecting his answer!

What does this mean?

It means that this guy has also been indirectly fooled!

Who was fooled by?

Ancestor Lan Yuan!

Cow, cow!

Chen Pingan didn't know what to say.

I never thought that indirect spoofing would work in the mortal world, immortal world, **** world and chaos world, and it would be so powerful in Hongmeng world!

He now finally knows why Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu tried so hard to get credit.

He was a little surprised that their behavior was too violent just now. In the end, it was due to the fact that the two wanted to get rid of control in the future, so they chose to please. After all, their souls were still limited in his hands.

But he never imagined that the two of them were like that because they were indirectly fooled!

I thought he was a big man above Hongmeng Realm!

Chen Ping'an felt that he had to pretend at this time, otherwise the flickering trend brought by Murong Palace was wasted.

He began to look calm and said, "Yes or no."

Ancestor Lan Yuan and Ancestor Wanfa were stunned when they heard this.

Is it or is it not?

Is that true, or not?

Chen Pingan added: "This creation method is mine, but this world is not created by me. I guess it was created by my subordinates, because I taught him this method."

Hearing these words, both Lan Yuan Zunzu and Wanfa Zunzu suddenly opened their mouths.

What the hell!

They still want to feel weak.

This world was not created by this boss, but by his subordinates? !

Ancestor Lan Yuan immediately thought of Murong Palace.

"Could it be the Old Palace?" In his eyes, Murong Palace is also a big man above the Hongmeng Realm, and he is very powerful, but after getting along with Murong Palace for a period of time, Murong Palace is very approachable, and Murong Palace finally let him Called Lao Gong, so he happily satisfied Murong Gong.

And he is proud of it. You must know that Murong Palace is also a big man above the Hongmeng Realm. It is a great blessing for him to be so close to such a big man!

Chen Ping'an glanced at Lan Yuan Zunzu, and felt that the child was really fooled.

He shook his head and said, "Another subordinate."

Ancestor Lan Yuan showed his original appearance, and at the same time swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Unexpectedly, there is still a big man above Hongmeng Realm!

And he didn't ask who it was, because Chen Ping'an made it clear that he didn't want to say it.

When Wanfa Zunzu heard the name "Old Palace", he froze for a while, and then his curiosity was piqued. He glanced at Lanyuan Zunzu, and he felt that he should find Lanyuan Zunzu after the incident, and tried to start from He pulled out some information that the other party knew, but he didn't know yet.

"Let's stop here." Chen Pingan said.

Wanfa Zunzu and Lan Yuan Zunzu nodded one after another, like chickens pecking at rice.

On the other hand, Li Mei was still there, dumbfounded.

The aftermath of shock still lingered in his mind, which could not be dissipated for a long time.

Chen Ping'an looked at Li Mi at this moment, his eyes still a little cold.

Li Mi felt Chen Ping'an's gaze, and at this moment his body began to tremble unconsciously.

Now he wants to cry.

This is the blood mold that has been poured down for eight lifetimes.

How could such an existence be provoked!

He had to believe Chen Ping'an's words.

Because combined with what happened in the secret realm not long ago, it just fits what Chen Ping'an said now.

No wonder those Sombra bowed.

No wonder Chen Pingan was able to change the formation!

The world of feelings is created by his subordinates with his creative techniques!

"Predecessor...Senior, I have already said everything I know, you...you mean what you say?" Li Mei's embarrassed face began to show a smile.

Chen Pingan hehe said: "Do you think your life is so cheap that you can exchange some information for it?"

Li Mei was stunned to the point of being speechless.

Seems to make sense...

But what do I need to do?

"Predecessor...Senior, you...you said, I can do anything, even if you like me, I'll..." Li Mi didn't say any more after that, just face Some red.

Chen Pingan was startled.

Your sister, don't you just stop being polite? !

"Wanfa, teach him how to survive!" Chen Pingan looked at the ancestor of Wanfa and said.

When Wanfa Zunzu heard this, a touch of bitterness flashed on his face, but soon he said as if he had received an order: "Received!"

Ancestor Wanfa stared at Li Mi and said solemnly, "Kneel down!"

After listening to this, Li Mei directly bent his knees without resisting.

Ancestor Wanfa continued: "Spray out your soul!"

Hearing this, Li Mei's expression changed.

Know what to do.

This is to put the safety of your soul into the hands of others!


For him now, life is more important.

He gritted his teeth and scattered his soul.

A group of faint blue light appeared on his forehead, and finally flew to Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an was too lazy to waste time, and began to brand the blasting method on the other party's soul.

After getting it done, he didn't stop, and said directly: "I'm a little interested in your memory, I'll take a look first!"

After finishing speaking, he did not wait for Li Mei's consent, and directly used his ability to invade the other party's soul to check.

Li Mei's soul trembled and wanted to struggle, but in the end, he had no choice but to open up.

It's like there are some things, since you can't resist, you can only open up and enjoy them.

Chen Pingan checked Li Mei's memory.

He always felt that Li Mei had other plans for his pursuit, which was a very strange feeling.

Moreover, he also wanted to see if Li Mei was lying!

If one of what he just said was false.

That's very good, it's not a big deal to have one less Li Mei to fight against the future invasion of ancient beasts!

He checked the memory very quickly, and finally his face became a little weird.

He found two messages that made him frown.


This guy actually practiced a strange secret technique, and this secret technique was obtained here in this world.

It's called puppet art!

Unexpectedly, this guy chased him like that, just for this puppet technique, not because the source was robbed!


This also made him a little surprised and speechless.

This guy has never been close to women, and he has always wondered if he likes men...

This also explains why he decided to use Chen Ping'an as a puppet not long ago, but never considered Duan Xinxin.

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