When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 937: strange place

The square is huge, the size of a football field, but at this moment it is already full of people.

The cultivation of these people is not ordinary, and the people with the lowest cultivation are actually the early lords.

And the people with the highest cultivation level also have peak lords, and there are still many.

Not far from Chen Ping'an and the other three, there are two or three.

And this is only their vicinity, as for whether there is a distant place, it is difficult to say.

Because the cultivation base here is too chaotic, and everyone is so strong, without the ability to perceive the ancestors, I am afraid it is difficult to instantly tell how many people there are at the peak of the lord here.

Because of this, Chen Ping'an and the three suddenly flashed out of the void without attracting too many people's attention.

After all, there are many people in the square, and it is still noisy, and many people are whispering.

In addition, their strength is not particularly strong, even if a few people next to them saw the sudden appearance of the three of them, that is, after taking a look, they did not look any further.

In the eyes of these people, the three of them should also want to participate in this experience competition.

And in the middle of the square.

It's not that crowded there.

There was an empty space there.

Now a large group of people from the lord realm are surrounding there, and over there, there are more than a dozen people sitting righteously and idly.

Each of them is full of energy, and these ten people all look young, looking like they are in their early thirties.

These ten people are in the ancestral realm!

Gives a lot of pressure.

The dozen or so people seemed to be waiting for someone to arrive. Some people closed their eyes, while others glanced at the surrounding Lord Realm crowd.

"Why hasn't the patriarch come yet?"

"The patriarch said that he has made some breakthroughs, and said that he should consolidate it in time, but it is too soon. Let's wait for another incense stick."

"Tsk tsk, the patriarch has made such a breakthrough, and if it continues like this, it won't take long, I am afraid that it will be able to crush any ancestor in the Hongmeng world!"

"It shouldn't be possible to crush it, but it should soon be comparable to those self-righteous ancestors in the Hongmeng world."

"By the way, have the people you sent out heard any news? The invincible ancestor seems to have come out of the Chaos Orb and defeated all the ancestors! I heard that not long ago, everyone in the Hongmeng Realm was gathered together, one person It made all the powerhouses in the Hongmeng Realm tremble with fear! He also said that if there is any force that does not go there, he will slowly investigate and punish, do you think he will find us?"

"Want to find us? It's ridiculous, no one can find this place, and he wants to come in. Without our permission, he is useless no matter how strong he is!"

"Humph, is he strong? Believe me, if we stay here for hundreds of millions of years, the patriarch should be able to crush him!"


When these dozen people talked about the following topics, they all became interested and expressed their opinions.

And when these ten people were talking, they blocked the surrounding space, so only a dozen of them could hear it, and the people in the lord realm not far away could not hear it.

If he could hear it over there, Chen Ping'an must have frowned even more now.

Now Chen Pingan frowned.

After he appeared here, he felt as if he had entered some kind of illusion.


Where is this place?

This was his first thought.

It's not just him, the dragon escape and the Chaos Pearl spirit body are the same.

The three of them looked a little dumbfounded.

After Chen Ping'an appeared here, he began to frown to check the surrounding situation.

Looking at a group of lords around him, he didn't know what to say.

The number of these lord realms is almost catching up with the people in the hall not long ago.

All the powerhouses in the Hongmeng Realm gather together, and the number is only a little more than the people here!

And these people in the lord realm are obviously not what surprised Chen Ping'an the most. What made him wonder if he was dazzling was that in the middle of the square, the eighteen middle-aged people in the ancestor realm! !

Eighteen ancestral realms!

How is this going!

In the Hongmeng Realm, there are not so many ancestral realms!

And here, there are eighteen in total.

This is only seen, the ghost knows how many have not come out!

Chen Pingan frowned and looked at the surrounding environment.

He first looked at the sky and land around him, wondering if he was not in the Hongmeng Realm!

However, there is no difference between the sky and the land and the Hongmeng Realm, and there is also the Hongmeng Dao Accumulation.

The only difference is that the Hongmeng Dao rhyme in this world is ten times stronger than that in the Hongmeng world!

That's right, ten times as much!

"It's the rhyme of Hongmeng Dao! It stands to reason that this place should be the Hongmeng world! But why is this rhyme so strong?!"

Chen Ping'an observed around, and even began to emit some thoughts to check the situation in this world.

This world is not very big, but it is not small. According to his guess, it should be about the size of Chaos World.

"Could it be that this is a treasure realm for cultivation? Hidden in the Hongmeng Realm?"

Chen Pingan began to speculate in his heart.

And as he watched, he found that the familiar feeling born in his mind became more and more intense.

Seems like he has been to this place many times.

No matter how much he researched, he couldn't figure out where this place was.

At this time, his eyes followed the crowd around him to a place.

It was the top of a mountain on the left side of the square.

The mountain is not very high, only a hundred feet tall.

And this mountain is nothing special, just like an ordinary mountain.

However, on the top of this ordinary mountain, there is a strange thing floating.

It was a white, hexagonal white ball the size of a water tank.

There is no energy scattered on this white ball, indicating that it is not an energy body.

Chen Ping'an's eyes also saw the specific situation of the white ball. There should be a large space hidden inside the hexagonal white ball.

Combined with the words of the people around him, there should be room for these people to practice and compete.

Chen Ping'an stared at the white ball and studied it, and beside him, the Chaos Pearl spirit body also stared at the white hexagonal sphere after returning to his senses.

There was longing in her eyes.

"It's in there!" She finally couldn't help but approach Chen Ping'an's ear and said.

Chen Pingan narrowed his eyes: "What's in it?"

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "My origin! And I can feel it, it should be big! No, very big! Bigger than you!!"

Chen Pingan: "????"

The Chaos Orb Spirit Body realized that something was wrong with what he said, and added: "It's bigger than your size!"

Chen Pingan: "..."

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an frowned even more deeply.

This place is so weird.

full of unknowns.

Right now, too many questions popped up in his mind.

Why did he feel familiar here.

Why are there so many people who are considered strong in the Hongmeng world?

Also, why does the Chaos Orb Spirit Body also feel that the great origin is here.

Just when Chen Pingan was confused.

At this moment, a person suddenly flashed above their heads.

As soon as this person appeared, the entire square instantly fell silent.

Everyone stopped talking, stopped whispering, and saluted the people looking at the sky.

As if this man was their spiritual leader.

Or their creators in general.

Chen Ping'an also cast his gaze on this man.

This is a man who looks very young, about the same age as him, dressed in a white robe and has a handsome demeanor.

And the cultivation base on this man is very majestic.

Chen Pingan could see the specific cultivation of this person at a glance.

"It can be compared to Wuji Zunzu and Wanfa Zunzu."

Chen Pingan muttered to himself.

Unexpectedly, there is such a strong man hidden in this place!

"Meet the ancestors!"

At this time, after the square was quiet for a while, a uniform shout followed.

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