When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 930: Just stand for a while, he'll cooperate then

After Chen Ping'an's body spread the news, he didn't say anything, and asked Lan Yuan Zunzu to contact Wujie Zunzu himself.

Afterwards, he stopped his work first, and separated another avatar from the lord realm, and let the avatar take the messenger treasure that contacted Lan Yuanzunzu to catch up with the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and give the messenger treasure to the others. them.

After all, his main body can't always be distracted and help here, and now the initial creation does not require too much strength, and then a short-term avatar of the lord's initial stage, holding the messenger baby over there is nothing.

And this journey will only take one or two hours, and when it arrives, the clone can be destroyed, and then his body strength will return to what it was just now.

After the clone appeared, he took the messenger baby out of the space where the time flow was extremely fast, and then began to fly in the direction of the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

at the same time.

After receiving the message from Chen Ping'an, Lan Yuan Zunzu did not delay, and decisively took out the treasure of the message to contact Wujie Zunzu, and contacted Wujie Zunzu.

He forgot how long he hadn't contacted Wujie Zunzu.

In a far away place, Wu Xie Zunzu is staying with Wanfa Zunzu at the moment. They have now formed an alliance and have been discussing how to please Chen Ping'an.

At this moment, Zunzu Wujie squinted his eyes after discovering that Zunzu Lan Yuan had sent him a letter.

Ancestor Wanfa asked, "Who?"

Wujie Zunzu didn't hide it, and said, "Lan Yuanzunzu."

Hearing this name, the corner of Wanfa Zunzu's mouth twitched.

Before the Invincible Zunzu came out of the Chaos Pearl, the name really couldn't cause much turbulence in their hearts. In the eyes of the two of them, Lanyuan Zunzu was just one of the more mediocre ancestors.


Now Zunzu Lan Yuan has become the eldest brother among these ancestors.

For nothing else, just because Lan Yuan Zunzu is highly valued by the Invincible Zunzu!

A big red man under the hands of a proper boss!

Thinking of what Lan Yuan Zunzu did in the hall not long ago, Wanfa Zunzu felt very uncomfortable.

All the limelight was snatched by Lan Yuan Zunzu, and Lan Yuan Zunzu left for a while with Wudi Zunzu at that time. They didn't know what they were doing at first, but now they have probably analyzed it.

It must be the invincible ancestor who told his identity to the ancestor Lan Yuan, and showed his strength in front of the ancestor Lan Yuan!

After all, Zunzu Lan Yuan is not a fool. He must have seen the true strength of Zunwu Wudi's horror, and then decided that Zun Wudi is a big man in the world of Hongmeng!

And Lan Yuan Zun Zu has this kind of treatment, and it also shows how much Invincible Zun Ancestor values ​​Lan Yuan Zun Zu.

At this moment, Wujie Zunzu didn't dare to shake his face to Lan Yuanzunzu, and he was quickly connected to the messenger treasure.

"Zunzu Lan Yuan, I don't know what to do with me?" Wujie Zunzu tried to squeeze a smile on his face.

Lan Yuanzun said: "Invincible Zunzu sent me a letter just now, and let me ask you to let the world master of the eternal world cooperate with the two people in front of him now!"

Hearing these somewhat tongue-in-cheek words, Wujie Zunzu blinked.

But he also understood.

The Eternal Realm is his territory. Could it be that the realm of the Eternal Realm offended the people under the Invincible Ancestor? !

This! ! !

Wujie Zunzu quickly understood this and said quickly: "Okay! I'll do it now!"

After finishing speaking, Wujie Zunzu didn't directly disconnect Lan Yuanzunzu's connection. He quickly turned his head and thought about which lord of the Eternal World is under the jurisdiction of his own.

He quickly thought of it, quickly took out a piece of messenger treasure, and connected it.

"Zun Zu, is there anything you want to instruct the little one?" Chuanxin baby came out with a laughing voice.

Wujie Zunzu said solemnly: "Hurry up and let the world master of the ancient world cooperate with the two people in front of him! No matter what the other party asks him to do, he must agree! If he dares to offend the two people in front of him, you will all die for me! !"

The lord's subordinates shuddered when they heard this, and stayed where they were, but nodded quickly, and hurriedly took out the treasured messenger that contacted the world lord of the ancient world.

After instructing the matter, Wu Xie Zunzu frowned.

He never thought that when he was thinking about how to please Wudi Zunzu, he almost lost his home.

There is a very important message in the sentence "Let the world master of the eternal world cooperate with the two people in front of him", which is very unfriendly to Wujie Zunzu.

That is one of the world masters under his hands who did not cooperate with the invincible ancestors!

Wanfa Zunzu looked at Wujie Zunzu's worried look and comforted: "It should be fine..."

Wujie Zunzu smiled bitterly, still worried.


Eternal world.

In the Boundary Lord's mansion.

After Chen Ping'an finished transmitting the news to Ontology, he stood still.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body looked at Chen Ping'an and said, "What's the next step? It's directly out..."

When it came to the words, she did not continue, but the meaning was already obvious, and asked Chen Ping'an if he directly used force to suppress it.

The World Lord of the Eternal Realm watched Chen Ping'an and the two remain motionless under his threat, and the Chaos Pearl spirit body said this at the moment, and his face became gloomy.

This is to start!

Damn it!

What the **** happened to these two people, Wujie Zunzu's name is so big, it didn't scare them? !

Could it be that they are the subordinates of the Ancestor Wanfa? !

Chen Pingan glanced at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and said, "Just stand for a while, he will cooperate."

When Chen Ping'an said this, he didn't care whether the world master in front of him heard it or not, and said it directly.

After listening to the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, he probably thought of what Chen Pingan meant.

And the world master was a little stunned when he heard Chen Ping'an's words.

Stand for a while and I'll cooperate?

What do you think!

It's just that, just after he thought about it, the next moment, he found that the message baby that his boss had given him vibrated.

His eyes brightened.

"Boss! Come to the Eternal Realm, I have two here..." It was just that the realm lord had not finished speaking. The next moment, a head-scratching voice broke out from the messenger baby.

"What are you doing now!! Hurry up and kneel down to the two people in front of you! I tell you! Don't offend the two masters in front of you! If I offend you, I'll die!! Wujie Zunzu said, quickly cooperate with the two in front of you, You must cooperate, you do what they say, let you eat shit, don't drink your motherfucker, don't mix **** in your urine if you want to drink it!!!"

An extremely fast roar suddenly came from the messenger baby, it sounded like rap.

The Eternal World Boundary Master was shocked by the roar, and he almost couldn't hold the messenger treasure in his hand.

He stood there stupidly.

I wonder if I'm out of my mind.

how so! !

Wujie Zunzu asked him to cooperate with the two in front of him? !

What happened here, how alarmed Wujie Zunzu! ! !

Chen Ping'an didn't waste any time. Looking at the sluggish Eternal World Boundary Master, he calmly said, "Okay, boy, take us to get that thing."

The attitude of this world master is not bad, but he didn't say anything disgusting, and they are indeed robbing things from others.

The world lord in front of him listened to Chen Ping'an's words, and immediately shook his head, then nodded quickly, and said tremblingly: "Okay...Okay..."

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