When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 917: Versailles

Chen Pingan looked at these people like this, and started the second step.

Give them their only hope!

Chen Pingan looked down and looked at the people below.

"The ancient beasts are powerful, but we humans have something that they don't have, and that is faith!"

As soon as these words were over, the atmosphere around them began to feel wrong.

No way!

Relying on faith to cope with the crushing of such strength? !

They wondered if they had heard it wrong.

For a while, everyone's eyes began to dim again.

Chen Ping'an said: "One year is very short, but think about it, our human race is a race that creates miracles. If we have a firm belief in living, and spend a year working hard to improve, can we create miracles?"

Hearing this, everyone stared at Chen Ping'an again, not knowing what to say for a while.

What can change in a year? !

In the eyes of those who are already too old to count, a year is really too short, and it is as short as the blink of an eye.

Now let them improve for a year, and then make up the gap between the human race and the ancient beast family, it is completely impossible!

Faith is such a thing, no matter how big it is.

And Chen Ping'an knew that these people would be like this, so he brought a kitchen knife.

The hall was bustling again here, and they decided that they were going to die.

Until Chen Ping'an said in a deep voice, everyone fell silent again.

A group of people looked at Chen Ping'an again.

Chen Ping'an looked at them indifferently, and mocked ruthlessly: "Do you know why you are like ants in my eyes? That's because you are ants."

Hearing this, everyone felt unhappy again, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Chen Ping'an pointed to the kitchen knife beside him, and said, "Guess what level of strength my weapon was a year ago?"

Everyone followed what Chen Pingan pointed and looked at the kitchen knife.

The kitchen knife suddenly became the object of everyone's attention, and couldn't help but startled.

To be honest, the kitchen knife has never seen such a big battle. When these ancestors and top lords all poured into the hall just now, he frowned.

Because he found that almost all the people who came here had higher cultivation than him, and he didn't know the specific strength, but when he looked at the cultivation of these people, he was still a little hairy.

But after watching his master look at these people like ants, he gradually regained his confidence, and he also believed that one day he would be able to make everyone here look up, so he gradually raised his head and straightened his back.

Now, under the gaze of everyone, he took a deep breath, still standing on the ground.

He knew that he was brought by the master, there must be something for him to do, and now should be the time to need him.

Everyone looked at the kitchen knife.

Not long after they came in, they had already seen the kitchen knife and analyzed the situation of the kitchen knife.

The cultivation base displayed by the kitchen knife is the early stage of the lord realm. In their eyes, this strength is really nothing, because the strength of those who can come here is almost no lower than that of the lord realm, and the average cultivation base is even more powerful than the top lord.

Now listening to Chen Ping'an's words, they all began to guess the strength of the kitchen knife a year ago.

They think that the kitchen knife must have improved a lot within a year, so they all think about it in a relatively large range.

"The middle stage of the world master?" After thinking about it, the ancestor of Wanfa Zun was the first to speak.

Wu Xie Zunzu said: "I think it should be in the late stage of the world master or the late stage."

It is very terrifying to be able to improve one realm in a year. If the people present can improve one realm within a year, then there will be hundreds of thousands of people in their Hongmeng realm.

Even if these ancestors and people of rank may need more than a dozen to compare with these old ancestors, it should be somewhat resistant to the invasion of ancient beasts.

So he used the causal relationship to analyze the approximate cultivation of the kitchen knife a year ago.

Ancestor Lan Yuan did not speak, because he had some understanding of kitchen knives from his subordinate Lan Pao.

Not long before the invincible Zunzu came out of the Chaos Pearl, the kitchen knife was weaker than the blue robe, only the level of the world master, but now the blue robe is completely unable to resist the blow of the kitchen knife!

In other words, the specific strength of the kitchen knife has reached the middle or late stage of the lord!

It has only been a long time before the World Lord has reached the level of lord-level strength, and there is a big realm!

After thinking about it based on what he knew, a rough guess began to appear in his mind.

But this guess is too scary.

It's not something that the guts can think of.

Title limit! ! !

Within a year, from the title realm to the lord realm! !

Realm Two big realms! ! !

The other Zunzu followed Wanfa Zunzu's words and started guessing, but their guesses were all in the weaker direction.

For example, the peak of the world master.

Or it is also the early stage of the lord or something.

Chen Ping'an listened to these people's words, but did not respond.

Until a word sounded, he turned his eyes away.

Ancestor Lan Yuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, took a deep breath, and said, "Title realm?"

The volume of these words is really not too loud, just like normal people talking, plus many people in this hall are talking now, and this hall is also big, normally no one will hear it, or pay too much attention to it. of.

But as soon as he said these words, in an instant, the entire hall could be smelled of falling needles.

brush brush...  

Everyone's eyes shifted quickly, all staring at the ancestors of Lan Yuan.

Even Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu were the same, when they heard this, they looked at Lan Yuan Zunzu at a very fast speed.

They felt that Lan Yuan Zunzu was simply confused.

Isn't that making people laugh?

How is this possible!

Lan Yuanzun didn't feel anything when he was stared at by a group of people. He just stared at Chen Ping'an, waiting for Chen Ping'an's reply.

Chen Ping'an looked at Lan Yuanzun's ancestor, and the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up.

"You are a little clever, yes, you guessed it right in the audience."

As soon as these words were over, the hall was so silent that it was as if a hair had fallen.

Everyone's heart stopped beating.

title! ! !

One year promotion to the lord realm! ! !

This! ! !

At this moment, whether these people believe it or not, when they heard this, their minds were already shut down.

And the kitchen knife looked at this group of people like this, and his eyes rolled around.

"Is this increase in speed amazing?"

He himself felt a little confused.

Because of the utensils in their yard, the speed of improvement is very close to this.

If the idea of ​​the kitchen knife is said on the spot, I am afraid that the expressions of a group of people will be ten thousand times more exciting...

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