When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 911: bigger here

"That's all I have to say. The things after Invincible Gate will be left to you."

Chen Ping'an stood up. He didn't want to take care of the rest of the things too much, and he couldn't take care of that much. He still had a lot of things to do.

But tomorrow, he will still introduce Lan Yuan Zunzu to Murong Palace and the others, and let Lan Yuan Zunzu cooperate with Murong Palace and the others to govern some areas in the Hongmeng Realm.

Among the many ancestors, he felt that Lan Yuanzun was the person who knew the most current affairs, and when some ancestors were yin him, Lan Yuanzun was not as hardworking as other ancestors. It should be seen that other ancestors participated in it. , it is not good to not participate.

"Okay, let's discuss how to develop your power! Come here tomorrow at noon, and I'll introduce you to someone!"

After speaking, Chen Pingan left under the attention of everyone.

Murong Palace and the others handed in hand, and it wasn't until Chen Ping'an disappeared for a while that the main hall began to be bustling.

Murong Gong was the first to speak, interrupting everyone: "Everyone, be quiet first, I have something to say."

The hall soon quieted down.

Murong Gong looked at the crowd, and first bowed towards them, showing very modesty: "Everyone, in terms of strength, you are all stronger than me, I am a little disrespectful to this sect master! But seniors If you trust me so much, I have to help the seniors to do things well! I hope everyone will help me to grow invincible in the future! Also, don't take me as a character in the future, we are still friends, or brothers! If you don't dislike it, You can continue to call me Lao Gong!"

Everyone laughed when they heard Murong Gong's words.

Dai Pudong said: "Lao Gong, don't be humble, you will be our sect master in the future! If you need me, just say it, I will definitely handle it!"

Others also smiled and replied, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

For them, there is no jealousy, because everyone's relationship is very good, and they are like brothers when they get along more.

They are all familiar with drinking, chatting, spanking, etc. They even know who many people here secretly like.

Murong Gong smiled and said, "Well, let's talk about the future development policy first. For example, if we want to grow our power, we must recruit people."

Zhen Dan Teng said: "I have a proposal for this! We can set up a training academy!"

Deng Guiqi agreed: "Yes, we can train talents, and the training place can be in the Chaos Orb! Of course, if we recruit people, the priority is to choose from the Chaos Orb, and then we can also recruit people from the Hongmeng Realm!"


Everyone started to express their opinions.

The hall started to get lively here.

Throughout history, the growth of a powerful organization has often been developed by a small group of people.


Chen Pingan returned to the yard and directly released the lord-level person who was still trapped in the space cage.

"Okay, you can all go." Chen Ping'an waved towards the sky and pulled the gate leading to the Chaos Pearl to the sky above the yard.

When these lord-level people saw that they finally got out of the space cage, they couldn't react for a while.

However, they quickly returned to their senses, and they all quickly surrendered to Chen Ping'an.

"Thank you senior!"

With that said, they all prepared to leave.

Before leaving, these people looked at the tools they had been "tortured" to train with them these days, and nodded to them before they came out of the Chaos Pearl.

Not to mention, although they have been abused all the time, their strength has also improved, and it has improved very quickly...

How should I put it, gradually, they also thought it was pretty good.

"Everyone, goodbye by fate." The hoes nodded to them as they watched these people leave.

When the middle-aged blue robe was leaving, he first walked up to the kitchen knife and said seriously, "Chopper, it's nice to meet you."

Among the trapped lord-level people, his strength has improved the fastest, especially in terms of fighting ability, he now suspects that he can resist the attacks of several people of the same strength...

After getting along these days, he felt that the kitchen knife was really good, and gradually he had the idea of ​​making a deep friendship with the kitchen knife, so he resolutely found the kitchen knife before leaving.

The kitchen knife is also very friendly to the middle-aged blue robe. He is also strange. After persuading the middle-aged blue robe to work hard to survive, he also has some feelings for the middle-aged blue robe.

The kitchen knife nodded and smiled: "Thank you for your sparring these days."

The middle-aged Lanpao shook his head and smiled, and finally said: "By the way, let's get to know you again. My surname is Lan, and my name is Pao."

The kitchen knife remembered the name and said, "I don't mind having a drink with you when we meet in the future."

Lan Pao nodded, then turned to leave, and walked into the gate.

After the people left, Chen Ping'an took the gate away, then looked at the utensils in the yard and said, "If you want to go to the Hongmeng Realm, you can also play, but you must pay attention to safety."

From today onwards, Chen Pingan plans to stock kitchen knives with them.

Let them go to the Hongmeng Realm. After all, there are still many strong people in the Hongmeng Realm. If they want to improve their strength, it is best to fight with the strong.

After listening to the kitchen knife and other utensils, they nodded, and then began to discuss when to go out to play.

Chen Pingan returned to the yard, found Su Ling, and took him into the room.

"Little Ling'er, let her come out." Chen Pingan said.

Su Ling nodded, and after closing her eyes for a while, her temperament changed.

Chen Pingan said: "How about it, what kind of body you want, I will create it for you."

The Chaos Pearl spirit body waved with one hand. At this moment, a light and shadow body appeared in front of Chen Ping'an, like a three-dimensional painting.

This is a woman's body.

It just made Chen Pingan couldn't help but want to complain that there was no skin on this woman's body that was covered by something...

Chen Pingan covered his eyes and said, "Can't you put some clothes on for her?"

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body doesn't matter: "Anyway, you will see it when you create it."

Chen Ping'an was speechless for a while, and could only wave one hand to make a mosaic on the light and shadow body.

This is pleasing to the eye.

"I didn't expect you to ask for so much..." Each part of the light and shadow body suspended in the air is marked with fonts, such as the head, what treasures are needed to form, what treasures are needed for the limbs, what are the eyes, etc., All marked in great detail.

Moreover, the body curve of this body, how can I say it, it can be compared to his daughter-in-law!

The requirements are so sloppy.

"Can it be created?" Chaos Pearl Spirit Body asked.

Chen Pingan gave her a good gesture, then disappeared directly in place, appeared outside the Hongmeng Realm, began to deduce the location of the items they needed, and then quickly went to find them.

In just an hour, he returned to the courtyard.

Start creating the body.

After an hour, the body was also created, and he dressed the body.

"Okay, you can use some source, plus my help, to separate consciousness independently." Chen Pingan said.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body ignored Chen Ping'an at this time, but looked at the blank-eyed, standing body, then pointed to a place, and ordered, "It's bigger here."

Chen Ping'an looked at the place where the Chaos Pearl spirit body was pointing, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

You guys are asking too much!

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