When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 905: Rule the Hongmeng Realm

At this moment there is no sound around, everything is so quiet.

Qingzi Ancient Beast was dumbfounded.

The people staring here in the distance are staring, not knowing what happened.

Regarding his understanding of the Zhu Zun formation, Chen Ping'an can pat his chest and say the last sentence, everyone here is garbage.

He has already thoroughly explored the Zun Zun formation. If he follows the normal formation, he can only kill Zun Ancestor-level powerhouses in the formation.

But the formation method after his improvement was different.

Can attack and defend!

Moreover, when attacking, you can attack people inside and people outside like a normal Zun Zun Formation!

And once the formation has the effect of attacking the outside, the enemy often thinks that the inside of the formation is the safe place.

Therefore, he began to combine his own abilities to study a set of really powerful means.

His means are not only formations, but also plans!

Only in this way can the power of the formation be brought into full play!

Just when the formation attacked the Qingzi ancient beast and blasted the Qingzi ancient beast into the distance, everyone's eyes were focused on the Qingzi ancient beast, and the Qingzi ancient beast had no time to pay attention to him. It separated a body and hid into the void.

Let another body approach the Qingzi ancient beast!

And use the array method!

Of course, he also has the element of gambling. If the ancient Qingzi beast sees him approaching and throws a tumor and runs away, he can't do anything about it. With the speed of the ancient Qingzi beast, he really can't catch up.

Seeing the Qingzi ancient beast standing there waiting for him to approach, he was sure at that time that his plan was successful.

Sure enough, as he planned, at the moment when the formation was implemented, the ancient Qingzi beast plunged into the formation!

The formation has changed under his control, becoming a normal Zhuzun formation.

This is the so-called self-inflicted snare.

Qingzi ancient beast listened to Chen Ping'an's words, looked at Chen Ping'an standing outside the formation, and felt the strong sense of crisis brought to him by the formation, his throat rolled and made a huge swallowing sound.

He now understands that he has been tricked! !

But he never thought that this Zun Zun formation was so strange!

He is very clear about the role of the Zun Zun Formation, but the effect of the external attack just now really made him temporarily think that this formation is not the Zun Zun Formation. Moreover, he saw that Chen Ping'an was in the formation, thinking that he had entered. , Chen Ping'an can't start the formation!

After all, he himself is in the formation, and if it is activated, it will die together.

And because of such a small place in the formation, even if Chen Ping'an was going to perish together, he still had 90% confidence that before Chen Ping'an was to perish together, he first killed Chen Ping'an, the formation man, and stopped the formation.

But he never imagined that this guy is so sinister, and the people inside are fake! ! !

In the distance, the ancestors of Wanfa and Wujie looked at the situation on the side of the Zhuzun formation, and a huge fear was born in their hearts, which made their bodies tremble to the extreme.

What kind of existence did they offend before!

They feel that they have indeed escaped now, but how long can they escape? !

Not to mention the strength of this guy, and he is so insidious, what awaits them in the future is still death! !

The faces of the two were ashen, and they were full of despair about their future.

Sure enough, that sentence is true, some people escaped, but not completely...

Qingzi Ancient Beast looked at the terrifying power condensed on the formation, he knew that his current situation was impossible to resist the next blow, so he could only roar tragically: "Great Emperor Ping An! You wait for me! Yours I have figured out your strength! Although I am planted in your hands today, you will not be arrogant for long! After I use my ability to regenerate, I will tell you about your situation to the other nine initial ancient beasts with the same strength as me. At that time, It's your time of death!!"

Hearing the roar of the ancient Qingzi beast, Chen Ping'an's brows instantly knitted together.

Good guy, there are nine ancient beasts as strong as this guy? !

Chen Ping'an lost the joy of victory in an instant, and his heart sank to the bottom.

But looking at Qingzi ancient beast's frantic grin before he died, he was finally relieved.

He didn't know what happened or why the ancient beast hated him so much, but he always behaved in the same way.

"Come on then! Come one, I'll kill one, come nine, and I'll kill nine!" Chen Ping'an's tone was indifferent, his voice was not loud, but he was saying a sonorous oath.

Qingzi Ancient Beast listened to these words and looked at Chen Ping'an's expression at this time. It was as if he had returned to a long time ago, and a picture appeared in his mind.

Back then, when their ten ancient beasts were trampled under their feet, this guy also had the same expression and tone!

"Do you think you are still at your peak! Emperor Ping An, the human race will eventually be ruled by our ancient beasts again!!!"

The Qingzi ancient beast roared, this was his last madness at the moment of incompetence.

Chen Ping'an said indifferently: "The last words are finished, then... you can die!"

Chen Pingan made a seal with one hand, and the next moment, the terrifying power condensed on the formation, violently rioted, and slammed down the ancient Qingzi beast in the formation!

A painful roar sounded in the formation, but it was finally covered by the earth-shattering roar.

After one blow, the array light screen dissipated and went away with the wind.

The Zun Zun Formation is very strong, but it can only be used twice. After two times, the energy consumption of the array items will be used up.

The dust settled, and the ancient Qingzi beast in the formation was completely indifferent and lifeless.

Confirming that the Qingzi ancient beast was no longer a threat, Chen Pingan exhaled.

It was the first time he had encountered such a formidable opponent!

However, in the end, he still used his own means to kill!

At this time, he turned to look in the other direction.

He can be sure that the other ancestors haven't gone far now, and they must be hiding in the void far away to watch this side secretly.

Even the ancestors of Wanfa and Wujie may not have left.

He looked at the void in front of him and spoke in a deep voice.

"Those who are hiding, remember to me, from today, I, the invincible ancestor, the king returns! Also from this moment, the Hongmeng world will be ruled by me! Those who cooperate with me, I will live for them, those who do not cooperate with me will live for them. People, all have to die! Tomorrow at noon, in the center of Hongmeng Realm, those who agree to my rule will come to me obediently, and the rest of the people who do not come will be at their own risk!"

At this moment, Chen Pingan decided to unify the Hongmeng world!

He didn't have such an idea not long ago, he just wanted to return to the Hongmeng Realm and get back what belonged to him.

But now he has changed his mind.

Especially after the battle with Qingzi Ancient Beast.

In the future, perhaps soon, the ancient beasts will be his opponents. He is not easy to deal with if he is alone. He must make good use of the people of Hongmeng Realm.

When the ancestors in the distance heard this, they all fell silent, and their bodies were still trembling.

They know that from this moment on, they have lost their previous status.

Chen Ping'an began to clean up the battlefield, and looked at the corpse of the ancient Qingzi beast and the corpse of the ancient ancestor.

When looking at the corpse of the ancient ancestor, he glanced at ten items on the ground.

"Hey! The items that are needed for the formation of the Zun Zun formation?! And the energy in these items has not been exhausted!"

Chen Ping'an's eyes brightened, as if he had found some treasure.

You know, Zun Zun Formation has another purpose!

He looked at the corpses of Qingzi Ancient Beast and Desolate Ancient Zunzu, with a wicked smile on his face.

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