When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 903: Is he committing suicide?

"Emperor Ping An, many years have passed, and I will wash away all the humiliation of the past today!" The ancient Qingzi beast shouted arrogantly.

Chen Ping'an faced the Qingzi ancient beast directly. At this time, he really didn't have the heart and energy to deal with the two ancestors, and his brows were wrinkled.

What does this mean?

I insulted you? ? !

I don't even know who you are.

The ancient beast in front of him is very strong, and standing there gives people a very strong coercion. The cultivation aura around him is extremely frightening. This aura is much stronger than his. This is the first time he has seen such a powerful ancient beast. At this moment, he could only concentrate fully, and his spirit was tense.

Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu watched this scene, and they were all covered in blood for a while.

At this moment, their hearts were more complicated than Chen Ping'an.

This ancient beast is too strong, and the aura of the cultivation base is something they have never seen before. Standing there makes them have no idea of ​​resistance, but this ancient beast actually said just now that he wants to find Chen Ping'an to wash away the previous shame? !

Chen Ping'an was so terrifying in the past that even this kind of existence can be humiliated? !

Seeing that Chen Ping'an didn't attack him again, Wanfa Zunzu didn't say a word, and fled quickly, dodged into the void, and fled far away.

Live for a while!

Chen Ping'an felt that the two people were going to escape. If there was no Qingzi ancient beast, he could leave them at will, but now the Qingzi ancient beast was standing in front of him, if he went to leave the two of them, he would be killed. Qingzi ancient beast attacked, it was not worth the loss.

"Give you a few more days to live!" Chen Ping'an didn't pay attention to the ancestors of Wanfa Zun and let them flee in confusion. At this moment, he stared at the ancient Qingzi beast, ready to deal with the ancient Qingzi beast first.

Qingzi Ancient Beast's situation is terrifying, and his cultivation is much higher than him, but he still has backhands, and he has not fought once, no one is sure who will be stronger!

"You know me?" Chen Pingan tried.

If the ancient beast Qingzi knew him, it means that his identity is really not simple.

Qingzi Ancient Beast's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Wait, this guy doesn't even know who he is? Could it be that after he set up the enchantment, even his memory disappeared?!"

If this is the case, he definitely picked up a lot of bargains on this trip!

Kill him now!

This is the craziest and most urgent thought in Qingzi Ancient Beast's heart.

So, he didn't bother to reply to Chen Ping'an's words, and immediately started rioting.

"Emperor Ping An! Eat my blow!!"

The Qingzi ancient beast roared loudly, raised its forelimbs and slammed towards Chen Ping'an.

When he lifted the huge forelimb, one of the forelimbs just blocked the refracted sunlight, and at the center of the forelimb, a pattern appeared, shining with terrifying power.

Chen Ping'an felt the power of this blow, and decisively divided his body into ten, and flashed in different directions.

This blow was taken very quickly, the speed reached the speed of lightning, and it fell with a bang. Only one of Chen Pingan's ten bodies could have escaped the blow.

All other bodies turned into powder and disappeared in the void.

When the Qingzi Ancient Beast took a picture, the void exploded directly, and a huge black hole appeared. Everything nearby was lost in it, and then the black hole was slowly repaired automatically.

A blow passed, and everyone saw the horror of this blow.

far away.

The people who were hiding in the void and watching this side were dumbfounded.

The rest of the ancestors gasped, apparently seeing such a terrifying blow for the first time.

"This! What's going on! When did the Hongmeng Realm have such a terrifying existence!!" An ancestor said dully.

"I have entered the Forbidden Realm of Hongmeng, but I have never seen such a terrifying ancient beast!!"

"It's terrifying! How can I feel that the world I'm in has become so unfamiliar?!"


Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu fled to a far away place, but after they were far away, they did not flee to a further place, but disappeared in a void and began to heal their wounds, and went to watch the situation on Chen Ping'an's side. .

They are now safe and hidden, and even if someone passes by, it is difficult to find them, so they dare to stop.

And now looking at the battle over there, they were also startled.

I feel like my worldview is broken.

But looking at Chen Ping'an being bombarded like that, his eyes were bright, and he wished Chen Ping'an died directly.

Chen Pingan's figure escaped from the Qingzi ancient beast by chance, but his face turned pale. He looked at the Qingzi ancient beast over there, and his eyes had become a gap.

Really strong! !

After the Qingzi ancient beast struck, it didn't stop. Seeing that Chen Ping'an still had a body, he knew that Chen Ping'an was not dead, so he moved his body and used all the strength of his body to rush towards it.

His whole body was covered with bone spurs, and each bone spur was shining with patterns, which contained terrifying power. When he slammed into the past, the void collapsed instantly, forming a very strong void turbulence.

Chen Ping'an looked at the Qingzi ancient beast rushing towards him. He didn't hide this time. He probably estimated the strength of the Qingzi ancient beast, which was much stronger than him. However, he might not have the strength to fight!

"Very good! I haven't met such a strong opponent for many years!"

Chen Ping'an's eyes flickered with faint rays of light, and the breath of his whole body began to work.

He even got a little excited!

At this time.

In his field of vision, the violent movements of Qingzi Ancient Beast slowed down.

He quickly searched for the weak points on the Qingzi Ancient Beast's body.

It's a pity that this guy has no weaknesses!

He can only break with strength! !

"Well, let's see who is stronger!!"

Chen Pingan clenched his fists with one hand, his lips moved twice, and a huge phantom instantly appeared behind him.

This virtual image is his shadow.

After the phantom appeared, Chen Ping'an didn't move either, but the phantom behind him moved by himself, raised one hand, and slammed towards the Qingzi ancient beast rushing across.

The power of this palm is also not small. The palm contains a mysterious grain ball. The grain ball is full of huge energy, like a bomb.

This palm slapped on the body of the Qingzi ancient beast rushing towards.

boom! !

A huge impact exploded in the center.

The sky and the earth suddenly darkened, the shocking power spread out, and the void shattered layer by layer.

The figure of Qingzi Ancient Beast stopped.

There doesn't appear to be any damage.

On the other hand, Chen Ping'an was different. After the two hits collided, he flew upside down and flew far away before stopping.

At this moment, he was still standing in the air, but blood was overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and he had suffered internal injuries.

The Qingzi ancient beast glanced at Chen Ping'an in the distance, and Lantern narrowed his eyes.

His blow was just a little bit of a bargain? !

"Fight!!" The Qingzi ancient beast resolutely pursued the victory and moved again. This time, he rammed towards Chen Ping'an again, but this time was different from the previous one. The speed of his ramming was obviously doubled. Moreover, the bone spurs on his body began to shine with purple lightning. After a while, his entire body turned into a purple lightning ball. Wherever he passed, the void collapsed, darkness enveloped, sparks with lightning.

This is his ultimate move, and after one move, he consumes a lot.

Chen Ping'an felt a strong sense of crisis, and now that he was injured, he no longer had any thoughts about the Qingzi ancient beast.

I can't beat myself.


He still has the means!

Seeing the Qingzi ancient beast coming, Chen Pingan suddenly snapped his fingers forward.

A crisp sound rippling around.

At this time.

A light screen suddenly appeared out of thin air.

envelope him in it.

"Zhu Zun Formation, open!"

As soon as Chen Ping'an's voice fell, the formation was formed, and the sound of the avenue sounded.

far away.

The ancestors, who had been watching the battle, looked at this scene and were directly stupid.

They should not be too familiar with that formation.


What's going on here? !

Invincible Zunzu set himself up with a Zun Zun formation? !

That's right, they swore that they were not mistaken, Chen Ping'an is at the center of the formation at this moment!

Does this mean that he knows he can't beat him and wants to commit suicide? ? ?

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