When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1401: dim sum arrived

After the second round of the anti-Mudian attack, Chen Pingan began to think about what the means under the anti-Mudian were.

Based on the opponent's thinking, he thought of several methods.

One of them is to bomb their invincible gate from the formation.

There is only one way to this method.

That is to let their invincible door people betray and bring things into their invincible door.

This is also the reason why he told Chen Yi not to let other people enter and exit the invincible door at will in a short time.

Unexpectedly, the pavilion master of Ju Tongge will come to him tonight.

After he knew about this, he was just suspicious at first, and out of safety, he talked to the other party outside the door.

At the same time, he also asked Liu Xi, who was still in Lingyuan City, to help him.

After he finished chatting with the pavilion master Ju Tongge, see if it is necessary to ask Liu Xi to help.

Unexpectedly, what Ju Tongge Pavilion Master talked about was just a trivial matter.

And the other party also wanted to deal with the court with the Lord of Shengxiaozhai in the Invincible Gate the next day.

Liu Xi was also bored. After learning that Chen Ping'an said that the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion may have defected and became an anti-Mudian, she also set off to the place Chen Ping'an said, and secretly watched the situation outside the invincible door.

Now that I heard Chen Ping'an's letter, I also secretly followed the pavilion master of Ju Tongge.

With her strength, it is easy to follow the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion.

And it is 100% sure that the pavilion master of Ju Tong pavilion cannot find her.

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion left the invincible door and began to contact the death emperor.

"Our sect master doesn't let people enter. It seems that he thought of that kind of situation. He was afraid that someone would sneak in and blow up the invincible door from the inside. But I managed to get in tomorrow." Ju Tongge sect master delivered a letter.

Now he is very nervous, because he did not complete the task arranged by the death emperor.

Now he is riding a tiger.

Even if he asked Chen Ping'an to say that he was threatened, it was useless.

Because he had the heart of betrayal, he also paid for the action.

There is no turning back.

The death emperor said solemnly: "Don't come to us, go back to your house now, and try to enter it tomorrow!"

Father Death is now afraid that someone will follow Ju Tongge Pavilion Master. If they meet, they will be caught.

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion could only agree and returned to Ju Tong Pavilion.

Liu Xi also went to Ju Tong Pavilion, and sneaked into Ju Tong Pavilion, and found that the master of Ju Tong Pavilion was sleeping directly, she frowned.

at dawn.

Chen Pingan called the master of Shengxingzhaizhai to the invincible gate.

He also called the pavilion master of Ju Tongge.

When the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion woke up, he heard the message and quickly contacted the death emperor.

When Father Death heard the good news, his eyes brightened.

"It looks like I was overthinking it last night! This kid has a guard against it. Maybe he sent someone to follow him last night, but he didn't find any problems, so he thought it was fine!"

The death emperor has a gesture of crushing Chen Ping'an in his ingenuity.

After learning that the invincible door owner was his enemy Chen Ping'an, he gritted his teeth overnight.

In his heart, he no longer regards the task given to him by the Hall Master of the Anti-Mu Hall as a task.

This is entirely a personal grudge between him and Chen Pingan!

No one wants Chen Pingan to die more than him!

"Be sure to find a place to put down the storage treasure after entering the formation, and after you put down the storage treasure, contact me! After you leave, contact me too!" Father Death instructed in a deep voice.

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion agreed and started flying to the invincible gate.

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion came to the gate of Wudimen again.

When seeing Chen Yi and Murong Fu, the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion became a little nervous.

Now he is afraid that these people will strictly search his body before he can enter.

But what surprised him was.

The two of them didn't even have the idea of ​​searching their body at all, so they put it in directly.

This made him overjoyed.

It looks like it's done this time!

After entering the invincible door, he looked around, determined that no one was there, and decisively threw a storage treasure towards a grass.

After throwing away the treasure, he did not contact the other party directly as instructed by the death emperor.

The fool only contacted at this time.

What if the death emperor is afraid that it will be too late, and he will directly detonate those treasures.

He wouldn't be dead.

So I'd better wait for him to go out and then contact him. At that time, it can be said that someone brought him in, just take out the messenger baby and get in touch.

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion quickly arrived at the welcoming hall.

At the moment when the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion entered the welcoming hall, a beautiful woman appeared in front of the grass.

With a wave of her hand, a storage treasure floated up and slowly flew in front of her.

Picking up the storage treasure, she closed her eyes and felt the contents inside.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

It's like a foodie seeing a delicious snack.

Good stuff!

Sure enough, someone really came to deliver food!

Chen Pingan suddenly found her last night and asked some questions.

Finally, he learned from Chen Ping'an that someone will bring her delicious food tomorrow, so it's enough to hide it in the places where you enter the door.

Did not expect it to be true!

Zhen Liubi shoved the storage treasure directly into her small cherry mouth, and she didn't see her chewing it, so she directly digested the storage treasure.

After eating, she looked satisfied, as if the little lady who had been holding back for centuries finally got what she wanted.

She jumped up and down to the welcoming hall, and as soon as he arrived at the welcoming hall, he heard waves of scolding from inside.

She glanced at Chen Ping'an, who was sitting on the main seat with interest, watching the master of Shengxiaozhaizhai and the master of Ju Tongge scolding each other, and gave him a look that he had accomplished something.

After Chen Pingan received this look, he nodded, and then looked at the pavilion master of Ju Tongge, his eyes became cold.

After a quarrel between the master of Shengxingzhai and the master of Ju Tongge, the result came out.

Holy need fast fast master wins.

Chen Ping'an looked at the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and said, "You are making trouble without reason."

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion smiled bitterly: "I realize my mistake, and I will definitely unite and love each other in the future."

Chen Ping'an nodded, then looked at the master of Shengxingzhai Zhaizhai, and said, "Go back first, I have something to talk to him about."

The master of Shengxingzhaizhai nodded. In fact, he really wanted to know what Chen Ping'an and the master of Ju Tongge were talking about.

The pavilion master of Ju Tongge frowned.

Suddenly a bad feeling came into my mind.

Chen Ping'an watched the Lord of Shengxiaozhai Zhai go away, and then looked at Zhen Liubi who was still sitting not far away, and said, "You said that it can absorb all objects with energy, can people do it?"

Zhen Liubi said: "It's definitely possible, but it should be disgusting, but I can try it."

When she said this, she pursed her lips, looking eager to try.

This doesn't look disgusting.

When the pavilion master of Ju Tongge heard this, he was dumbfounded.

At this time, Chen Ping'an looked at the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and said, "For the sake of what you have done for me, I will give you a chance and confess."

However, the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion showed a confused look and said, "Sect master, what did you say? Why don't I understand it!"

Chen Pingan said indifferently: "Tell me about you and the Anti-Mudian."

At this time, the pavilion master of Ju Tongge realized that Chen Ping'an had discovered the problem, but he still had a calm expression on his face.

"Since you found out, there's nothing you can do, but you don't dare to touch me. As soon as I send a letter out, you will all die! Because I have already entered the invincible door with explosives!"

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion quickly took out a piece of messenger treasure, looking like he was holding a detonator, threatening Chen Ping'an.

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