When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1388: Can you give me an autograph?

"It turned out to be the Chen family." Chen Pingan's understanding of the Chen family remained in the rumors.

And Chen Ji was the only person from the Chen family he knew.

Listening to Liu Xi, Chen Ji is one of the super geniuses of the Chen family, and it is even more likely that he will become a senior member of the Chen family in the future.

The Chen family is somewhat different from the Murong family.

The specific family location is the world next to Yiyuan Realm.

Also because they are adjacent to each other, the Chen family's scope of activities is often these two worlds.

"Miss Liu Xi, can you help me build a line, I'll see if there is a way to win this formation."

After Chen Ping'an knew that this formation could defend against the attacks of one hundred full-level Daoists, he wanted to take this formation as his own.

Arrays can be stacked.

This powerful formation is used on the outermost layer, and with other defensive formations, the defensive effect is so powerful that some young people are not interested in attacking them.

But now, he does not have the economic strength to buy this formation.

But it does not hinder his ambition to possess this formation.

The current situation of their Invincible Sect is no longer an emerging force, and has become a well-known top force.

The future is even more immeasurable.

He just wanted to see if there was a way to use it on credit at the Chen family.

It's really not good, he thinks it can be exchanged for something.

Such as the origin of the road.

Or directly use some of the benefits in that business in exchange.

He now occupies 50% of the business, and can use 10% to discuss cooperation with them, and this law is the stepping stone for them to talk about cooperation.

Liu Xi said: "This is no problem, I can ask Chen Ji to tell the people of their family that you have something to talk to them about."

As the head of Chen Ping'an's invincible sect, there is no problem with the threshold to meet the high-level leaders of such a big power.

Chen Pingan quickly thanked Liu Xi.

Liu Xi smiled and said, "Young Master Chen is very polite, by the way, in the future, Young Master Chen can stop calling me Miss Liu Xi, this is more common, you can call me Liu Xi, or Xiao Xi, and Xixi too. Can."

Chen Ping'an hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Then I'll call you Xiaoxi."

Calling Liu Xi seemed to be related, and Xixi seemed too intimate. If this was heard by his wife, he would not be able to dismantle it.

So taking the middle name is the most appropriate.

After talking about the matter, the two also cut off the message.

Chen Pingan was waiting for news from Liu Xi.

Liu Xi also quickly sent news to Chen Ping'an, saying that it had been discussed.

At night, the elders of the Chen family will go to Lingyuan City, and they can discuss the formation at that time.

Chen Ping'an nodded, and then sent a letter to the city owner, asking where is the best place to pick up guests in Lingyuan City.

When people arrive at night, they can't have a cup of tea and talk about business and let others go.

No matter what, you have to be entertained.

The status of the Chen family elder is still very noble.

And Chen Ping'an also began to make up the other party's situation in his mind.

Should be a sly old man.

The city owner suggested a place for Chen Ping'an, and after knowing the specific situation, he was willing to help Chen Ping'an make arrangements.

Night comes.

Father and son Chen Ping'an and Shuai Zai sat in a box ahead of time.

The place where they are located is in Lingyuan City, which is the favorite place for those who can't get rid of the appetite, Shengxianlou.

This Shengxian Building was created by a major force, and almost every city has one.

Chen Pingan felt that this Shengxian Building was also created by a creator god.

Before Liu Xi and the others arrived, Chen Ping'an ordered a lot of dishes, and had Shengxian Lou prepare them.

At the appointed time, three people suddenly flashed out of the door.

Chen Pingan knew that the other party was coming, stood up, and stepped forward to greet him.

Three people outside the door came into his field of vision.

It's just that he didn't see the person he imagined in his head.

There were two of these three whom he had met many times, and it was Liu Xi and Chen Ji.

The other person is a woman.

This woman is not very strong, of course, this is also compared with Chen Ji Liuxi.

This woman looks very young, about the same age as Chen Pingan's sister-in-law.

Strangely, this woman's figure is also on par with his sister-in-law.

It is the kind of innocent, bright and lovely style, and it is also tied with double ponytails.

It's cute to laugh.

And her strength is to have ten full-level avenues.

"Is it the elder of the Chen family who hasn't come yet? And this woman is the daughter or granddaughter of the elder?" Chen Pingan thought secretly.

Seeing Chen Ping'an, Liu Xi smiled and said, "Young Master Chen, have you waited for a long time?"

Chen Ping'an shook his head and smiled: "No, we just came here not long ago."

Saying that, Chen Ping'an looked at Chen Ji, smiled and nodded, as a greeting.

Chen Ji also nodded towards Chen Ping'an, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Chen Ping'an with the same eyes as last time, which still made Chen Ping'an a little uncomfortable.

Chen Ping'an looked at Liu Xi and asked, "Xiao Xi, who is this?"

Liu Xi covered her mouth and smiled: "This is the elder of the Chen family that I told you, Chen Anni."

She had expected that Chen Ping'an would not be able to think of the other party's identity.

She had never met the elder Chen family before, nor did she expect the elder Chen family to be a lovely girl younger than her.

After she learned about it later, she realized that Chen Anni was the granddaughter of the Chen family's **** of creation.

And the God of Creation loved this granddaughter very much, so he directly made her the elder of the Chen family.

Chen Ping'an was stunned for a while, then looked at Chen Anni with a smile, and said with a wry smile: "Elder, hello, hello."

After Chen Anni came in, her eyes scanned around, as if she was looking for something.

She glanced at the situation in the box and glanced at Chen Ping'an, but she felt that Chen Ping'an looked too ordinary, so she continued to look at Shuai Zai and the two.

She had seen the city lord, but not Shuai Zai, so she wondered if Shuai Zai was the invincible door sect master.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an took the initiative to greet her. She was not quite sure whether Chen Ping'an was the invincible door owner. After all, Chen Ping'an's situation was completely inconsistent with the invincible door owner, so she looked at Liu Xi first.

Liu Xi also knew what she was thinking, nodded and introduced to her, "This is the invincible sect master."

Only then did Annie Chen stare at Chen Ping'an seriously, as if she wanted to find something special from Chen Ping'an's mediocre appearance.

it is a pity.

She failed.

"Are you the invincible sect master? Chen...Bless?" Chen Anni asked with a frown.

When she mentioned the name of Chen Huyou, she looked indescribable.

How could anyone have the same name as her grandfather!

Simply poisonous.

She never thought about the possibility that Chen Ping'an deliberately used her grandfather's name to take advantage of her.

Because there are very few people who can know her grandfather's real name, and who would dare to take advantage of it?

The same name should be purely coincidental.

Chen Ping'an nodded: "Yes, my pseudonym is Wu Resign, but my real name is Chen Huyou. Although I'm not from your Chen family, I have a fate with the same surname."

Annie Chen nodded.

Chen Pingan asked Liu Xi and the three to take their seats.

Since this girl is the elder of the Chen family, the probability of him winning the formation during this trip is even greater.

It's definitely easier than those old foxes to talk business with someone who doesn't seem to be very old.

Liu Xi and the three sat down, and then Chen Anni said immediately, "Clan Master Chen, before we get down to business, I have a question for you, are these poems written by you?"

She didn't talk to Chen Ping'an about business affairs. Instead, she took out a piece of paper that was not easy to see at first glance. On it was written a few poems, and the words were very beautiful.

Chen Pingan glanced at him and nodded with a smile.

Acknowledged by Chen Ping'an, Chen Anni smiled and said, "Then can you sign my name?"

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