When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1385: Was trapped by the Chaos Orb Spirit Body

Chen Pingan pondered on the spot.

There was no need for Liu Xi to lie to him. Most likely, it was because he was special that he became what he is now. It only took a little time to condense a bowl of creation mother liquid.

With the strength of the God of Creation, it is almost impossible for emotions to rise and fall, and it is difficult to extract sadness, so Liu Xi will unconsciously talk more about the time.

And after extracting sadness, the steps of condensing may take a lot of time.

Liu Xi said that his daughter-in-law would probably take a hundred years. Apart from the time to refine the sorrow, to reason with the basic time Liu Xi said, the refining time would probably take fifty years to go up.

Now that he has done it in a few hours, the gap is a bit huge.

The difference between him and other people who have the Avenue of Creation is that some of the avenues have been plated with gold edges.

The incoming Genesis Avenue energy is somewhat different.

So the reason for this situation is that his energy of the Great Way of Creation is different.

"It takes a few hours to complete the work that others may need for more than fifty years. My avenue of creation after the mutation seems to be far from being as simple as I thought."

Chen Pingan touched his chin.

In the past, he felt that he was just a little bit different than the normal owner of the Creation Avenue.

Now it seems that things are not as simple as he thought.

"If I wait until I reach the full level of the Dao of Creation and reach the level of the God of Creation, and all the Dao patterns are plated with gold edges, so that the entire Dao of Creation mark also becomes a pattern with gold edges, then will I be better than other creators? World God is much stronger?"

He didn't dare to think about it, and it was not easy to think about it, because he had never even seen the so-called God of Creation.

Maybe all creation gods are Phnom Penh.

It's not good to tilt your head.

The sadness on Chen Ping's hand was gone.

Looking at the bowl of creation mother liquid in his hand, he had to show the kitchen knives whether they could play their due role.

Chen Pingan walked out of the self-created space and appeared in the courtyard.

At this moment, he found Duan Xinxin three women gathered together, and he smiled bitterly.

"Are these three guys going to fix me? But what can I do to make me sad? If I knew it myself, I wouldn't need you here, I would do it myself."

He felt that he was a complete ruthless person, and if he could, he wouldn't bother to pit Duan Xinxin and the others.

Who made you girls feel more emotional, not who you are.

Chen Ping'an didn't bother to care about them, so he walked to the center of the yard and controlled the bowl of creation mother liquid in the void.

The clear creation mother liquid exuding endless vitality floated in the air, motionless.

Chen Ping'an said to the kitchen knives: "Come closer, and in the future, sit and practice near this creation mother liquid to see if you can comprehend the new avenue."

He didn't know if the creation mother liquid was enough for so many people, but now he only had so much in his hands.

The kitchen knife and others approached.

Looking at the mother liquid of creation floating in the air, they were all asking Chen Pingan what it was.

Chen Pingan briefly introduced the role of the creation mother liquid to them.

As for the production method, he did not say.

The oath he swears he will remember.

After knowing the function of the mother liquid of creation, the kitchen knife and others all had bright eyes, and without saying a word, sat on the ground to practice.

Chen Pingan returned to the house.

At this moment, the three of Duan Xinxin have not spoken.

Chen Pingan smiled and asked, "Why, can't think of a way to make me sad?"

Duan Xinxin looked at Chen Ping'an and said firmly: "Xiang Gong, no, Chen Ping'an, from now on, we are not husband and wife, I want to leave you!"

Chen Ping'an looked at Duan Xinxin, and suddenly showed a look of grief.

Duan Xinxin's eyes brightened.

Does this work? !

In fact, she had no hope for her actions, because she knew that Chen Ping'an was 100% sure that she would not leave him.

And her acting skills are not as good as Chen Ping'an.

But now, seeing Chen Pingan like this, she was moved.

My husband really loves me so much!

"Xiang Gong! Hurry up and refine the sadness!" Duan Xinxin's mouth was raised high, learning what Chen Ping'an said not long ago.

Chen Pingan snorted, and his face became normal in the blink of an eye. Peking Opera changed his face very quickly, and his acting skills were so good that people doubted life.

Duan Xinxin was stunned.

Chen Pingan said after a while: "No, I can't extract it, there must be something wrong, but I'm really sad! I won't lie to you!"

Duan Xinxin: "......"

Just when Duan Xinxin doubted her life, Su Ling suddenly shouted: "Brother! I feel like I'm going to die! Woohoo!"

She made her hands into fists and rubbed them in front of her banging eyes. Her poor acting skills and nonsensical words made Chen Pingan almost unable to hold back his laughter, let alone sadness.

Su Ling saw that Chen Ping'an had not changed at all, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Brother! I'm going to die, can't you be sad!" Su Ling supported her with both hands, looking like you are so ruthless.

Chen Ping'an put a finger on Su Ling's forehead, and scolded with a smile: "You better eat watermelon, you have no talent for acting."

Su Ling pursed his mouth, turned over in his hand, a piece of watermelon appeared, and he ate the watermelon glumly.

Chen Ping'an looked at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and said, "It's your turn, I really hope you can think of a way to make me sad."

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body looked at Chen Ping'an for a while, then suddenly took out a piece of treasure, and then input the Dao energy into it.

When Chen Pingan saw this baby, his eyes widened suddenly.

What the hell! ! !

A voice emanated from the treasure in the hands of the Chaos Pearl spirit body, instantly resounding throughout the yard.


As soon as the sound passed, the whole yard was so silent that there was no sound at all.

Chaos Pearl looked at Chen Ping'an expressionlessly, and said, "How is it? Do you feel a little sad? I will play it every day in the future."

After speaking, she also showed a mischievous expression.

Chen Pingan stood like a log.

Soon after, Chen Pingan's face twitched and he extracted a fist-sized sadness.

at the table.

Duan Xinxin's three women looked at Chen Ping'an with smug faces.

Chen Ping'an's face twitched.

After glaring at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, he discussed: "Anyway, now we all know the source of our grief, we don't have to do anything to cause others' grief in the future, and see if we can make this grief continue to produce. come out."

Duan Xinxin said: "I should be able to, this sadness can slowly grow in a short time, but if it is too long, I am afraid I have to find new things that make me feel sad."

Su Ling also said: "Me too, thinking about my watermelon now, I feel a touch of sadness again."

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "Mine should always be useful."

"Okay, in the future, after you extract the sadness, give it to me directly. I can condense the mother liquid of creation in a very short time." Chen Pingan said.

Duan Xinxin was very curious about why Chen Ping'an condensed the creation mother liquid so quickly. After all, Liu Xi had said before that it would take at least a hundred years for her, a 30th mind-level person of the Creation Avenue, to condense it.

And Chen Ping'an is stronger than her, and it will take some time.

So she tried to ask: "Xiang Gong, why are you able to make the mother liquid of creation so quickly?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Ping'an's face was strange.

Why does this sound so wrong.

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