When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1382: Crying Mother Liquid of Creation

late at night.

Chen Ping'an's thoughts were still stuck on the creation mother liquid.

After confirming that Liu Xi had returned, he sent the letter to Liu Xi.

Soon the other party was connected.

"Master Chen, is there anything else?" She didn't dare to ask me again if she was thinking about me.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "That's right, when Xiao Liuzi was playing with my sister, she showed my sister a good thing called the Mother Liquid of Creation. She keeps asking me for it now, but I don't know anything about the Mother Liquid of Creation. , I can only come to ask you."

After Xiaolinger was sure that Chen Ping'an could not get the mother liquid of creation, she did not continue to ask for it from Chen Ping'an.

But Chen Pingan could use this as an excuse to inquire about the details of the creation mother liquid.

"This little girl..." Liu Xi secretly complained about her sister.

Can this kind of thing be taken out at will and shown to others?

Fortunately, there is a future creation **** on Chen Ping'an's side, and the other party has already guessed that their father is one of the creation gods, and it is nothing to be known by the other party.

"This creation mother liquid was condensed by my father. If a cultivator often looks at the creation mother liquid, there is a high probability that he will be able to comprehend other avenues."

Liu Xi explained the role of the mother liquid of creation.

This role is not a secret, in the nine worlds, many powerful people know it.

Only the method of condensing the mother liquid of creation is a secret.

Chen Ping'an's eyes lit up.

It seems that the two sisters Liu Xi have so many full-level avenues at a young age. In addition to their talent, they also have some external help.

This creation mother liquid definitely played a lot of roles.

And the utensils in his yard are all talented, they can't be considered too strong. If anyone who has the avenue of creation can condense this kind of creation mother liquid, several people on his side have the avenue of creation, and let's go to condense the creation together. The mother liquor will definitely make the utensils in the yard stronger.

Looking at the yard, he felt that he could study this creation mother liquid.

The stronger the kitchen knives, the better. Now that several of them have the avenue of creation, there are too many of them pulling the kitchen knives, and I am afraid that there will be barriers in the future.

"Then I don't know how this creation mother liquid is made? Can it be condensed only after the strength reaches the creation god?"

Chen Pingan tried to ask questions.

Liu Xi knew what Chen Ping'an meant.

I wanted to ask whether Duan Xinxin could condense this kind of creation mother liquid.

Liu Xi said: "It's not just that the strength can be condensed to reach the God of Creation. It is also good to have the Great Way of Creation, but Miss Duan's current strength, the speed of condensing is pitifully slow, maybe it takes a hundred years to condense a small bowl."

Chen Ping'an was excited after learning that he could condense the mother liquor of creation with the avenue of creation.

It takes my daughter-in-law a hundred years to condense a small bowl, so what about me!

My Creation Avenue has a ninety-one meaning level, and some avenues are also plated with gold edges, which makes the Creation Avenue mutated. The speed of condensing is faster.

Also, with the addition of Xiao Linger, who just merged with the Avenue of Creation today, there are four people on his side who own the Avenue of Creation, and they should be able to produce enough Creation Mother Liquid in a short period of time.

Chen Ping'an asked with a smile, "Then can Miss Liuxi tell me how to condense this creation mother liquid?"

Liu Xi fell into silence, as if in a tangle.

And Chen Ping'an knew what difficulty the other party was having, so he tried to ask, "Does Miss Liu Xi have any concerns?"

"Yes, my father told me not to tell outsiders." Liu Xi said.

Chen Ping'an coughed, "Miss Liuxi, I'm not an outsider, right? After all, we are business partners, and we both know each other's situation and have a good relationship. The most important thing is that I will keep it a secret. If you don't believe me. , I could swear."

"I swear, if I know the method of condensing the mother liquor of creation, and tell this method to anyone who does not possess the Great Way of Creation, I will die, and I will not be able to harvest happiness in my life, and I will be beaten by everyone... ..”

Chen Pingan made a bunch of poisonous oaths.

He said so much, mainly to make Liu Xi less worried.

Not to mention, Liu Xi loosened up after hearing his oath.

"It's okay to tell you, but you must be as oath, not to tell anyone who doesn't have the Great Way of Creation." Liu Xi urged seriously.

If this method were spread out, the reputation of the God of Creation would be somewhat at risk.

Chen Ping'an nodded, promising that he would never tell anyone who did not own the Great Way of Creation.

"Actually, the method of condensing the mother liquid of creation is very simple, but it sounds a bit awkward. It is the person who has the avenue of creation who feels sad, and then extracts the sadness and condenses it into a liquid."

Liu Xi spoke the answer Chen Ping'an wanted to know in a very small voice.

Chen Pingan blinked.

Feeling sad, then condensed into liquid?

Why does it sound like crying!

Of course, this creation mother liquid is not strictly speaking tears, but the crystallization of sadness...

After Liu Xi finished speaking, she saw that Chen Ping'an didn't reply, knowing that Chen Ping'an was shocked by this wonderful method of condensing.

She smiled bitterly and said: "The creation gods who can condense the mother liquid of creation are actually not bad. Among the nine people, only four can now, because the other creation gods have lived for too long, and they have no emotions at all, let alone let them They feel sad."

"And what I was worried about just now was that you would tell me about this method of condensing. After letting others know about it, don't you die of laughter? Especially those gods who can condense the mother liquid of creation know that they will feel offended, and there will be chaos in the world from now on. possible."

Chen Ping'an smiled bitterly: "I know your concerns, don't worry, I will keep it a secret, and I won't tell anyone who doesn't own the Great Way of Creation."

"Well, you can let Miss Duan try it. Although her current level is low and her speed of condensing is slow, if she is a very emotional person, it is possible to increase the production of the creation mother liquid." Liu Xi said.

In fact, Liu Xi's current thoughts were not like this.

She has met Duan Xinxin, although she is not familiar with Duan Xinxin, but judging from Duan Xinxin's temperament, Duan Xinxin should not be a sensitive person.

Chen Ping'an nodded, smiled and hung up with Liu Xi.

After figuring out the method, Chen Ping'an looked at Duan Xinxin next to him.

Duan Xinxin was listening just now, and now she is also looking strange.

"Xiang Gong, I'm very happy, but I can't be sad!"

Chen Pingan said: "I have a solution, I will try it later, maybe I can. By the way, I will also call Xiaolinger and Chaos Pearl Spirit Body!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Pingan went out to find Xiaolinger and the two.

Soon after, Chen Ping'an and the four sat in a quiet and empty space for new innovations.

"Do you understand what I said just now? Let's try it now. If you feel sad later, try to extract the sadness in your mind."

Chen Pingan looked at Duan Xinxin and said.

The three nodded.

After finishing speaking, Chen Pingan snapped his fingers towards the void, and a movie screen suddenly played in the void space in front of him.

Yes, the way he thought of it was to watch a tearjerker movie.

After a period of time.

Chen Ping'an stared blankly at Duan Xinxin and the three of them.

Seeing that the three of them were crying like pear blossoms and rain, but he didn't even move at all, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"It seems that if you want to create the mother liquid, you can only rely on the three of them."

Chen Pingan shook his head helplessly, continued to hold a box of popcorn, watched the tear-jerking movie expressionlessly, and ate it.

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