When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1373: Hall of the Dead disbanded

The two hurried on their way and finally reached the Absolute Beginning Realm.

Back in the familiar world, Chen Ping'an didn't sigh, and immediately separated from Murong Tian and flew to the place where the Hall of the Dead is.

He was too lazy to go back and take the Great Emperor Hongtian and the others. Anyway, they were all the same with or without the Great Emperor Hongtian. It was enough to have the three masters of Shengxianzhaizhai.

The three of them have several full-level Daoists. If they can't kill the Death Emperor, they will have no effect if they want the Great Emperor Hongtian.

Chen Ping'an's flying speed was extremely fast, and the Avenue of Time and Space had reached the ninety-fourth level.

Now his Creation Avenue has also reached the ninety-one meaning level.

It is not very far from the so-called creation **** level.

After flying for a while, he finally arrived at the area where the Temple of the Undead was located.

Kill directly to the forbidden area of ​​the Temple of the Dead.

Soon, Chen Pingan appeared in front of a large hall.

What made him strange was that he was not blocked by the powerhouses of the Temple of the Dead!

This made him feel unbelievable and uneasy.

This unease is not fear.

Instead, he felt that something different would happen than he imagined.


The worst still happened.

When he arrived at the place where the Death Father would usually be, and after a careful perception, he found that there was no trace of the Death Father at all!

Not even the breath of some powerful people!

How did the huge undead hall suddenly become like this!

Chen Ping'an searched everywhere, but could not find the strong people in the Hall of the Dead, but only found some weak people in the Hall of the Dead.

After a moment of torture, he learned something that made him look ugly.


He also left for a few days.

Did this death emperor just disappear out of thin air? !

And the other high-level officials of the Hall of the Undead were afraid that the people from the Zhongtian Alliance would kill them, and they also fled everywhere, thus disbanding the Hall of the Undead? !

Chen Ping'an continued to search for three feet around, but still to no avail. In the end, he could only leave the Hall of the Undead.

He returned to the Zhongtian organization for the first time.

There is no change in the Zhongtian organization.

When he found Emperor Hongtian and others, the group of old men greeted them with laughter.

"Master Wu! You are finally back!"

Emperor Hongtian laughed and walked over quickly.

Emperor Fuyin and others were also overjoyed. They were still discussing when Chen Ping'an would come back in Shiting just now. Just after the conversation, Chen Ping'an came back. .

Chen Pingan stepped forward and said, "Everyone, I haven't seen you for a few days."

Yep, just a few days.

But I don't know what happened, they seem to be separated by hundreds of years.

Chen Ping'an didn't chat with them too much, and asked directly: "What happened over there in the Hall of the Undead? Where did the death emperor go?"

"Have you heard of it too?" Emperor Hongtian asked curiously when he heard Chen Ping'an's words.

Chen Ping'an shook his head: "I went to the Hall of the Undead in person just now, but I didn't find that guy, Father Death!"

Emperor Hongtian and others fell into a state of sluggishness.

Did you kill yourself there? !

Not afraid that the rumors are false, the Death Emperor did not escape, but hid or did some conspiracy!

Chen Pingan said: "I already have the means to kill him."

Everyone understood this.

"Not long ago, the mother of the Taichu Emperor came to visit, and her detailed work on the death father's side was able to contact high-level decision-making. She said that the reason why the death father disappeared was to leave this world!" Emperor Fuyin looked at Chen Pingan, seriously.

Hearing this, a person popped up in Chen Ping'an's mind involuntarily.

Murong painting!

Damn it!

Could it be that Father Death sensed danger, so he asked Murong Hua to take him to other worlds? !

No wonder I saw Murong's paintings at Mr. Murong's house yesterday!


Will Murong Hua take the dead emperor to the General Manager Murong's house?

Chen Ping'an looked at Emperor Hongtian and the others and said, "Everyone, I still have things to do. I may have to go to another world. In the past two days, consider whether you want to go to other worlds for development. There are many strong people in other worlds. But I have already established some relationships in the strongest world, and the safety is guaranteed. If you want to go to other worlds to find another breakthrough opportunity, I will come back in two days and I can take you to other worlds."

"Okay, I'm busy first."

After speaking, Chen Ping'an disappeared directly in place and flew to the extremely cold place in the east of Absolute Beginning Realm.

He had to quickly ask Murong Tian to take him back to Yiyuan Realm.

Find Murong Painting!

If the death emperor led him to other worlds in Murong Hua, and then the death emperor went into hiding, then it would be difficult for him to kill this guy again!

After all, the world is so big, how can it be so easy to find.

But if Murong Hua had arranged a place for the Death Father, and the Death Father did not run around, then he would still be able to find out the exact location of the Death Father from Murong Hua!

I believe that with his current situation, this Murong Hua can only cooperate obediently.

Otherwise, he would go directly to the Murong Patriarch and let this Murong Hua experience what it means to be short in life!

Chen Pingan quickly returned to the hub.

"Let's go and find Murong Hua!" Chen Ping'an said solemnly.

Seeing Chen Ping'an's gloomy face, Murong Tian decided that Murong Hua must have done something that made Chen Ping'an very angry.

Could it be that Murong Hua has been bullying the Zhongtian Organization in order to make the business develop faster these days? ?

If this is the case, this Murong painting is really courting death!

Murong Tian nodded and took Chen Ping'an away from the hub, rushing to Yiyuan Realm.

After traveling back and forth between several worlds, they returned to the Yiyuan world again.

As soon as he returned to Yiyuan Realm, Chen Pingan asked Murong Tian to take him to Mr. Murong's house to find Murong Hua.

And Murong Fu, who was guarding the hub in the Yiyuan Realm, saw Chen Ping'an again, and when he saw Chen Ping'an, he went with him.

The three hurried on their way and arrived at Mr. Murong's house.

Chen Ping'an said, "Should I find your head first, or can I find Murong Hua directly?"

Murong Tian said, "Fellow Daoist, if it's urgent, just find this Murong Hua first."

Chen Pingan nodded and asked him to lead the way.

The three quickly arrived at the residence of the Great Elder.

The three ignored the gatekeeper and broke into the mansion.

The intrusion of the three also alarmed the owner inside.

The first elder was originally named Murong Shan.

Murong Shan sensed that someone was breaking in, frowned and appeared in front of Chen Ping'an and the three of them.

Chen Ping'an saw this Murong Mountain again, but did not speak, and looked at Murong Tian on the side.

Murong Tian understood, looked at Murong Shan and asked, "Big... Second Elder, where is your good granddaughter! Our fellow Daoist Wu is looking for her for something important!"

After seeing that the intruders were Chen Ping'an and the others, Murong Shan froze for a while, and now his eyes widened when he heard this.

Could it be that his granddaughter did something else to offend this kid? !

Damn it, how long are you going to cheat the Lord!

Murong Shan learned the general situation of Chen Ping'an through his granddaughter's description of Chen Ping'an.

He also probably guessed Chen Pingan's identity.

So at this moment, he can only hold back the attack, and also smiled and said: "I don't know what is wrong with you looking for Xiaohua?"

Chen Ping'an said solemnly: "You just ask her to come out! I have an urgent matter!"

Murong Shan could only nod his head and contact Murong Hua.

Soon, Murong Hua with a worried face appeared in front of Chen Ping'an and the three of them.

At this moment, Murong Hua was also stunned.

I didn't do anything myself!

Why did this guy come to the door as if he was asking for guilt? !

Is it because of those things in the past? !

Seeing Murong Hua, Chen Ping'an immediately asked in a cold voice, "Where is that guy, Father Death, right now? Give you a chance and speak well, otherwise don't blame me for doing something outrageous!"

After knowing the identity of his daughter-in-law from the Murong Patriarch, he can touch the Murong painting without worrying about too many things.

Hearing this, Murong Hua felt a little chill in his entire body.


Is he here because of this? !

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