When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1370: Master, kick that kid away

Murong Tian stood up, straightened his collar, and then gave his acceptance speech with a smile.

For him, it was the equivalent of winning an award.

He thanked everyone, especially the family's cultivation and trust.

Finally, he looked at Chen Ping'an and said gratefully, "The last person to be thankful is Wu Daoyou. Without you, I would not have achieved what I am today!"

Chen Ping'an smiled and waved his hand, as if I didn't do anything, it was the result of your own efforts.

When the Murong Patriarch heard this, he smiled and applauded, and said, "Well said!"

The sound of bang bang rippling back and forth in the huge hall.

The other elders had extremely strange expressions. Seeing that the Patriarch was still applauding, they could only agree with the corners of their mouths and clapped along.


The elders opened their voices, and the voices were filled with reluctance, and the applause began to flow in an endless stream.

The Great Elder and Murong Hua couldn't stand still at this time, so they could only follow with ugly expressions.

And their eyes are now on Chen Ping'an.

Could it be because of this kid that Murong Tian was promoted to the position of elder by the Patriarch? !

Because they found out that it was when Murong Tian thanked Chen Pingan that the patriarch applauded!

What does this mean?

This kid is so favored by the family owner? !

After Murong Tian finished speaking, he continued to sit down.

Now Murong Tian has determined that he has become an elder.

The back is straight.

Patriarch Murong once again took over the leadership of the topic and continued: "This is the first good thing, the family has an additional elder, and the second good thing is that the family will join forces with Wudimen to do a special business in the future. The door business will double the family’s profits.”

After that, the Murong Patriarch looked at Chen Ping'an and smiled: "Little friend, come and share with them the method of making money from stocks."

Chen Pingan nodded and stood up.

When others heard the three words Wudimen, some reclusive elders were still thinking about what kind of power this was.

Thinking that the famous and unrecognized forces can also cooperate with their Murong family?

Moreover, what kind of business is it that can double the profits of their Murong family?

They were all stunned until the head of the family asked Chen Ping'an to stand up and speak.

Is the Ganqing family cooperating with this kid? !

Chen Ping'an smiled and glanced at the people around him, and said with a smile, "It is an honor to cooperate with your family, so I will briefly mention this money-making method to everyone."

Chen Ping'an was already familiar with that set of rhetoric, so he just said it again.

In just half a candle, he stopped.

Some elders understood, especially the second elder who looked like an old woman. His eyes changed when he looked at Chen Ping'an, and his deep eyes shone with light.

He was finally sure why the owner treated this seemingly mediocre boy like this.

Feelings are because of this kid's business acumen!

The elder also understood, and frowned.

This method can really make a lot of money!

Especially with the influence of their Murong family.

Some followers of Yiyuan Realm and even other worlds will become their leeks.

It's just, how did this kid come up with this idea, if people on their side came up with it!

Moreover, Murong Tian could become an elder because of this kid's credit!

The first elder glanced at his granddaughter, and was stunned when he saw that his granddaughter looked at Chen Ping'an with an ugly face.

This is... know?

And, maybe there is a grudge? !

"You know him?" The Great Elder shielded the surroundings and asked Murong Hua.

Murong Hua could only tell what happened to Chen Ping'an.

After knowing what happened, the elder's face also became ugly.

This kid is from that Absolute Beginning Realm?

And you ever had an argument with this kid?

Even close to hands? !

Damn it!

He wanted to scold his granddaughter, but he was so fond of his granddaughter that he swallowed the words.

"When you leave, find a private chat opportunity and see if you can apologize to others." The elder said earnestly.

Murong Hua's face was pale.

Apologize to this kid? !

Didn't he just come up with a way to make money!

Our Murong family will control the whole business in the future, and we can completely kick this kid away!

He has no power.

It's just that she didn't speak her mind out, for fear that her grandfather would scold her.

The first elder frowned even more when he saw his granddaughter like this.

Patriarch Murong continued to speak loudly at this time: "Do you all understand?"

Some elders nodded, while others were silent, obviously not understanding.

"In the future, our family will fully cooperate with Xiaoyou's invincible door! Everyone must cooperate well! Understand?!"

Speaking of this, the Murong Patriarch's face was very serious, and the aura of his cultivation level rose directly, intimidating.

A group of elders looked at each other.

They knew what was the main purpose of the owner bringing Chen Ping'an here.

This is to tell them that this kid will become the person their Murong family cannot offend!

Just for a business, so what!

In fact, after they know the practice of this business, they can completely take it as their own, and this kid can still turn the world upside down.

The Great Elder also thinks the same way now.

He has never heard of this invincible door or something. Maybe the owner of the house is doing this because he feels that he only knows some theories. He is afraid that when he implements it by himself, something will go wrong. When you're done, kick this kid away?

He felt that it would be necessary to talk to the head of the house alone.

After a group of people heard it, the Murong family head began to end the gathering.

Nothing to say here.

"Okay, let's go." Murong Patriarch said.

After all, he stood up and prepared to send Chen Pingan a ride.

But at this moment, the first elder suddenly said: "Patriarch, there is something I want to talk to you alone."

But the Murong family head said: "I'll give Wu Xiaoyou a ride first."

A group of elders were silent.

Patriarch Murong left with Chen Pingan.

Chen Ping'an had nothing else to do. After discussing with the Murong Patriarch for three days, he came back after other things were settled, and he asked Murong Tian to take him back.

After returning to the Invincible Gate for a while, he asked Murong Tian to take him back to the Absolute Beginning Realm.

Patriarch Murong sent Chen Ping'an away, and then returned to the pavilion of elders.

He knew that some elders must be confused now.

Especially the Great Elder, there was obviously something else he wanted to tell him just now.

None of the elders left, but when they saw the Patriarch coming back, they all quieted down.

The first elder cupped his hands and said straight: "Patriarch, that kid's strength is just average. Do you want to use him for a while, and then kick him away after reaching a certain level? If so, it's better to control them directly. The forces that have heard of, let them take advantage of this limelight, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to control in the future."

Looking at his granddaughter, he doesn't seem to be able to get along well with Chen Ping'an anymore. If that's the case, then let the owner of the family not have so many expectations for that kid, and if he doesn't pay attention to that kid, there will be nothing to do.

However, the words of the Murong Patriarch made him sluggish in place.

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