When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1357: It's not good, then don't do it

In front of the invincible gate.

Chen Ping'an stood directly at the gate, and when he saw anyone who came, he would go forward to greet him with a very humble attitude.

The people who came in front were all small forces. These people were purely to watch the fun, and they didn't bring any gifts. They all tried to come forward.

It was really an attempt. Anyway, when I got to the front, I gave Chen Ping'an a bow to see if Chen Ping'an would let him in.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ping'an all entered, and he still greeted that.

No matter who, as long as they come to the dinner, they are all guests.

The banquet table is not far from the gate, just in the huge open space in front of the entrance.

At this moment, the place is full of tables and chairs, and there are more and more people around in the open space.

The people who came in front were all sporadic, not in groups.

At a certain moment, a group of people came.

There were a lot of them, eighteen in total.

Seeing this scene, the people around were bustling.

"The people who need to fast are here!"

"Good guy, I thought that the three local powers would definitely come, but I didn't expect that this Holy Need Zhai would come with so many people?!"

"Look, the high-level officials of their Holy Needs Zhai are here! It doesn't look like they are here to attend a dinner party to congratulate the creation of the new forces, it's more like they are here to kick the hall and make trouble!"

"It's really possible. Now the situation of Shengxiaozhai is not optimistic. It has been suppressed by the other two major forces. Maybe he wants to take this newly created force as hope, annex this force, and then go to the corner to resist for a while!"


When people looking around saw the arrival of a group of people from Shengxiao Zhai, they couldn't help but think in a bad direction.

After Chen Ping'an saw the people in Shengxianzhai, he greeted them with a smile, just like the others in front of him.

"Shengxiaozhai everyone is here, please sit inside." Chen Ping'an bowed his hands with a humble and polite look.

In the afternoon, the two masters of Shengxianzhai, who had experienced great pressure on Chen Ping'an's side, and the vice-zhai master, were stunned when they saw Chen Ping'an's appearance.

It looks like a different person!

In the afternoon, Chen Ping'an made them feel like a certain eldest son of the Murong family, which made them so stressed that they didn't dare to take a breath. Now Chen Ping'an's attitude seems to have changed completely.

The other senior officials of Shengxiaozhai looked at Chen Ping'an's appearance, and couldn't help but look at their own master and vice master.

Not long ago, they all heard the two of them talking about Chen Ping'an, and they all believed what they said, thinking that they could turn the salted fish over from the holy need fast.

But now looking at Chen Ping'an's appearance, it's not like what the two of them said!

Such a proper dog leg look!

The Master of Shengxingzhai Zhai blinked and nodded quickly: "You're welcome, son!"

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "Then I won't lead the way. You can just find a place to sit. I'm still waiting for others."

The Master of Shengxingzhai Zhai nodded, and under the leadership of Murong Palace and others, he entered the invincible door, and then randomly found a table and chair that was relatively close to the front.

More than ten people took their seats.

After they were seated, they all started to look at each other.

A senior who looked relatively young frowned and looked at the master of Shengxiao Zhaizhai, and asked, "Zhaizhu, that is, your identity is extremely terrifying, and your words make you dare not exhale. "

The Lord of Shengxianzhai Zhai nodded with a wry smile: "Don't look at what he did just now, his real situation is definitely not like this, it should be a layout!"

The deputy head nodded in agreement: "You haven't personally felt the oppression of this person, and the city lord will definitely come later, so you can watch it carefully."

The other senior executives could only nod their heads.

I was afraid that my fasting master and deputy fasting master would be deceived.

At that time, their holy need for fasting really became a big joke.

Obviously, they are already infamous and ridiculed by others. To make things worse, there is no need for the two forces of Ju Tongge and Gun Clock Tower to continue to suppress them. It would be better for them to dissolve directly.

Chen Pingan continued to welcome the new guests.

Soon, the banquet table was almost full.

At this time, Chen Pingan finally waited for the person to wait.

Not the two father and son of the city owner. He sent a letter to the two father and son not long ago, asking them to come later...

The people he was waiting for were the Ju Tong Pavilion and the Rolling Bell Tower.

Ju Tong Pavilion and Gun Clock Tower came almost side by side.

As if the appointment came at the same time.

Chen Ping'an greeted him with a smile.

"It's almost the banquet time. I saw that the two parties haven't come yet, and I thought you weren't coming." Very kind look.

The pavilion owner of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower sneered when they saw Chen Ping'an's appearance.

Sure enough, I was stunned, thinking that after we said that in the afternoon, we were the one who trusted you?

However, both of them laughed and said that they were busy and tried their best to arrive before the banquet started.

Chen Pingan said, "Quickly, please come in."

The two parties smiled and followed Chen Pingan in.

The people inside had been waiting for a long time, and now it was almost time for the banquet to start, so they all looked out.

When they saw Chen Ping'an come in and brought two people with him, they all looked strange.

Well, now the three major local forces are here!

Everyone in Shengxiaozhai looked strange when they saw that Chen Ping'an also brought Ju Tongge and the others in.

One of the high-level officials couldn't help looking at their Zhaizhu and asked, "Zhaizhu, he won't have any agreement with the other two forces! Are you sure he will help us bring down the two parties, not them. break us?"

Seeing Chen Ping'an's smiling face leading the way to Ju Tongge's rolling bell tower, the master of Shengxu Zhaizhai also began to doubt.

"Maybe, he's planning something..." The Master of Shengxiaozhai Zhai gritted his teeth and could only believe what Chen Ping'an said in the afternoon.

Moreover, Chen Ping'an's status is very noble. If Ju Tongge and the others knew about it, they should not think that Chen Ping'an's humble attitude is normal. When encountering Chen Ping'an's situation, his expression should be as puzzled as their Shengxianzhai. .

But now, the attitudes of Ju Tongge and Gunzhong Tower are very arrogant and arrogant.

This shows that he does not know the identity of Chen Ping'an.

It is impossible to have any agreement with Chen Pingan like them.

Therefore, he believes more that Chen Ping'an is planning something, and the content of this plan is very likely to bring down the two parties.

Chen Ping'an led the two sides of the Ju Tongge Rolling Bell Tower to the front two seats, and said with a smile, "Everyone, just sit here."

The pavilion masters of Ju Tong Pavilion and the others also took their seats directly.

After entering, their eyes swept around, and found that the situation of the invincible door was the same as what they saw in the afternoon.

There is not even a decent powerhouse, which makes them more certain that this invincible gate is also the force created by Leng Touqing.

Therefore, before they were seated, their attitudes changed, and they all walked arrogantly with disdain on their faces.

After being seated, the pavilion master of Ju Tong pavilion looked directly at Chen Ping'an and said indifferently, "Why is there no maid to accompany the wine?"

The owner of the Rolling Bell Tower also said: "We have a noble status, and we can't be the same as other people, without some special care. By the way, the people who need fast food over there, you let them go out and say that they are not welcome here, I see them. It's not good!"

Chen Ping'an was overjoyed when he heard the demands of the two parties.

Is this the present you are going to give me?

That's it?

"It's not good, it's hard for me to do it." Chen Ping'an still smiled.

"Difficult to do?" Pavilion Master Ju Tong smiled and stood up: "Then don't do it!"

With that said, he flipped the table.


Everyone draws their own pictures.

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