When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1343: I didn't do anything

Chen Ping'an didn't know how to answer Murong Tian's question.

What are your eyes, how can I do that kind of thing.

He understood what Murong Tian meant, such a proper personal attack!

Who can be so fast?

Do you think everyone is a joker?

Chen Ping'an ignored Murongtian's question, but showed a confused expression and asked, "Xiaomei didn't come back here? At the critical moment just now, she suddenly said that something had fallen here, and she wanted to come back. I waited for a while. I didn't wait for her to come back, so I came back to have a look."

The mature woman was startled.

Xiangmei suddenly left at a critical moment?

And you're here to say?

No, we have been here, Xiang Mei has not come back.

Murong Tian frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist, Xiaomei hasn't come back. Could it be that something happened?"

Xiang Mei couldn't wait to eat Chen Ping'an not long ago, but suddenly made an excuse to leave at a critical moment, which is somewhat problematic.

That's right, it must be an excuse, because Xiang Mei didn't leave anything here at all.

Chen Ping'an shook his head, his face darkened at the moment, and said, "She won't be doing it for so long, just to play with me."

Seeing that Chen Ping'an's face was a little ugly, the mature woman immediately took out the messenger that contacted Xiangmei, tried to connect, and comforted Chen Ping'an: "My dear guest, don't be angry, I'll ask her what's going on."

However, after contacting for a while, Xiang Mei still did not respond.

"What's going on?" The mature woman also began to frown.

Xiang Mei didn't even take her contact, which seemed to be really a problem.

Chen Pingan said: "There is one thing that may be related to her sudden departure. Before entering her boudoir, she suddenly took out a messenger treasure, as if she heard some news."

After the mature woman heard it, she apologized to Chen Ping'an, and then went out to find Xiang Mei, thinking about what happened to Xiang Mei, too busy?

She went to Xiang Mei's room first, and found that there were no signs of fighting and mess here, indicating that what Chen Ping'an said should be true, and Xiang Mei left before that happened.

"What on earth did Xiangmei do? This distinguished guest's status is obviously not simple. If this is neglecting others, isn't it just smashing a sign!"

Mature women have no choice but to go back.

Seeing Chen Ping'an, she hesitated for a while, then blushed and asked, "My dear guest, if you don't dislike it, I can also...to share the worries for Xiaomei...What do you think? "

Chen Pingan: "......"

"No, there is no Yaxing anymore, two fellow Daoists, let's go." Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Tian and the others and said.

He came here just to make himself unsuspected, don't wait for Xiang Mei to not come back in the future, and the whole person has no news. Everyone thought it would be bad if he killed the other party.

At that time, the chairman of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce might have thought about him.

It might even affect Murong Tian and the others.

But after he came back here and said these words, even if others would suspect him, there would be no evidence.

Moreover, it is very possible that something happened to Xiang Mei when she went out, and this is the only reason that others suspect first.

When Murong Tian saw that Chen Ping'an was really angry, they obeyed, stood up, and walked out with Chen Ping'an.

Mature women can only send a wry smile.

Watching Chen Ping'an and the three leave, the mature woman standing outside the door scolded Xiang Mei secretly, and then went back.

In fact, she was still a little uncomfortable.

He is not much worse than Xiang Mei.

After Chen Ping'an and Murong Tian left the palace, they prepared to part with them temporarily.

He will go to the city of his choice tomorrow to buy a piece of land, and then secretly create a power.

"The two of you, I will be separated from you for a while, about ten days. I want to travel alone in Yiyuan Realm for a while."

Chen Pingan smiled and put forward his own ideas.

Hearing this, Murong Tian stayed for a while.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you need me to lead the way? You are not very familiar with Yiyuan Realm, right?" Murong Tian wanted to gain more favorability from Chen Ping'an.

Now to separate, how does this make.

However, Chen Ping'an said firmly: "I need to do some personal matters, and I will contact you in ten days."

Murong Tian saw that Chen Ping'an was so persistent, and there was nothing he could do.

You can't just follow Chen Pingan.

It's not good to make Chen Ping'an unhappy.

He could only smile bitterly: "Well, if fellow Daoist encounters something that cannot be resolved, remember to find me, and I will arrive quickly."

At this time, Murong Fu also quickly took out a piece of messenger treasure and handed it to Chen Ping'an, saying, "Fellow Daoist, you can contact me if you have anything, especially if it's close to my work place, I can rush over there quickly."

Chen Ping'an accepted Murong Fu's messenger treasure.

His sense of this Murong Fu was okay, and if nothing happened, he could be a friend.

After speaking, Chen Ping'an also left.

But before leaving, Chen Pingan thought for a while, and finally looked at Murong Tian, ​​and said, "Friend, I have to talk to you alone about something."

He still felt that it would be better to tell Murong Tian about Xiang Mei.

After all, Xiang Mei was not targeting him alone.

And Murong Tian.

Maybe all the things he encountered, the other party ran towards Murong Tian.

He didn't want to lose Murong Tian, ​​the link that helped him connect with the Murong family.

The Murong family is so powerful, it's a pity not to use it as a background background.

Murong Tian nodded and went to the side with Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an Xiaobian read the story and told the story that after Xiang Mei left, he found the treasure of the recording screen in the other party's room.

"This kind of thing in her room is most likely aimed at me, otherwise she would not have approached me from the beginning, and I clearly have no enemies in this world, Lenovo was followed and peeped not long ago, I think all this is It's coming for you, you have to be careful yourself."

Chen Pingan warned.

After Murong Tian heard this, his face became ugly.

Don't think about it, he can guess who is doing the trick.

Chen Ping'an was right, in Chen Ping's situation, it is impossible for someone to design to smear him, so it is obvious who the other party is running for.

"This Murong Zheng is really not giving up! Just in time, I will find the owner again and make a small report!"

Since Chen Ping'an was going to leave for a short time, he could just use this to make this Murong Zheng feel the anger from his revenge!

"Okay, that fellow Daoist be careful, I'm afraid this Murong Zheng will send someone to follow you." Murong Tian did not forget to remind.

Chen Pingan nodded on the surface, but he didn't care in his heart, no one could follow him secretly.

After speaking, the two also said goodbye.

Murong Tian watched Chen Ping'an disappear into the night, and then returned to Murong Fu.

"I'll go back to the chief clan again, what are your plans?" Murong Tian asked.

Murong Fu thought for a while and said, "I'll go back and find the second elder."

In this way, the two began to fly to the Murong family's chief family.

After flying for a while, Murong Tian and the two also entered the general family.

Afterwards, Murong Tian went straight to the Patriarch's mansion.

Soon, he reappeared before the Patriarch's mansion.

Murong Zheng, the gatekeeper, saw Murong Tian again within a day, and seeing Murong Tian looking at him with a gloomy face, his whole person was not well.

What do you guys want to do!

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