When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1338: three in a row

In a box on the third floor.

Feeling emotional about Chen Ping'an's luck, and after watching Chen Ping'an leave the blind guessing box, Liu Xi and Chen Ji stopped paying attention to Chen Ping'an.

Because at this time they discovered that the results of the poetry list had already been published.

Both of them looked at the picture of the poetry competition.

At this moment, there are three poems engraved on the high list.

Neither of them looked at the three poems carefully, and glanced at the top list at random, looking for the location of Chen Ji's poem.

However, at first glance, the poem at the top of the list is not Chen Ji's poem.

Number two?

It's just that when they saw the second list, the poem was not the one written by Chen Ji.

No second place?

They can only look at the list three.

The answer gave them another whack.

still none!

"How is it possible..." Chen Ji couldn't find his poems at a glance, and immediately doubted his life.

He thinks the poem he wrote this time is very good!

Liu Xi also frowned. She also felt that Chen Ji's poems were very good. They were the poems she had seen, and they fit the title of "beauty" the most.

"Did those who set the list make a mistake?" Liu Xi murmured.

But she knew that those who made the list were definitely better at poetry than her, and she also specially invited some of the world's most accomplished poets to work here.

In fact, at the poetry competition, there are a few people who are still deeply moved, their scalps numb from being shocked.

Liu Xi could only refocus on those three poems. Just now, she didn't read it carefully, or even read it. She was simply looking for Chen Ji's poems.

Now she must read it carefully to see if the three poems are any better than Chen Ji's. If not, the answer is obvious.

Or when the poem was cast, the void channel was broken, and the rice paper was not passed on.

Either the people she invited ignored the rice paper, didn't see it, or saw it and deliberately didn't mark it on the list.

Her eyes fell carefully on the three poems.

Chen Ji on the side was also a little unconvinced, and his eyes fell on the three poems. He wanted to see what kind of poems they were, and they could suppress his poems.

The two thought so.


When they read the three poems, both of them were dumbfounded.

They were so powerful that he could rank them in the entire Yiyuan Realm, and they were so shocked at this time.

"Yun wants to look like clothes and flowers, and the spring breeze blows on the threshold to reveal Hualong. If it hadn't been seen on the top of Qunyu Mountain, I would have met Yaotai under the moon."

"Famous flowers all over the country love each other, and the king often sees it with a smile. Explain that the spring breeze is infinitely hateful, and the Chenxiang Pavilion is leaning against Langgan in the north."

"Pingping has more than thirteen years, and the tip of cardamom is in early February. The spring breeze is ten miles away from Yangzhou Road, and it is better to roll up the beaded curtain."

The three of them recited these three poems, and they were fascinated.

I feel like my perception has collapsed.

How could someone write such a poem!

Moreover, such a person is still on the same day, no, at the same hour, playing this poetry competition!

The two looked at each other, and their widened eyes were full of shocking emotions.

"Little Jiji, I'm really amazed! These three poems are really better than yours!" Liu Xi said.

Chen Ji nodded with a wry smile, and sighed, "It's better to be stronger, Xiaoxi, you look down on me too much. In front of these three poems, my poem can only be regarded as a child's play."

Liu Xi did not say that Chen Ji was humble, because what he said was actually the truth.

This is not the same level at all!

"I just don't understand how at the same time, there are three people who are so accomplished in poetry playing this." Chen Ji said strangely.

Liu Xi was also curious, but she already had an idea: "It is said that some top literati all play together, I think there should be three great writers together. Seeing this poem competition, they became interested and wrote each one. One."

Chen Ji stared at the three poems again and shook his head: "Two of these three poems seem to be written by the same person."

"Two people?" Liu Xi asked. She is not as good at poetry as Chen Ji, so Chen Ji may be able to see that two poems may be written by the same person.

Chen Ji nodded: "Probably yes, to be honest, I really want to see these two."

Speaking of the back, Chen Ji looked at Liu Xi with a meaningful expression.

As long as Liu Xi makes a move, he will definitely know which box the opponent is in right now, and if he gets these rankings, there will also be bonuses, and some people will send bonuses.

Liu Xi knew what Chen Ji meant, and nodded directly: "Well, let's go meet these two."

Saying that, she put on a veil.

After wearing the veil, no one can see her face through perception.

This is a treasure veil.

Liu Xi walked out, and Chen Ji followed.

Xiao Liuzi didn't do anything to cover her, she still held the watermelon in her hand and ate it as she followed.

She doesn't have any interest in these poems, and she doesn't understand them. She only thinks about watermelons now. She is going to go out for a walk, have a chance encounter with Chen Ping'an, and see if there is a way to get some more watermelons.

Liu Xi immediately found the owner of the Qing court building here, and asked the other party to go to the poetry competition, and obtained the piece of rice paper written by Chen Ping'an.

All three poems were written on a piece of rice paper with the same handwriting, which also confirmed their guess that the two must have been together.

She got the information about the specific box from the staff, and then walked to a box on the third floor with all the bonuses.

In the box where Chen Ping'an is now, Chen Ping'an thought about the time for the opening of the poetry competition, and then looked at the mature woman and said, "Open the hanging screen of the poetry competition, and I will see the ranking of my poems."

Hearing this, Murong Tian and the others became interested.

Just now, Chen Ping'an wrote too fast, and didn't give them time to read it at all, as if he didn't show them on purpose, pretending to be mysterious.

Instead, they want to see what ranking Chen Ping'an can get, or just talk about it?

The mature woman nodded, controlled the formation, and opened the picture of the poetry competition.

Chen Ping'an's eyes fell on the list, and when he saw that the three poems he wrote were all on the list as he expected, he showed a proud smile.

He didn't run for the first place at the beginning, but thought that all three were occupied!

Think about it, the top three all have bonuses to get, why would he give up.

Of course all!

However, he didn't know whether the operation of writing three poems at once would work.

But he still tried.

Now that I see this scene, I know it's okay.

Now wait for the people below to give him the Stone of the Great Road.

"I don't know how many avenue stones there are." Chen Pingan thought.

At this moment, Murong Tian also looked at Chen Ping'an and asked, "Fellow Daoist, how are you, do you have any of your poems?"

They are all rough people and don't know poetry very well, so they didn't feel shocked when they glanced at the poems on the list.

On the contrary, the mature woman and Xiang Mei looked at the poems on the list, and were instantly speechless and did not speak.

They all understood the power of these three poems.

Chen Ping'an smiled without saying a word: "You will find out later."

dong dong.

at this time.

There was a knock on the door.

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