When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1332: You are so handsome, I am free

There is a large stage in the center, surrounded by various futon low tables.

Many people were sitting at low tables. Nearly every man was accompanied by beautiful women, while some ordinary women were accompanied by some handsome or macho men.

On the stage, there is a team of beautiful women dancing in refreshing clothes, and the dance can attract the attention of most men.

In addition to these, Chen Pingan also found that there were many people surrounded by four corners.

There are more people in the corner than the center stage, and there is a lot of noise. There is a high probability that there is some activity there.

Entering the Qingzhu Building, the mature woman led Murong Tian and the others upstairs.

The Qingzhu Building has three floors, and the second and third floors are all private rooms.

However, these boxes are not closed, they are arranged with formations, which can completely prevent the people outside from seeing the inside, and the people inside can see the outside.

It can also let people outside see the inside, and it is completely transparent.

After all, some people also like to be watched by others and have some special hobbies.

Chen Ping'an and the three walked to the third floor.

As Murong Tian, ​​it is better to go to the third floor, and mature women tend to lead them to the third floor.

The box on the third floor is more expensive, and she can also receive more commission.

The three of them went upstairs, and when they reached the corner on the second floor, the two of them walked down.

A young, beautiful, and more refreshingly dressed woman.

The other person is a middle-aged man with some hair on the temples.

The middle-aged man was holding the woman's fragrant shoulders with a wretched smile on his face.

When Murong Tian and Murong Fu saw this middle-aged man, their eyes narrowed and they greeted him with smiles on their faces.

"Elder Hongyun!"

The middle-aged man with white temples saw Murong Tian and the two of them, his eyes dodged for a moment, and the hand that wrapped his arms around the beautiful woman's shoulder also quickly withdrew, and the slightly wretched smile on his face became very serious in a blink of an eye.

The ability to change the face at the speed of light is definitely trained.

He glanced at the three Murong Tian and recognized Murong Fu and Murong Tian.

He looked at Murong Tian, ​​"Are you that Murong Tian?"

Murong Tian nodded again and again, and said with a smile, "I never imagined that Elder Hongyun would know you."

Murong Hongyun said, "There is not a Murong family member who doesn't know you right now. Do your best in the future."

Murong Tian nodded with a smile.

Chen Ping'an on the side looked at Murong Tian, ​​and probably knew the identity of this middle-aged man.

Not a pre-selected elder like Murong Tian, ​​but a real elder!

After staring at the elder for a while, he also saw the true strength of the other party.

"Sure enough!" Chen Pingan pondered to himself.

The strength of this middle-aged man is extremely tyrannical, and he has already cultivated to the 100th level of the 100 Great Dao!

He was the strongest person he had ever seen in his life!

This Murong Hongyun was indeed an elder in the Murong Clan Elder Pavilion, and his ranking was also very high, ranking ninth.

For someone like Murong Hua who just became an elder, his power and strength are not even a shred of strength.

So Murong Tian hurriedly asked, "Elder Hongyun, do you want to continue playing?"

He wanted to take this opportunity to get to know this senior elder well.

This elder has nothing to do with the first elder, so he is not afraid that the other party will be dissatisfied with him because of Murong Hua.

However, Murong Hongyun shook his head directly: "No, I still have things to do, you can play."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Chen Ping'an and the others, and went out.

The glamorous woman who followed him also walked out to see him out.

This glamorous woman was born extremely slick, and the most important thing is that she has a very good figure. Even Chen Ping'an, who has read countless beauties, thinks that this woman is still very good.

Can be compared to the two sisters Zixia Ziyun.

And the strength of this woman is still very strong.

A mainstream avenue has reached the 100th level, and a non-mainstream avenue has also reached the 100th level.

The overall strength is much stronger than that of the mature woman.

After hearing Elder Hongyun say Murong Tian's name, the glamorous woman's eyes froze for a moment, and then she began to glance at Murong Fu and Chen Ping'an.

In the end, her eyes mainly fell on Chen Ping'an.

The two went out.

After Murong Tian watched the two go downstairs, he continued to let the mature woman lead the way.

The three quickly arrived at a box on the third floor.

The mature woman smiled and said: "According to the rules, the three hundred million stone of the road in the box on the third floor, distinguished guests, who are you out of?"

Hearing this number, Chen Pingan was stunned.

How much money do you need to open a box here?

Murong Fu, who had heard Chen Ping'an's invitation to treat guests earlier, looked at Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an had no choice but to take out the 300 million avenue stone and hand it over to a mature woman.

"Okay, how many beauties do the three distinguished guests want to call over? Or do you have any acquaintances?" the mature woman asked with a smile.

Murong Fu smiled: "Xiao Rong, you stay and drink with me."

The mature woman gave Murong Fu a wink and nodded.

Murong Tian thought about it for a while, and said, "You can call any top card to accompany me, you don't have to rank too high."

Too old is too expensive.


Of course, he has self-knowledge, and people will definitely only accompany him to drink.

If he could play as much as he wanted, he would definitely pay that price.

The mature woman nodded, and finally her eyes turned to Chen Ping'an: "How about you, distinguished guest?"

Just as Chen Ping'an was about to say something casual, at this moment, the glamorous woman who had sent Murong Hongyun out not long ago suddenly appeared behind the mature woman.

She smiled and said, "I'll accompany this son. With this handsome face, I don't charge you any money."

The mature woman stayed for a while.

Murong Fu's eyes widened.

Murong Tian was also a little dumbfounded.

Chen Pingan was a little confused.

This girl is dazzled by my handsomeness?

How can a person of this strength be maddened, and he is handsome, but he is only earth-shatteringly handsome, not like this.

This girl has no purpose.

But he still smiled and nodded: "Then I'm welcome."

He wanted to see what the girl wanted to do.

The mature woman nodded: "Okay, Xiaomei, you can accompany the distinguished guests here first, and I will let people serve the food and wine."

After speaking, the mature woman walked out, and before leaving, she glanced at the beautiful woman thoughtfully.

This glamorous woman is also one of the top cards of their Qing dynasty.

The ranking is still very high, ranking fifth, and it is not easy to receive guests.

It can be said that he has a very high vision. The few people he has received are still some very high-ranking people in the Murong family.

As for Murong Hongyun just now, this little girl also used some means, tormenting her back and forth several times, before she went to receive her.

As for what happened to the two of them for half an hour just now, she already knew what it was with her butt.

If the other party hooks up with Murong Hongyun and becomes the other party's partner or lover, the price of identity will definitely be higher in the future.

And now such a person is taking the initiative to receive a seemingly mediocre person for free?

"This man's identity is really not simple! No wonder Murong Tian called him VIP!" The mature woman thought to herself, and she quickly left. Anyway, the night was long, and she could slowly tell the news of Chen Ping'an.

Find out who this man is.

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