When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1330: It's almost dusk, get up

The last time Murong Patriarch hadn't thought about this possibility, mainly because he felt that the probability of this possibility was relatively low.

The strength of this Zhongtian organization must not be too weak. After all, it is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Without strength, he will definitely not be able to take this position.

This also indicated that the other party was definitely older, and he didn't ask Murong Tian, ​​but if he wanted to come, the other party would most likely be the same as them, and he looked old. However, the candidate for the God of Creation is a woman in her twenties, and she must be young.

Judging from the age, if the two are husband and wife, it means that the old cow eats the young grass.

But in such a world of cultivation, this situation is normal. What he didn't think about the most was that he felt that the other party's luck was not so good.

But now, under Murong Tian's narration, he had to change his mind and think about the last possibility.

Because Chen Ping'an's luck was so good that he felt amazing.

"No matter what, it's better not to offend these people if they can."

The Murong Patriarch looked outside and sent a message to Murong Zheng across the distance, asking Murong Zheng to come in.

Outside the gate of the mansion.

Murong Tian had already left the mansion and met Murong Zheng who frowned.

When he saw Murong Zheng, Murong Tian felt very proud. At this time, his arrogant walking posture was staged again in front of Murong Zheng and others.

Murong, who was watching this scene and waiting for the gatekeeper, was thinking about one thing.

Murong Tian, ​​who was still very normal when he entered, why did he walk out of the steps of ignoring his six relatives?

Murong Zheng's expression became even worse, especially when he looked at Murong Tian's smiling face, he always felt that Murong Tian was attacking the place where he was most sensitive and vulnerable only once by others.

"This guy won the praise from the head of the family because of that man?" Murong Zheng thought of Chen Ping'an and clenched his fists.

At this moment, a voice came out from the mansion.

"Murong Zheng, come in."

Hearing this voice, everyone around was startled.

Murong Tian's footsteps also stopped for a while, but soon, he continued to walk out at a pace that he did not recognize, and when he reached a certain distance, he took off and left.

You don't have to think about it to know what the master called Murong Zheng was doing.

I can only say that the small report I made just now is very good!

Hearing the Patriarch's summons, Murong Zheng walked into the mansion with a frown, and soon appeared in front of Murong Patriarch.

After seeing the Patriarch, Murong Zhengda felt bad, because he felt a strong pressure that fell on him instantly!

"Murong Tian has already told me what you have done, and you should guard the gate well in the future, understand?"

The Murong Clan Master had no expression on his face.

Murong Zheng's forehead was covered in sweat, and he nodded again and again.

"Go down." The Murong Patriarch said.

Murong Zheng stepped back with his head lowered, and only dared to turn around and go out after exiting the door.

While walking, Murong Zheng felt that his back was soaked, and the hatred for Murong Tian doubled in his heart.

"This guy! Feelings are here to give me a small report?!"

Murong was clenching his teeth, the veins on his forehead bursting out.

He said why the other party came suddenly, and he was so arrogant when he came out.

It turned out that the smile was mocking him!

Thinking of this, he has the heart to kill.

After leaving the mansion, he quickly contacted his lover.

After connecting with China Unicom, he quickly said: "Cancel the plan first! I don't need you!"

There was no reply, there were some strange sounds.

Murong was stunned for a while, and then there was a response from there, saying: "Okay, don't talk, I'm still busy."

After the words, the contact was cut off by the other party.

Murong was silent on the spot, and then his fists clenched even tighter.

"Stinky bitch! He also said that he would only be with me in the dark!"

He actually knew that his lover was a man. He must not only play with him, but the other party was still doing things in a place like the Qingzhulou, and he would eventually do something with other people.

It's just that he didn't have any grudges in his heart at the beginning, thinking that he was a lover anyway, but now he was just overwhelmed by Murong Tianyin, and he was in a bad mood. It happened that he would know about it, and he always felt like he was given a hat by someone.

After breaking contact, Murong Zheng started to contact Murong Hua.

It's not easy to send people on my side, and I'm afraid that if I send people there again, I will be arrested again, and if it is found out that it is related to him, he will no longer be warned by the owner.

But the people from the Murong School of Painting had nothing to do with him, and they couldn't find him.


Chen Pingan and Murongfu flew for a while, and finally reached the other end of Yiyuan Ancient City.

The two fell from the sky.

At this moment, above the void in front of them, a sphere the size of a hill was suspended.

This sphere has a regular shape and is suspended in mid-air, but the surface of the sphere is not calm. Every two breaths of time elapse, it will wriggle for a while, and then a strip of spikes will suddenly stick out, making the whole sphere look like a shriveled ball. Hedgehog in general.

And soon after these spikes appeared, they would be recycled back in again, so back and forth, between insertion and extraction, it gave people a feeling of trepidation.

Not many people around.

After Chen Ping'an landed, he took a closer look at the sphere, but found nothing, so he began to observe the surroundings.

There are still a lot of people coming here, and it's still in an endless stream, but everyone comes, stares at the sphere for a while, and then leaves.

A small number of people stared at it for a while, and they would stay for a while, and then they would leave.

Murong Fu watched Chen Ping'an stop staring at the Tongtian Sphere, knowing that Chen Ping'an was not as lucky as he was not long ago, and he understood the great way from it.

"Fellow Daoist, didn't you realize something?" Murong Fu asked.

Chen Pingan nodded: "No."

When he replied, his attention was not on Murong Fu, and he began to project the palm of his hand towards the sky-penetrating sphere.

Put the scene in front of you into the Hongmeng world, and let everyone inside take a look.

And when he came here, he also secretly contacted Murong Palace and the others, and asked them to gather and go to Hongmeng Realm to wait.

Aiming at the sky-piercing sphere, Chen Ping'an uses the energy of the avenue to make a medium and form a projection.

In the Hongmeng Realm, the kitchen knife and others gathered together quickly found that a huge picture appeared in the sky.

The sphere in the picture is very clear, as if they were standing with Chen Pingan, staring at the sphere at close range.

Looking at the sphere, they didn't notice anything at first, but as time passed, in less than ten breaths, some people stared one after another.

"This is!"


A small minority of those who have realized the Dao find themselves suddenly in a state of epiphany.

And soon realized a new way in this epiphany state.

The avenues they comprehend are almost different, and the situation is different. The only thing that is the same is that they all stared at the time of the sky-penetrating sphere for ten breaths, and entered that state.

Chen Ping'an asked Murong Fu about the time it would take if the celestial sphere had any effect on people, so he also stopped after projecting the celestial sphere into the Hongmeng Realm for fifteen breaths.

If it works, then the Dao has been realized at this time.

If it doesn't work, it's useless to continue.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Pingan looked at the sky and said.

It was nearly dusk.

Time to go elsewhere.

Instead, he wanted to see what was going on in the Qingzhulou, who had been hovering beside Murong Fu's mouth.

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