When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1316: I will do anything to eat

Murong Tian and Murong Fu followed Chen Ping'an, occasionally glancing at the little girl with two ponytails who secretly followed them.

For this little girl, they are very curious, what kind of identity is it, and they can propose the 200 million stone of the avenue without gasping for breath.

It is impossible for such a person to have no identity. Maybe it is the daughter of a relatively strong figure in a certain force.

Chen Ping'an ignored the little girl for now. After entering the chamber of commerce, he looked around.

This chamber of commerce is not much different from the chamber of commerce in Taichu Realm. It is also divided into selling things and recycling things. There are many counters in the hall, and many people are waiting in line.

There are also reception rooms in the back hall.

But Chen Ping'an found that there were not many people inside, so it must cost some money to go to these reception rooms.

The little girl with double ponytails saw that Chen Ping'an stopped to observe, she walked up quickly, stopped in front of Chen Ping'an, and said, "I am very familiar with this Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, what do you want to do? Buy something or sell something? I I can be your guide!"

"I didn't come in to buy or sell anything, I just wanted to see it." Chen Ping'an shook his head and refused. He came here mainly to see the difference between this Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce and those he knew.

Now I find that there is no difference in the layout. Maybe these chambers of commerce are so big, and it has something to do with the way of buying and selling things, or the types of things that are bought and sold.

When the little girl saw that Chen Ping'an couldn't enter the oil and salt, Xiao Liu's eyebrows wrinkled again, and she couldn't help but put her hands on her hips and squinted her eyes as if she was feeling the air.

Chen Pingan laughed: "Okay, let you be my guide. What's your name?"

The little girl smiled when she heard this, and said, "Just call me Xiaoliuzi, let me tell you first, I don't charge money for being a guide, you just need to give me a watermelon, how about it?"

Chen Ping'an laughed heartily, as expected, like Xiaolinger, she is a foodie, and this foodie seems to be better at fooling around.

"That's fine." Chen Pingan said.

But I have to complain, why is this little Liuzi's name so strange.

"That's okay! What do you want to know? You can ask me!" Xiao Liuzi felt that the whole person was OK again, and asked quickly, for fear that Chen Ping'an would not ask her about it.

Chen Ping'an shook his head and said, "Actually, you can't help me even a little girl. I want to find the branch president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce. Can you do anything?"

He had to test the identity of this little girl.

Xiao Liuzi frowned and stared at Chen Ping'an for a while before saying, "You wait."

She walked to a corner and took out a piece of messenger treasure. After passing the message for a while, she walked back to Chen Ping'an and the three of them.

At this moment, an old man suddenly flashed out in an open space not far from them.

This old man was dressed gorgeously, with some bells and whistles, and there was a sense of extravagance on his body. It was not easy to see his identity.

When the maids around saw the people who appeared, they quickly saluted and called the president.

The old man who appeared frowned a little, the crow's feet beside his eyes were deep, his eyes swept around, and then stared at Xiao Liuzi.

He thought to himself, "Why did this little ancestor come back and say that she can't tell her identity?"

He walked quickly to Chen Ping'an and the others, but at this moment, his eyes fell on Murong Fu, and he recognized Murong Fu.

"Brother Fu, why are you here?" The old man smiled and cupped his hands.

He knew why this little ancestor was like this. It turned out that he saw people from the Murong family coming and asked him to entertain them?

As Murong Fu, he really should have entertained him in person.

Murong Fu nodded with a smile, glanced at Chen Ping'an, and said, "Bring this fellow Taoist for a walk."

The chairman of the chamber of commerce looked at Murong Tian and Chen Ping'an, his main eyes fell on Chen Ping'an, and he wondered who this person was.

Looking at Murong Fu's attitude, he seemed to be treating his peers, but Chen Ping'an gave people a mediocre feeling, and he couldn't tell how strong he was. Maybe he was just like the little ancestor beside him, there was something hidden behind his strength.

Murong Fu also did not forget to introduce Chen Pingan and Murong Tian to the chairman of the chamber of commerce.

When the chairman of the chamber of commerce heard that Murong Tian was the pre-selection elder, his eyes widened a bit, and he hurriedly said with a smile: "It turns out that it is the elder Murong Tian! There is a long-term welcome! There is a long-term welcome!"

At this moment, he finally knew why this little ancestor spoke in person and let him come out.

The pre-selected elders of the Murong family are also here.

It really can't be ignored!

Xiao Liuzi glanced at Murong Tian.

"This person is the pre-selected elder of the Murong family? What about this person? How do I feel that he is the higher-ranking person among the three?"

Xiaoliuzi's Xiaoliu eyebrows wrinkled again, Murong Tian didn't say a word just now, and was still following behind Chen Ping'an, no matter how he felt like a subordinate.

If this feels right, then Chen Ping'an's identity is very strong, at least someone who is valued by a senior elder in the Elder Pavilion, or someone who is valued by the head of the family?

Chen Ping'an was silent and did not speak, but he glanced at Xiao Liuzi intentionally or unintentionally, and when he saw the other party, he also looked at him, showing a gentle smile.

"This little girl must be someone with a relatively high status in the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce."

The speed at which the president of this chamber of commerce appears corresponds to how high the status of this little Liuzi is.

"President, take us for a walk." Chen Pingan asked with a smile.

The chairman of the chamber of commerce nodded and began to walk around with Chen Pingan and the others.

Chen Pingan also took a look at the things sold in this chamber of commerce, and found that many things he had never seen before.

Things that are rare in the Absolute Beginning Realm are not rare here, and some things that are more in the Absolute Beginning Realm are slightly less here.

"President, do you have Dao Yuanyuan for sale here?" Chen Ping'an asked with a smile.

As soon as these words were over, all eyes fell on Chen Ping'an.

Xiao Liuzi is the same.

"Yes, but our chamber of commerce has only one piece here. It's everyone in the Murong family. If you need it, you can sell this piece to you." The chairman of the chamber of commerce thought for a while before smiling.

In fact, if someone asks, he will definitely say no, no matter how high Murong Tian's identity is, but the person whom their little ancestor asked him to greet in person must be different, and he happens to have a piece here, looking at these relationships, it can be sold .

Chen Pingan asked, "How many Avenue Stones do you need?"

The chairman of the chamber of commerce didn't think about it, and said directly: "The stone of 1.5 billion avenues."

This is already a friendship price. When someone asked, he said at least 16 or 1.7 billion avenues of stone.

It will even say higher, in order to dispel the idea of ​​others wanting to buy.

Because he originally wanted to accumulate more Dao Yuanyuan, and accumulated enough five yuan, then open an auction at that time, then he can make more money.

Chen Pingan: "..."

It seems that the original source of the first batch of avenues is a cheap sale!

Seeing Chen Ping'an's expression, Murong Tian did not dare to look at him.

If he knew that Chen Ping'an asked about this, he would never bring Chen Ping'an here!

Their owner believed that Chen Ping'an still had the source of the Dao, and now Chen Ping'an asked this, obviously wanting to inquire about the market price of the source of the Dao, and selling the source of the Dao to him in the future would be a better price.

However, a piece of stone of 1.5 billion avenues is also a price he can afford. He also secretly complained. Fortunately, the chairman of the chamber of commerce did not mention a stone of 1.6 billion avenues.

Chen Pingan nodded: "Okay."

"Do you want that fellow Daoist?" asked the president of the chamber of commerce.

Chen Pingan shook his head: "No."

I still have 18,000 yuan waiting to be sold. I will buy the piece in your hand when I have a problem.

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