When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1314: Sixty-six kinds of little girls on one hundred Italian avenues

Murong Tian didn't know that he had been missed by others, and under the leadership of Murong Fu, he flew in one direction.

Chen Ping'an observed everything on the way, and found that this world is probably similar to the Absolute Beginning Realm, that is, it looks more prosperous.

Murong Fu took advantage of the fact that the distance to the nearest city was not too close, so he needed some time. He looked at Murong Tian and asked with a smile, "Elder Murong Tian, ​​I'm actually very curious about how you became a pre-selected elder. Is it convenient to mention a little brother? Of course, if Elder Murongtian doesn’t feel comfortable to mention, you can pretend that I didn’t ask.”

Murong Tian looked at Murong Fu, pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

"Brother Fu, the Patriarch told me to keep it a secret and I can't mention it to others, so it's hard to say it."

Murong Fu smiled to ease the embarrassment: "That's when I didn't ask."

Now the whole family is very curious about this matter, and it is not clear how Murong Tian became the pre-selected elder appointed by the Patriarch.

Even the elders of the elders pavilion who shocked one side did not know the specific reason.

Chen Ping'an, who was on the side, did not speak. From the moment he entered other worlds, he was curious about one thing.

The first time he saw Murong Tian and Murong Hua, Murong Tian called Murong Hua the Elder Hua, which showed that the elders of this family were very respectable, and Murong Tian seemed to be nothing in front of Murong Hua, which meant that Murong Tian’s The position is actually not very good.

At least not elders.

But after leaving the hub of the Absolute Beginning Realm, Chen Ping'an found that everyone who saw Murong Tian would respectfully or politely call him elder, which made him strange.

Now that he heard Murong Fu's words, he learned that it turned out that Murong Tian had just become this so-called elder?

"It won't have anything to do with the source of the Dao that I'm selling, right? However, just relying on the source of the Dao, can people have this kind of benefit?" Chen Ping'an's face was a little awkward, considering the changes in Murong Tian in the past two days, he still felt that the other party's Change is related to the origin of the Dao.

Among them, Murong Tian's attitude towards him is the proof.

"It seems that in the future transactions related to the origin of the Dao, you still have to be more careful. Two thousand yuan can change a person like this. If you sell more, I'm afraid it will attract the greed of others."

Chen Ping'an thought to himself, and at the same time, he also looked at Murong Fu.

Because he found that Murong Fu would look at him when he was free.

When Murong Fu saw Chen Ping'an finally looking at him, he smiled and said, "Elder Murong Tian, ​​would you like to introduce this fellow Daoist?"

Murong Tian smiled and said, "Forget it."

"This is a Daoist friend I met in the early realm. Wu resigned." Murong Tian looked at Murong Fu and introduced Chen Ping'an.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Wu, and I have looked up to him for a long time." Murong Fu said with a smile.

Chen Ping'an remained taciturn and nodded, indicating that he was the same.

Murong Fu smiled embarrassedly, stopped talking, and concentrated on leading the way.

Chen Ping'an didn't have any malice towards Murong Fu, but simply didn't know him.

The three flew for a while and arrived at the nearest city.

Chen Ping'an found that the city here is somewhat different from the city in their Absolute Beginning Realm. The strength of the passers-by alone is not the same as theirs.

There are too many people in the eighties and nineties!

In the Absolute Beginning Realm, people in the eighties and nineties are all hidden masters of various forces, and generally do not wander around at will.

And on the streets here, you can see one or two casually.

Walking on the street, Murong Tian looked at Chen Ping'an and said, "Fellow Daoist, what do you want to know? You can ask Brother Fu, he must know better than me about Yiyuan Realm."

Chen Pingan said: "I want to know the power situation of Yiyuan Realm, and which powers have the most resources and money."

Murong Fu said with a smile: "In terms of strength and financial resources, our Murong family is definitely the strongest. Of course, there are also some forces that are not bad, such as the Chen family, the Long family...etc. They are all good, and it is Yiyuan. The world's top ten top forces."

"In terms of financial resources, we have to mention several major chambers of commerce, namely Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, Zhenlong Chamber of Commerce, Gufeng Chamber of Commerce, Guyan Chamber of Commerce, etc..."

Chen Ping'an listened carefully, remembering every sentence in his mind.

"Actually, I have a question. If I want to do some small business, or do something that can earn avenues of stone, which city or region is better?" Chen Pingan continued to ask.

Murong Tian and Murong Fu looked at each other, hearing this, they could probably guess what Chen Ping'an wanted to do.

This is to do business here in Yiyuanjie in the future?

Murong Fu also gave Chen Ping'an the answer, if the power is low, it is better to make money in some remote towns.

And if the power is strong, you can go to some big cities to make a living. For example, the strongest city in the Yiyuan world is also the city where their Murong family is located, the ancient city of Yiyuan.

There are the largest shops of ten of the world's strongest forces gathered there.

The Yiyuan Realm is not only the Murong family's, in fact, none of the ten worlds belong to the Murong family, but the Murong family is so powerful that it controls ten pivot places.

However, no matter how you control it, those from other top forces can also pass, but the Murong family must supervise the number of people who pass through.

Chen Ping'an knew that now they can only be regarded as a weak force, so let's start in a small town first.

Chen Ping'an and Murong Tian wandered around and saw the scenery of Yiyuanjie. At the same time, he was also thinking about his plans to make money in the future in combination with the conditions of various shops in Yiyuanjie.

You have to do some business that no one else can do in order to make a lot of money.

What he needs now is big money, and the stone of the road is in short supply.

The three walked around the city in front of them, and finally Chen Pingan stopped in front of the gate of a chamber of commerce.

This chamber of commerce is the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce.

It was also the first one mentioned by Murong Fu among the chambers of commerce with the largest financial resources.

From the name of this chamber of commerce, this chamber of commerce is definitely not simple. After all, this world is called Yiyuanjie, and the largest city is also called Yiyuan Ancient City. Now this chamber of commerce also has the word Yiyuan, which is definitely not simple.

Seeing Chen Ping'an stop, Murong Tian knew that Chen Ping'an was curious about the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, so he introduced: "The Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce can be said to be the strongest chamber of commerce in the world. The reason why the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce is so strong is actually related to our Murong. There is some relationship between the family, our Murong family holds 30% of the profit of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, and with the strong support of our Murong family, it has achieved today's achievements."

Murong Fu also suddenly interrupted at this time: "Actually, the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce has not developed for a long time, unlike other powerful chambers of commerce that have a history of billions of years. Chang is actually still a beautiful woman, one can imagine, what kind of woman can she achieve so much?"

Chen Pingan wrote down all this information, which might be useful in the future.

"Let's go in." Chen Pingan decided to go in and have a look, and he had to find a way to get rid of the follower behind him.

That's right, he found out that there was someone following him, and this person was very secretive, even Murong Tian, ​​Murong Fu and the others didn't find out.

However, just when Chen Ping'an was about to enter the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, he stopped again, and this time he stopped faster. If it wasn't for the quick reactions of Murong Tian and Murong Fu, they would have bumped into him. .

Chen Ping'an looked at the woman who walked out of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce who was only slightly taller than Xiaolinger and looked very young.

The woman was holding a piece of watermelon at the moment, eating and walking.

"Sixty-six kinds of avenues of a hundred intentions?!"

Others will definitely not be able to see the strength of this person, because this person has a hidden treasure, but he has the avenue of creation, and can clearly see the strength of this person, and this strength is too terrifying.

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