When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1312: 100 Italians are as many as dogs

"It's a lot of offense." The head guard didn't forget to apologize before the search.

After he finished speaking, he was also afraid that his subordinates would provoke Murong Tian without knowing how serious he was, so he would do it himself.

I saw that he took out a walnut-sized sphere that glowed green, and controlled the sphere to approach Murong Tian first.

When Murong Tian saw Chen Ping'an seeing the walnut-sized item, a different expression flashed on his face, thinking that Chen Ping'an was curious about seeing the novelty item, so he smiled and introduced it to Chen Ping'an.

"Fellow Daoist, this is a treasure that searches for a living body storage device. After approaching someone, if the red light flashes, it means that it has a living body storage device. This thing is a treasure passed down by our ancestors, and there are no other forces. The inspection effect is better than any other. All is well, baby."

Chen Ping'an hummed, expressing his understanding with a blank expression.

In fact, at this moment, he was a little guilty.

Good guy, there is such a strong instrument to assist the inspection?

Will the created Hongmeng Realm also be checked out?

He thought that the other party would manually search, even if there was something, because of the special nature of his Hongmeng Realm, it was more likely not to be searched.

But Murong Tian said that this thing is the best search treasure, maybe it is really possible to find out his Hongmeng Realm!

And once the Hongmeng Realm was found, everyone would be embarrassed.

The old man controlled a treasure the size of a walnut and circled around Murong Tian's body.

After a circle, there was no change in the flashing green light, which also showed that Murong Tian did not have any items on his body that they were guarding against.

The old man turned around, looked at Chen Ping'an, and said offended, and then began to control the treasure to fly in front of Chen Ping'an.

Murong Tian trusted Chen Ping'an very much, and felt that Chen Ping'an had no need to deceive him, so he was not worried that Chen Ping'an had a living storage device and secretly took people to other worlds.

Treasures flew up from Chen Ping'an's feet around his body.

There was no change in the front, but when the treasure rose to the middle of Chen Ping'an's body, there was a sudden change.

A flashing green light suddenly flashes red!

The old man narrowed his eyes and controlled the treasure to levitate.

Murong Tian looked at this scene and was stunned.

At this moment, the treasure was suspended in the middle of Chen Ping'an's body, because his hand was behind him.

Everyone's eyes fell behind Chen Ping'an, some looked strange, some frowned.

Where is the living body storage? ? ?

The old man smiled bitterly and said, "Friend, you seem to have something on your body that we are not allowed to hold. If you want to step into this world or transfer to another world, you have to hand over that thing."

Chen Ping'an still had a calm expression on his face, like a rock in the mountains that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"There must be something wrong with this thing," he said.

Don't look at him like this, in fact, he is now saying "Mom sells batches".

Embarrassingly embarrassing.

Murong Tian also had a strange expression on his face.

Fellow Daoist, you didn’t bring it as promised, what’s going on!

He didn't believe that this kind of thing could go bad.

This treasure flashed from green to red, obviously something was detected.

"Fellow Daoist, why don't we..." Murong Tian felt that he could take Chen Ping'an back first, it would be better than being awkward here, but before he finished speaking, the rest of the words seemed to be in short supply. Generally, it can't go up the throat.

The words stopped abruptly.

Because he found that the treasure that was flashing red suddenly began to flash green again!

what happened!

The old man who was in control of the treasure also froze for a while, blinked twice, and frowned after confirming that he had read it correctly.

what happened?

Is it really broken?

But this shouldn't be, it feels more like Chen Ping'an had something they wanted to find out, but suddenly it's gone?

Just when he thought so, a strange scene appeared again.

The treasure that changed back to the green light changed again, and began to flash the red light.

The next moment, the red light didn't last long, and the green light flashed again.

"Look, I said there is a problem." Chen Ping'an said with a flat face.

Only Chen Pingan knows how much his mood has changed in this short period of time.

That's right, in just a short time, he found a way to deal with it.

The energy of the Avenue of Creation can actually interfere with the exploration of this treasure!

He is also a dead horse as a living horse doctor. When he found out that this thing could detect the existence of the Hongmeng Realm in him, he tried to secretly wrap the Hongmeng Realm in the palm of his hand with the energy of creation.

I don't know if I don't try it, but after trying it, I found that it really works!

The old man watched the light of the treasure change, waved one hand, and took the treasure back into his hand.

At this time, the treasure returned to its normal appearance, and the green light continued to flash, but it did not change.

However, he still tried to make the treasure circle around him.

"It's weird." The old man frowned and muttered. After this circle, the treasure did not continue to be good or bad, and the green light flashed throughout the whole process.

"Try again." Chen Pingan motioned for the other party to check him again.

The old man nodded and continued to control the treasure to fly around Chen Ping'an.

This time, the treasure no longer flashed the red light like it did before, and the green light all the way.

"It should have been a problem just now." The old man put away the treasure and smiled bitterly.

Chen Pingan nodded: "I just said that it is impossible for me to hold a living body storage device."

The old man nodded.

Murong Tian on the side also smiled and said, "It seems that this thing needs to be brought back to the chief family for inspection and maintenance."

He just thought that Chen Pingan was really carrying a living body storage device.

Emotional white embarrassment.

The old man nodded, and when he nodded, he glanced at Chen Ping'an.

There was one question that bothered him a lot.

That is Chen Ping's expression.

Even when there was a problem with this treasure, Chen Ping'an had a calm expression on his face. If it was him, he should be surprised or frowned even though he knew that he had no objects stored in the living body.

But Chen Ping'an didn't change anything from the beginning to the end. When he saw that thing flashing a red light, he even said "this thing is broken". This must be done calmly.

Murong Tian looked at Chen Ping'an and asked, "That Daoist friend, which world are we going to? Or directly in this world?"

Chen Pingan thought for a while and made a decision.

"Go to the world where your chief family lives."

Murong Tian said that that world is called Yiyuan Realm. It is the largest and strongest world among the ten worlds. Since you want to see it, of course you will go directly to that world.

Murong Tian nodded, looked at the old man, and asked him to activate the formation.

The old man did not talk nonsense, and started to activate the formation.

In this way, Chen Ping'an and the two were once again enveloped by the beam of light falling from the sky.

The two began to travel through different worlds, and each time they reached a different world, they were searched again.

Chen Ping'an, who had mastered the means of concealing the Hongmeng Realm, succeeded in concealing the sky every time. After going back and forth several times, they finally arrived in a world with the most powerful Dao energy.

Billion Source Realm.

"Fellow Daoist, here we are, this is Yiyuan Realm." Murong Tian smiled.

Chen Ping'an nodded, and he knew it when he looked at the guards surrounding him.

Thirty of these guards were of the 100th level.

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