When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1306: nothing dealing with you

Murong Tian's face began to look bad.

"That's something that can't be helped." Murong Tian had no choice but to look around, planning to find a place to rest first, and come back after three hours.

He still knew some people on the head family's side, the kind of friends who could be friends but couldn't borrow money.

He looked at Murong Zheng and said, "Then I'll come back in three hours."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Murong Zheng didn't leave Murong Tian, ​​anyway, he had already dragged Murong Tian, ​​and within three hours, the other party could not see the owner of the family.

And three hours later, the other party will come back, and Murong Hua will also be able to see Murong Tian.

It's just that he just finished thinking so, the next moment a figure flashed out from the door behind him.

When the men next to him saw the man, they all hurriedly saluted.

All are respectful.

Murong Zheng also turned around quickly and saluted respectfully: "Patriarch!"

The person who appeared in Murong Zheng's field of vision was an old man.

He was wearing a red and black long coat that looked elegant and luxurious.

He touched the long beard that grew under his chin to his stomach, and said, "If someone comes to me in a hurry, tell me to go to the second elder."

Murong Zheng blinked and nodded again and again: "Okay!"

Patriarch Murong disappeared in the blink of an eye, as quickly as it was quiet.

Seeing the owner disappear, Murong Zheng rolled his eyes.

Now it is difficult for Murong Tian to meet the Patriarch.

Recently, the head of the family has been going to the second elder for two or three days. He doesn't know what to do, but one thing I have to say is that the second elder of their family is a strange old woman.


Murong Tian appeared in a corner of the general family.

There is a mansion here.

The appearance of Murong Tian made the owner of the mansion very happy, so he ordered his servants to cook and greet Murong Tian.

In front of the dinner table, an old man of the same age as Murong Tian smiled and said, "Brother, I haven't seen you for a while, why did you suddenly come to the chief family?"

Murong Tian poured himself a glass of wine and said with a smile, "Your brother, I've had a lot of luck recently, and soon, I'll be the person that the family pays attention to!"

Murong Tian felt that he could show off to his friends in advance.

The old man stayed for a while, and then asked the reason with a strange expression on his face.

"Your brother, I met a nobleman. It's hard to say what happened. It's still a family secret, but it won't take long, I'm afraid you'll be able to hear the family announcement before tonight."

Murong Tian is very confident that this batch of Dao origins can help him gain money and name three times.

The old man couldn't keep asking, so he could only say with a smile: "If the elder brother really becomes the focus of the family, don't forget to bring the younger brother along!"

Murong Tian waved his hand, patted the other party's shoulder, and said loudly, "That's for sure, I'll never forget you, hahaha!"

The two ate and drank happily, and two hours passed quickly.

During this period, Murong Tian may have gotten a little drunk, his face turned a little red, and the words he said gave people a feeling of being light and indifferent.

At the back, the old man looked at Murong Tian and began to feel that the other party was bragging from beginning to end.

"That's right, he is the head of a branch family who lives in a remote place, how can he get the attention of the head of the family?" The old man shook his head, still pouring wine for Murong Tian with a smile on his face.

Murong Tian said, "Okay, brother, that's it for today. I'll wait in front of the Patriarch's mansion."

He had to go ahead and wait.

The old man thought for a while and tried to say, "Can I follow my brother to have a look? Just wait in front of the master's mansion."

Murong Tian hesitated, and in the eyes of the old man, this was obviously a bragging being exposed.

He was about to make a joke, but the next moment, Murong Tian nodded.

"Okay, let's go together, anyway, I have to wait there for an hour, or someone can chat with me." Murong Tian said.

The old man looked strange.

Are you drunk?

Or face hard, bite the bullet?

Or, is it true?

The old man shook his head slightly, feeling that he really needed to go and have a look.

The two left the mansion and flew to the Patriarch's mansion.

However, when Murong Tian came back here again, he found that there was an acquaintance here.

Seeing this acquaintance, his face turned bad.

This person is Murong Hua!

Murong Hua arrived here half an hour ago, and after waiting here for half an hour, she saw Murong Tian coming, and after seeing her, her face turned bad at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her heart was cold. Hum.

"This guy must be doing something bad for me!"

At this moment she was very sure.

After Murong Tian saw Murong Hua, the reason why his face was very ugly was because he was afraid that Murong Hua would steal his credit.

If Murong Hua had to follow him when he met the master, he would definitely have to talk about the origin of the Dao when he saw the master, and Murong Hua suddenly said that he had a share in it, and even she had the sole discretion to make the deal that she won, then He also didn't know how to correct the impression that the owner had of him.

Needless to say, he will have some credit even in the end, but it is impossible to become the most beautiful boy!

"Elder Hua, why are you here?!"

Murong Tian asked with a bad expression.

Murong Hua had a cold face: "I just wanted to ask you this!"

"I have something to do with the head of the family." Murong Tian said solemnly.

"This matter has something to do with me?" Murong Hua still had a cold expression on her face, as if Murong Tian had taken her down and acted as if he did nothing the next day.

Murong Tian shook his head directly: "This has nothing to do with you!"

Grandma Li, you don't want to have anything to do with you in this matter!

This is what I used all my favors and finally got it through negotiation!

Do you think borrowing money is so easy!

Murong Hua said coldly: "It has nothing to do with me? Then what is the matter, why don't you tell me?"

Murong Tian's face twitched.

Grandma Li, tell you what a hair!

He glanced at Murong Zheng who was beside Murong Hua, and when he saw Murong Hua standing close to him, he must have something to do with this guy when Murong Hua appeared here.

"Damn, no, the owner has nothing to do, but this guy wants to delay the time to let Murong Hua come? But, why, she doesn't know that I have a group of Dao origins! It was Guiyan Guiyan who betrayed it. Me? Or what?"

Murong Tian gritted his teeth and wanted to rush in directly to find the owner.

But Murong Hua was already here, and he felt that if he went to the owner today, the other party would follow.

"Is there such a possibility that if I insist that this transaction has nothing to do with Murong Hua, the owner will believe it?"

Murong Tian thought about it carefully, and in the end, he found out that it seemed that if Murong Hua said something, the other party also contributed, and the owner of the family would believe it.

"At that time, if this mother-in-law was more ruthless and insisted that there were a lot of Stones of the Great Road, wouldn't I be bitter? I'm afraid that I borrowed the Stone of the Great Way from Gui Yan, and the other party also helped me to corroborate it. I can't fully prove it!"

Murong Tian was numb.

And just when he thought so, a person suddenly flashed among them.

Seeing this person, everyone around was startled for a while, and then saluted again and again.

The person who appeared was the head of the family who went to the second elder of the family not long ago!

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