When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1289: Want some tea?

There are so many people's mansions that do not have entrances to other planes. How can it be so coincidental that they appear directly in the mansion of Wu's resigned senior?

This must be the handwriting of senior Wu's resignation!

But thinking of this, she has some doubts, is the entrance to the alien plane artificially controllable?

If this entrance can also be controlled, then this heteroplane can also be controlled?

Or, this anomalous plane is originally from the hands of this big guy?

In the beginning, the emperor didn't dare to think about it anymore, the more she thought about it, the more outrageous she felt, but logically, it should only be possible to move the entrance.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother looked at the Great Emperor Hongtian, with a polite smile on her face, and asked, "Fellow Daoist Hongtian, please lead the way."

The Great Emperor Hongtian nodded and signaled the Emperor Mother and the others to follow and fly down.

A group of Venerable Lords followed, and soon a group of people disappeared in the sky.

The members of the Zhongtian organization in the sky gradually returned to their senses after the Emperor Mother and others disappeared in the early days, and they were all talking about it.

"Good guy! It seems that this alliance has really become a reality! The Emperor Mother came in person at the beginning, and even went directly to our leader!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! The Emperor Mother was so beautiful at the beginning, if the Emperor Mother gave me a kiss, I would never rinse my mouth again in my life!"

"Shut your mother down. When the emperor heard that you messed up this alliance, you are a sinner!"

"Have you noticed that when the Emperor Mother in the early days talked about the leader of Wu, her expression was a little strange!"

"Strange? What's so strange?"

"That look is like a little fan girl who can't wait to see her idol! Don't ask me why I understand this look, my daughter-in-law has become a fan of Master Wu since she knew the magic of Master Wu. Sister!"


When everyone was talking about it, the Emperor Mother and others had already landed in Chen Ping'an's mansion.

Emperor Hongtian sensed the specific location of Chen Ping'an, and was going to take the Emperor Mother and others directly to Chen Ping'an.

But it was stopped by the Emperor Mother in the beginning.

"I'll go over there." At the beginning of the Emperor Mother felt that she had to correct her attitude, and walked over step by step, taking the attitude of a younger generation!

After all, how could the junior go to see the senior and fly directly to the other side.

Some people with a big difference in seniority even went in on their knees.

Of course, you don't have to do this to this extent, after all, your strength is at the top of the Absolute Beginning Realm.

Emperor Hongtian and the others were startled.

walk over?

why? ?

But looking at the serious appearance of the Emperor Mother of the beginning, it is not good for them to fly directly over to wait for the Emperor Mother of the beginning, so they can only follow.

In order to relieve boredom, Emperor Hongtian could only introduce the layout of this mansion.

At the beginning of time, the mother of the emperor nodded and listened to the words of the Great Emperor Hongtian.

Everyone quickly arrived in front of the welcome hall of the mansion.

Looking at the building in front of her, the Emperor Mother became a little nervous.

Finally got to see that senior!

"Master Wu, the Emperor Mother is here, come out to greet him." Emperor Hongtian shouted inside.

When he wanted to come, the visitor was a guest, and it was nothing to greet him, and the Emperor Mother was their strong ally in the future, so of course they had to say hello.

It's just that Emperor Hongtian just finished shouting, and the mother of the first emperor shook, looked at Emperor Hongtian again and again, and blurted out: "No! How can you let those in charge welcome you!"

Emperor Hongtian and the others were startled.

They just felt that there was something wrong with the mother of the first emperor. Why is this attitude so humble?

Yes, it is humble.

Did this happen without their knowledge? !

This is so weird!

After the Emperor Mother finished speaking, she quickly walked to the welcoming hall.

She has now made up her mind about one thing.

That is, Emperor Hongtian and others don't know that Wu's resignation is a strong predecessor? !

Otherwise, how could Emperor Hongtian be like this?

"There is a high probability that this is the case." The Emperor Mother muttered in her heart at the beginning, and the speed on her legs was very fast, like a race.

Zixia and others also know the situation, and now they look like the emperor's mother in the beginning, and even a little serious, because they are very nervous now.

If you carefully observe the appearance of these women now and not long ago, you will definitely find traces of powder on their faces now.

If you think about it carefully, they have not worn makeup for hundreds of thousands of years.

Because they are naturally beautiful, their skin is very good, and they don't have to care what others think, and make-up is useless, so they have been wearing no makeup.

But today, at the beginning of the day, the mother of the emperor strictly ordered them to put on uniform makeup and pay attention to their clothes, so as to show their most beautiful side as much as possible.

Of course, the Emperor Mother also told them about the possibility of getting Duan Xinxin's chance as long as they were fancy, so they were willing to wear makeup.

But what they could never have imagined was that they, who had obviously done more makeup than the Emperor Mother in the early days, actually lost to the Emperor Mother in the early days in terms of makeup.

The appearance of the emperor's mother in the early days of dressing up really amazed everyone.

Everyone quickly entered the hall.

Chen Ping'an heard the call of the Great Emperor Hongtian just now, but he thought he didn't hear it.

He has to act like a boss.

No, it can't be said to pretend to be a boss. This meeting has given him a bigger challenge. It's not the same as before, just pretending to be a boss.

Instead, in the eyes of the Great Emperor Hongtian and others, he is normal as usual, but in the eyes of Emperor Taichu and others, he is a god-like existence.

It is necessary to give the Emperor Mother and the others a feeling that he looks ordinary, but is actually very simple.

So he didn't go out to meet him, and even closed his eyes deliberately, pretending to rest.

At the beginning of the day, the emperor and others walked into the hall, and everyone's eyes fell on Chen Ping'an, who was sitting alone in front.

In the beginning, the emperor and others swallowed their saliva, looked at Chen Ping'an carefully, and sensed Chen's situation.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an seems to be integrated with the environment, quiet and peaceful, without any special breath, like an ordinary mortal.

But that's just the way it is, the Emperor Mother and others in the early days felt that this was a big shot.

Think about it, if you are stronger than them, you can't even see a person's strength. How terrifying is this person?

Seeing Chen Ping'an sitting still, Emperor Hongtian was still pretending to rest with his eyes closed, with a strange expression on his face, wondering if Chen Ping'an was planning something.

After all, Chen Ping'an just left in front of them not long ago, and this is the case now, obviously something is wrong.

"Master Wu, the Emperor Mother came to see you in the beginning." Emperor Hongtian shouted again.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the Great Emperor Hongtian and others, stretched his waist and said, "Sleep for a while, come here, all sit down, you're welcome, just be your own home."

It looked as if it was no surprise that the Emperor Mother would come, and at the same time, she did not warmly welcome the arrival of the Emperor Mother and others.

At this time, the Emperor Mother quickly cupped her hands and said, "I have seen the leader of Wu!"

She didn't call her senior, because she suspected that Emperor Hongtian and the others didn't know how terrifying this one was, and this also showed that there was a reason for this, so they had to hide it from Emperor Hongtian and the others.

Zixia and others also saluted respectfully.

Chen Ping'an nodded with a smile, and said, "The visitor is a guest, please sit down. By the way, do you need tea? I'll make it for you."

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