When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1283: road to death

Duan Xinxin got excited, and asked again in a hurry: "Is it really all understood?!"

Everyone said thank you, didn't this understand it!

Chen Pingan watched from the side.

He can clearly see the situation of the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

Now there are more than 3,000 kinds of avenues on the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

It's just a pity that not all the mainstream avenues have been comprehended!

There is another way that has not been comprehended!

And this road is not a simple road.

But just like him back then, he didn't realize the road to death! !

Chen Ping'an's face was a little awkward.

At the beginning, in order to comprehend the way of death, he spent a lot of effort, so that he had to make arrangements to comprehend it later.

Well now, I still think that the Chaos Pearl spirit body will use this magical leaf to let them have one more person from the Creation Avenue.

It seems impossible in a short time.

Because he knows very well how difficult it is to realize the way of death after comprehending the way of life.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body shook his head and said, "There is still a great way that I haven't realized yet."

Hearing this, the excited expression on Duan Xinxin's face stiffened.

no? !

Duan Xinxin frowned and continued to ask, "What kind of avenue did you not understand?"

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body smiled bitterly: "The Avenue of Death."

Duan Xinxin's brows furrowed even more.

Her husband had planned for so long in order to understand the way of death.

Well now, the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body is also such a bad way.

Does it take so long to set up again?

However, just when Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin were both frowning, the Chaos Pearl spirit body smiled freely: "It's just one kind of difference, at most it can't be like you, but it's already very important to me. Strong! This has more than 3,000 kinds of avenues!"

"And, actually, I don't think it's particularly difficult for me to comprehend the final road to death."

Chen Pingan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Is there any turnaround?

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body got serious and said, "I found that I still have a chance to comprehend the avenue of death. In the state just now, even if it lasts for another breath, I should be able to comprehend the final avenue of death. Very. It’s a pity that the time is too tight, but despite this, I still realized something, and with a period of hard work, I should be able to realize the road of death!”

Chen Ping'an raised his brows a little: "So, you still have a good chance of comprehending the final avenue of death and merging into the avenue of creation!"

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded: "But it may take a long time to rub the avenue of death, and the time should not exceed two years!"

Duan Xinxin laughed: "Then I'll show you more!"

The Chaos Pearl spirit body stared at Duan Xinxin, not knowing what to say for a while.

After today's incident, she really understood Duan Xinxin's character.

"Will this be inconvenient?" Chaos Pearl Spirit Body asked with a wry smile.

Duan Xinxin said: "If there is any inconvenience, just call me when you need to observe, and the time I will spend later will be used to absorb the stone of the avenue to improve my strength. It can be said that there is nothing to do."

Now that she has the avenue of creation, there is no need to absorb the source of the avenue to improve the understanding of the avenue. Just follow Chen Ping'an's words and absorb the stone of the avenue.

Now they have only one problem to worry about.

That is whether the stone of the road is enough!

Chen Pingan also smiled and said, "Anyway, come on."

The Chaos Pearl spirit body can give an exact time, which shows that she is also very confident that she can comprehend the road of death!

The Chaos Orb Spirit Body nodded seriously.

After finishing the matter here, Chen Ping'an had nothing to do, so they returned to the cave with the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said that she has a high probability of comprehending the avenue of death, so Chen Ping'an does not suggest that she continue to absorb the source of the avenue.

How long does it take to absorb these more than 3,000 kinds of avenues in order to improve the understanding of all the avenues?

It is better to spend more time to understand the way of death, so that you don't have to think about how to improve the understanding of the way.

So Chen Pingan asked her, like Duan Xinxin, to help mine the source of the avenue.

The source of the Dao can be used by others, and it is absolutely necessary to save more.

And it can also be sold!

Change to the stone of the road!

Now they do not lack the source of the Dao, what they lack is only the stone of the Dao!

Since then, Duan Xinxin and the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body have been busy together, and the two of them are working with a smile.

Their relationship looks like sisters.

And as soon as this scene was staged, many people here in the cave were dumbfounded.

It's not because the relationship between the two seems to be very good, but they are shocked by the avenues behind the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

Why so many suddenly!

Although the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body does not have that special avenue, it is a miracle that it has become like this in a short period of time!

Emperor Hongtian and others are already numb. After deciding to go out, they must catch their leader and ask carefully what happened to Duan Xinxin and the others to become like this.

Because they went to ask Chen Ping'an, Chen Ping'an didn't say anything, but insisted on mentioning one sentence, which was also because of the person in charge of Wu.

In the early days, the Emperor Mother couldn't help but come to Chen Ping'an again.

Chen Ping'an knew what she was going to ask, and said directly: "She was also attracted by the leader of Wu... But the leader of Wu did not let her have all the avenues, and made her lack the avenue of death, which is also right. A test for her, to see if she can comprehend the way of death within two years."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother swallowed her saliva, and the longing in her eyes became brighter.

She couldn't wait to meet the leader of Wu, who Chen Ping'an called the father of miracles.

And try to ask what kind of type the other person likes and see if you can get this opportunity! ! !

Chen Ping'an also thought of a question at this time, looked at the emperor's mother at the beginning and asked: "Emperor, there is a question that needs to be answered by you."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother hurriedly smiled and said: "You can ask casually, I will definitely know everything!"

Chen Pingan thought of the situation of the death emperor.

Now he is very concerned about the specific strength after the death emperor has the avenue of life.

At the same time, I want to know whether the Emperor Mother and the others will join forces to deal with such a dead Emperor Father, and whether they can kill the other party 100%.

That's right, what he wants is to kill the death emperor 100%.

He thought about it, using the words of the Emperor Mother and the others to kill the Death Father is definitely the fastest way to kill the Death Father.

If the Emperor Mother and the Great Emperor Hongtian in the early days could join forces to kill the Death Father, he would not have to wait for his strength to improve.

Everyone just go to the Hall of the Undead and kill the Death Father.

So as not to dream too much at night.

But now he has to ask the Emperor Mother at the beginning, if the Death Emperor has the way of life, if they, the 100-level and 99-level people, can join forces to kill the Death Emperor 100%.

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