When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1273: Kill the Death Father

The death emperor cursed fiercely, but he knew that no matter how much he cursed, it would be of no use.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an is only less than a mile away from him!

What he has to do now is to quickly find a way to keep the precious tree in his hand!

He died nothing, this tree is gone, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Yes, it is remorse.

I regret why I didn't directly take this treasure tree and go out!

Why are you confident enough to find Chen Pingan and the others?

If he knew that he would fall into such a field, it would be absolutely impossible for him to regenerate the thought of killing Chen Ping'an. After finding the tree, he would immediately appear in another plane.

Let the outside self absorb all the leaves of this precious tree and realize all the great ways!

At that time, it would still be easy to kill Chen Pingan and the others? !

He gritted his teeth, wishing he could slap himself a few times.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an is getting closer and closer to him.

With his head running fast, he thought of a way.

That is, when escaping, secretly throw the tree down.

As long as Chen Ping'an doesn't notice, he can let someone sneak in here, pick up the tree, and take it out!

Anyway, this tree looks very ordinary. Under normal circumstances, as long as others do not pick the leaves of this tree, they will not find that this tree is such a magical treasure.

However, when he came up with this idea and was about to implement it, he found that it was too late when he came up with this method!

In just a short while, Chen Ping'an was already within a hundred meters behind him!

What speed is this! ! !

Father Death is about to collapse, but he knows that he can't give up now.

"You can only give up this tree!!!"

The death emperor's teeth were about to be shattered. He roughly estimated the speed of Chen Ping'an. At this distance, it would take Chen Ping'an a few breaths to catch up with him. Now, he even took out the tree and threw it down secretly. On the ground, it can't be done.

Because of this distance, taking out such a large tree is too conspicuous.

And it's not enough to throw the storage treasure directly. After Chen Ping'an kills him, and no storage treasure is found on him, maybe he will go to look for it along the road!

Perceive and find out!

Fortunately, he had already picked a leaf earlier.

And that leaf is the leaf that can help people understand the way of life!

Now he has no choice but to give up!

He quickly took out the leaf, threw it to the ground secretly, and quickly looked at the surrounding environment, firmly remembering the terrain here.

When he finished all this, he felt that Chen Pingan had appeared behind him!

And the next moment, Chen Ping'an's figure had appeared in front of him and blocked his way!

This made him extremely hideous.

Chen Ping'an arrived in front of the Death Emperor in the blink of an eye. On the way, he didn't see the small movements that the Death Emperor just made.

"You should keep running away." Chen Ping'an said coldly.

The death emperor's face was hideous, his eyes were scarlet, and he roared like a bloodthirsty lion: "Boy! Who are you!!"

But soon, he said as calmly as possible: "I don't have much hatred with you, right? You let me go, and when I capture the entire Absolute Beginning Realm in the future, I will give you half of the world!!"

Father Death knew that he couldn't escape. He originally wanted to say some harsh words, but when he thought about the precious tree on his body, he changed his words, and his tone became better, and the discussion was very meaningful.

He had to try to see if he could trade such a clumsy promise for a chance at his own life.

However, hearing this in Chen Ping'an's ears, it was like something that made people laugh, making him laugh.

Is this still the arrogant and domineering death emperor?

So greedy for life?

However, he was also smart, so he laughed for a while, suddenly realized something, narrowed his eyes, and stared at the Death Father carefully.

"This guy may also be greedy for life and fear of death, but this is clearly just a body he controls. In order to live, are you willing to say such things?"

If this is not an alien plane, and the Death Emperor does not control his body, then at this point, the Death Emperor still feels normal to this level.

After all, no one is not afraid of death.

However this is not!

Chen Pingan said with a sneer: "Do you have any treasures on you?"

The death emperor's face instantly turned ashen, and he gritted his teeth again.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Chen Ping'an laughed again: "No wonder! I'm starting to wonder what treasures you have on your body!"

Seeing that Chen Ping'an didn't give him a chance at all, the death emperor roared: "Boy! Remember me! I will kill you sooner or later!!!"

At this moment, he was like an evil ghost from hell, his face was extremely distorted and his soul was captivating.

Chen Ping'an snorted coldly: "Kill me? Even if you are outside, it's hard to kill me! Besides, it won't take long before you die in my hands, so just wait quietly for the moment I kill you in front of you. !"

After he finished speaking, he was too lazy to give the Death Emperor a chance to continue scolding people, and he couldn't wait to see what the treasure was that could make this guy survive!

Chen Ping'an moved, the mark of the Avenue of Creation appeared behind him, and the surrounding void rippled.

The death emperor still wanted to struggle and shot with all his strength.

It's just that now, in Chen Ping's eyes, he is like a child who hasn't stopped breastfeeding, and he can't pose any threat at all.

With just one punch, he smashed the Death Emperor to death.

Feeling that he was about to die, the death emperor was full of remorse and regret, but before he died, he still took a look at the surrounding environment.

A punch passed, and the surroundings fell silent.

Chen Ping'an did not completely destroy the body of the death emperor, but exploded his head.

After killing the Death Emperor, his face did not change too much, because he knew that this was only the first step of revenge, not the end.

What died was just a body controlled by the other party.

Chen Pingan began to search for the body controlled by the death emperor, and soon found a treasure.

"What is it that makes this guy want to live so much?"

He looked it up.

However, what made him frown was that he did not find anything special.

Most of the treasures in the Father of Death's storage treasures are treasures from the alien plane, and almost all of them have been seen by him.

The most expensive treasure is a few pieces of Dao Yuanyuan.

However, it is absolutely impossible for the source of a few avenues to let the death emperor say the words that he just wanted to share the world with.

It's just that apart from these things, there is nothing that is precious at first sight.

"Huh? No, there's something wrong with this tree!"

There are also many plants in Father Death's storage treasure, most of which are holy medicines he knows, but there is a tree, he glanced at it, and felt that there must be something tricky.

Because this tree looks ordinary!

Yes, it is very common!

How common is it?

Ordinary to completely like a tree in the mortal world!


Will this kind of thing appear in the alien plane?

Will it appear in a storage treasure filled with various treasures?

Would the Death Emperor put away such a thing?

Chen Pingan took out the tree alone and checked it.

"This is most likely the treasure that the Death Emperor wants to live on!" In a short while, Chen Ping'an discovered the unusualness of this tree.

The first inspection he did was to pick the leaves.

At this moment, the original green leaves were completely changed the moment they fell into his hands.

It became golden, as if plated with gold!

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