When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1271: real villain

Chen Ping'an's punch is not simple. He used several layers of strength in this punch. Why does the void overlap and explode? This is the principle.

After all, he already knew the steps to eliminate these black smoke. One blow could not kill them. Only four or five blows could make them disappear and no longer survive.

Therefore, for the first punch, he directly tried the attack that he thought of in a short time, and tried to take the strongest black smoke of the eighty-sense level.

And his punch also affected the rest of the black smoke.

I saw that the black smoke of the 70s and 70s that followed the 80s was also shaken to dissipate, but it was not as miserable as the 80s, which disappeared without a trace, but a part of it dissipated, the thick smoke. The shape has become a little dim.

This blow directly shook the world and lost its luster.

At this moment, the death emperor is like a clay doll just piled up, standing there dumbly, the expression on his face is no longer as gloomy as before, and there are no more bloodthirsty rays in his eyes, and some are just endless chaos. .

He was totally stupid.

He was fooled by Chen Ping'an's punch.

The waves in his heart made him scream ahhhh, as if someone was madly poking a knife at his most sensitive and vulnerable place.

"what happened!!!!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was dumbfounded.

Why did Chen Ping'an blow away the 80-level black smoke that he was most optimistic about with just one punch, and then the 70-plus-level black smoke was also scattered, and it looked like it was about to disappear.

Some of the sixty-odd black smoke that has been spared now are still attacking Chen Ping'an, but Chen Ping'an did not stop, he casually babbled twice, disappeared and disappeared, scattered and retreated!

After the death emperor blinked his eyes, he had already lost the air he had just now, his face changed from sluggish to extremely distorted, and a sense of powerlessness and fear appeared quietly.

escape! ! !

This is not human! ! !

Such thoughts madly broke into his mind.

It's a haircut!

The black smoke of the 80th Intent level, the real strength has reached the 85th Intent level, but such an existence did not even have a chance to shoot in front of this kid, and was directly blown away!

That's right, it's gone!

Aren't these black smoke immortal?

What the **** happened to this!

How can this kid kill these black smoke!

He now understands one thing, why there are no 500 black smokes near the entrance of the source of the avenue, the feeling is not to chase Chen Ping'an and the others, but to be killed by Chen Ping'an? !

This guy Chen Pingan has developed a way to kill these black smoke!

It was researched by the black smoke he left behind!


Father Death felt that it was all so dramatic that he wanted to spit blood.

But he knows that now he has no time to be in a daze and get angry, and if he doesn't leave, he will die!

The death of the body he controlled actually didn't have many side effects for him, and it just hurt the body outside a little, and it took a while to recover.

Of course, this had to be before he harvested that magical tree, but not now.

He has that magical tree on him! ! !

This is his treasure to become a truly invincible powerhouse!

If Chen Pingan kills him and takes away his tree, he will live in regret for the rest of his life! ! !


This thought rioted in his mind. Seeing that there were nearly a thousand clouds of black smoke over there, he quickly controlled the black smoke and tried his best to stop Chen Ping'an.

And he turned around and went in one direction, using his strength to suckle, and regardless of whether he looked embarrassed or not, he went crazy and fled.

Moreover, he also shouted to all the people in the Hall of the Undead: "Everyone will kill this kid for me!!!"

at this time.

Not only the death emperor had been frightened by Chen Ping'an's powerful attack like an invincible **** of war, but also the disciples of the Hall of the Undead who gradually surrounded him were dumbfounded.

They were dumbfounded and doubted life.

Unexpectedly, in their eyes, the black smoke like an invincible army is so fragile in front of Chen Ping'an!

Now under the roar of the death emperor, they also reacted, but when they looked at the death emperor and saw him fleeing in a panic, the corners of their mouths and faces twitched wildly.

Are you still the emperor? !

You run away and let us go? !

In their eyes, the Death Emperor had lost the majesty he had accumulated over the years in the blink of an eye.

In their eyes, the words "greed for life and fear of death" have become an indelible title on the father of death.

They looked at each other, thinking about whether to attack Chen Ping'an.

They feel that if they dare to attack Chen Ping'an, there is a high probability that it will be of no use. I am afraid that a single blow from Chen Ping'an will kill them.

After all, the black smoke in the 70s or 80s is completely like a child's stuff in front of Chen Ping'an!

Only then the voice of the death emperor sounded again.

"If this kid doesn't die, you can't even think about going out through the entrance!!! Come out one, I will kill one!!! And, I will kill your relatives!!!"

A roar resounded through the sky again.

This sound swept across the sky, making everyone stunned.

Even Chen Ping'an, who had almost wiped out the black smoke in the blink of an eye, paused and couldn't help but glance at the Death Father over there again.

Why did he use his strongest strength in the first place?

Just to deter!

Let everyone not dare to kill him.

After all, there are more than 10,000 people in the Hall of the Undead, and there are too many people. It is also difficult for him to deal with it.

But once he kills a group of people, other people's psychological defenses will collapse, they will have no will to fight, and they will flee.

This is the core principle of his one man against ten thousand armies.

And at the beginning, as he thought, the Death Emperor was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, but he didn't care, the Death Emperor no longer had such a strange escape method, after all, it could only be used once a month.

So as long as the Death Emperor doesn't escape beyond his sight, he will soon catch up!

Just what he didn't expect.

The other party would suddenly say such a sentence!

This sentence directly threatened all the disciples of the Temple of the Dead!

At the same time, it also has the effect of making these people not want to attack him.

Because this sentence is too deadly.

All the disciples of the Hall of the Undead attacked him together, and he still has the possibility of death, but now, the death emperor has directly forced them to a dead end. As long as he does not die, all the disciples of the Hall of the Undead will never be able to get out!

If someone goes out, it will kill the other party without saying anything, but also kill the other party's family!

All the disciples of the Hall of the Undead were stunned, looking in the direction of the death emperor, their eyes turned scarlet, full of hatred.

But they all know.

This statement is absolutely true!

No one can carefully measure the people killed by the Death Emperor!

all of a sudden.

All the people in the Hall of the Undead turned their attention to Chen Ping'an.

They want to live, and now there is only one way.

That is to work together to kill Chen Pingan!

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