When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1253: heavy casualties

Chen Yi's space-time avenue has more than 50 meanings, and he can get rid of these black smoke at will, but they can't.

The avenues of the choppers and the others are still low. It is also because the choppers and the others are slower, and they are eventually caught up.

Seeing that the situation was out of control, Chen Yi quickly looked at Li Hao and said solemnly, "Let's cover them. With our strength, we should be able to resist them for a while!"

Black smoke has caught up and turned into a human figure, ready to launch a fierce offensive against them, they can no longer run away blindly, otherwise there will be casualties soon!

Li Hao has close to a hundred members of the sixty-level organization around him, and against the black smokers who are generally more than sixty-level, although there is no chance of winning, he may be able to resist for a while.

At least give the choppers time to escape.

After hearing Chen Yi's words, Li Hao and others nodded and stopped.

The kitchen knife clenched his fist, and for the first time felt that he was a burden.

It's a bad feeling.

Duan Xinxin and the others are the same, but they know that they don't have the ability to contribute to staying behind, and they will only be affected by staying.

Duan Xinxin said solemnly: "We continue to escape! It's up to you! Be careful!"

Chen Yi nodded. At this time, he looked at Tang Ying who was full of worry in the crowd, and said with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, follow them, I'll catch up later!"

Tang Ying gritted her teeth, and finally nodded, but the worry on her face was still not reduced by half.

"Be careful! Be sure to live!" Tang Ying touched her stomach when she said this.

Chen Yi smiled and nodded, trying to show a confident look on his face.

It's just that when he turned around, he looked at the smoky people who were attacking directly with a serious face.


Chen Yi shouted and was the first to kill the black smoke.

With Chen Yi taking the lead, Li Hao and the others also attacked the smoky people directly.

A chaotic battle unfolded.

The bombardment came one after another.

The kitchen knife and others listened to the bombardment behind them, all gritted their teeth and flew without turning their heads.

They know that what they have to do now is to fly fast and stay away from those black smoke, so Chen Yi and the others don't have to continue to buy time for them.

Chen Yi's strength is very strong, and under the influence of Devouring Dao and Space-Time Dao, he can attack the strongest sixty-eight-level black smoke among the black smokers, and he also has the upper hand.

Even a blow from the back knocked the smoky man to pieces.

It's just that these smoky people are not only more powerful than them, but also have a feature that makes them toothache, that is, they are immortal and immortal!

After being dispersed, in just ten breaths, they reassembled into a group, turned into a human shape again, and continued to attack them.

Li Hao and others worked together to break down many smoky men, but when these smoky men attacked them again, because they had already used part of the Dao energy, the second time they faced each other, they began to struggle. condition.

In the second round, they had already suffered injuries.

I saw one organization member after another being sent flying.

The battle has entered a white-hot stage.

And this is not over yet, those smoky people are still bullying, it seems that their goal is to kill people!

Seeing that the members of the organization began to suffer injuries, Chen Yi became a little anxious.

Especially seeing that some members of the organization beside him were about to be beheaded, he could only grit his teeth and go to help.

He helps out and does everything he can.

Behind the Avenue of Time and Space is almost used to rescue members of various organizations that are dying.

But after a while, he started to get tired.

Accidentally, he was even successfully attacked by the sixty-eight-level black smoker!

A palm hit him on the chest!

Although he had swallowed the avenue and worked hard to protect his body, he was knocked to the ground at this moment.

Without his help, one organization member after another was knocked down from the sky.

Death begins to appear!

Li Hao's strength is slightly stronger, but at this time, seeing the wounds and deaths of his friends who were fine not long ago, his eyes are about to split.

"Death to me!" She attacked like crazy.


No matter how hard she tried.

The smoky people soon surrounded her.

Directly hit an attack that can wipe her out!

Looking at the overwhelming attack, the scene in front of Li Hao's eyes turned into slow motion.

She looked sad.

Is this going to die?

Just when she thought so.

A figure appeared in vain in front of her.

It was Chen Yi who appeared.

"You go first! My Queen!" Chen Yi used the Avenue of Time and Space to the extreme, moving Li Hao out of the range of these attacks, and at the same time, he applied all the Avenue of Devouring to himself to defend against the attacks that were flying violently.

Li Hao's eyes turned red when he saw this scene.


Chen Yi was attacked again and fell to the ground.

At this moment, he is already naked, his clothes are ragged, his hair is fluttering, and he is extremely embarrassed.

However, he laughed and roared: "That's it?!"

"If you have the ability, continue to come to Lao Tzu!"

Chen Yi roared in the sky, his momentum was monstrous.

At this moment, he turned into a lunatic!

The black smokes who attacked the other Zhongtian organization were attracted by Chen Yi, and they changed their attack targets and flew towards him.

Chen Yi looked at Li Hao at this time and shouted: "Hurry up!"

"Also, bring a word to my daughter-in-law, the child's name is Chen Yuan."

Speaking of the back, his eyes were full of tenderness.

He also only learned from his daughter-in-law that the other party was pregnant not long ago.

For this reason, he practiced even harder.

Because he wants his children to know from the moment they are born that his father is one of the strongest top powerhouses!

But now, he may not even know what the child looks like.

But he doesn't regret it.

Do what you have to do, do your best.

In the future, when the child knows that his father died in battle at this time, he will be proud and proud......

Li Hao's eyes were red and her fists were clenched tightly, but when she wanted to say something, her mouth seemed to be blocked by something, and she suddenly couldn't speak.

At the same time, the radiance that only appears when she is overjoyed suddenly appeared in her red eye circles.

In her field of vision, a person suddenly appeared behind Chen Yi.

While Chen Yi was still in grief, he found that a warm palm suddenly appeared on his shoulder.

Immediately after.

A familiar voice broke into his ears.

"If you have anything to say, let someone lead the way, and you are not afraid to trouble others? Also, you have done a good job, let me do it now!"

Hearing this, Chen Yi's eyes instantly widened, and at the same time, a strong sense of security wrapped around him.

He was instantly exhausted.

"Okay..." He turned to look at Chen Ping'an and smiled.

Chen Ping'an nodded and looked coldly at the smoky people around him.


An immeasurable avenue mark suddenly appeared behind him, and a terrifying wave emanated from him, spreading around in the blink of an eye.

In just a moment, those smoky people didn't even have time to react, they were all scattered!

Li Hao watched this scene and took a deep breath. At this moment, she was also shrouded in a sense of tiredness, and she felt powerless.

Chen Yi appeared in front of her and said, "Quickly check the injuries of your companions!"

Li Hao nodded and looked at the other Zhongtian Organization members lying on the ground.

And when they were just about to get busy, they found a group of people flying behind them.

It is the chopper for them.

When fleeing, they happened to meet Chen Pingan who was flying back quickly. Now that Chen Pingan was back, they flew back quickly to see if they could help.

When they saw the battle, they all clenched their fists and were full of killing intent.

They quickly went to treat the wounded together with Li Hao and Chen Yi.

Tang Ying saw Chen Yi's appearance at the moment, her eyes were red in an instant, she quickly went over and hugged him, without speaking, her body trembled a little.

Chen Yi smiled bitterly: "Daughter-in-law, I'm fine..."

But Tang Ying is very aware of her husband's situation, she has never seen her husband hurt so badly.

on the sky.

Chen Pingan was furious,

He didn't move a single moment, and slowly waited for these smoky men to condense. After they condensed and formed, he instantly killed them again.

He wants to see how many times these smoky people can be reborn!

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