When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1247: Are you shitting?

Through Chen Ping'an's flickering, she has successfully entered the pit.

She can't be blamed for this either, whoever heard Chen Ping'an's words, and there is indeed such an ironclad evidence, even though it sounds a bit outrageous, you have to unconditionally believe it.

Zixia and others were also brought into the pit by Chen Ping'an, and only the kitchen knives and the others could know the truth.

Chen Pingan said: "I only know so much about the leader of Wu, and it is not convenient for me to continue talking about other things."

At the beginning of the Emperor Mother returned to God, nodded repeatedly: "Okay! By the way, after I go out from here, can I meet with you who are in charge?"

At this moment, she really wanted to see this person who sounded extremely legendary.

Chen Ping'an nodded: "The matter of cooperation is ultimately discussed by you and Director Wu, so we will meet."

The First Emperor smiled and nodded.

Zixia and Ziyun looked at each other, so they might be able to see this magical figure?

Chen Ping'an didn't say any more, and if he went on, he would be suspected of showing off or fake, leaving more mystery, but it would be more effective.

He continued to look around, seeing that there was still no entrance, and began to contact another clone.

The clone has now entered the inner circle, and it will be here in a while.

There should be no more accidents on the way.

Everyone stopped talking and went about their own business.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother fell into contemplation, while Zixia and the others whispered, talking about what happened just now.

The kitchen knives and the others were doing nothing, just like Chen Ping'an, they stayed there, waiting for the entrance to appear.

On the contrary, Chen Yi has been busy with his practice. He squatted in a corner, and he didn't see him take out the body. He just squatted and played with the storage treasure, absorbing the corpse inside.

To be honest, his half-squatting action is somewhat unsightly. If there is a little sister who can't say anything, she will definitely say something like this.

"Are you shitting?"

His Dao Yi level has been improving.

In less than half an hour, it was raised from the level of more than fifty to nearly sixty.

Another half an hour has passed, and his Devouring Avenue level has reached the sixty level!

Breaking through this barrier, his face was full of joy, as if he had found out that his daughter-in-law knew many things without a teacher and would cooperate with him very well.

He wanted to find someone to share it with, but after thinking about it, the Emperor Mother and the others were here at the beginning, and they couldn't say anything, so they continued to squat in that corner and continued to devour the corpse to cultivate.

Chen Yi has absorbed the origins of the avenues given by Chen Ping'an, and now in addition to improving the avenues of swallowing, the avenues of time and space are also improving.

And it has been upgraded from the twenty-something level to the thirty-point level.

That speed is like riding a rocket, which is very scary.

Chen Ping'an glanced at Chen Yi from time to time, watching his speed increase, secretly feeling awesome.

This is really to be in the different planes, to upgrade to the seventy or eighty level before giving up!

Not only Chen Ping'an looked towards Chen Yi, but other people also felt Chen Yi's restless avenue level.

The level of the avenue has been improving, and others can't think of him as someone who squatted in the corner and pooped. He has become the most beautiful cub on this street.

All attention was on him.

The kitchen knife and others also know the special features of Chen Yi, and they are only a little envious, while the Emperor Mother and the others at the beginning of the day did not know anything. Seeing this scene, they began to doubt life again.

How is this going!

How could this person's Dao level keep improving!

Ever since he went to squat there just now, the speed of the avenue level has not stopped, it has been improving!

In the beginning, the emperor couldn't bear it anymore and flew to Chen Ping'an's side.

When Chen Ping'an saw the emperor's mother flying close at the beginning of the year, he knew what she wanted to say, but he still asked deliberately: "Emperor, is there something?"

The Emperor Mother glanced at Chen Yi's side at the beginning, and then asked in a low voice: "Why is that guy breaking through all the time? It's the first time I've seen such a strange scene in my long life!"

Just squatting there, why the avenue level keeps improving!

This is so baffling!

Chen Ping'an said casually: "Oh, he is cultivating. He has recently won the favor of our leader Wu, so the leader Wu decided to train him and taught him some special exercises. Don't look at him just squatting, In fact, he is practicing."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother looked at Chen Ping'an's indifferent face, dazed, did not continue to ask for a while, and looked at Chen Ping'an's face, the whole person was motionless.

You master Wu cultivated him, gave him some special exercises, and then he was like this? !

This is not the reason why she became so sullen. The most important thing is that she found that when Chen Ping'an said these words, it was very dull, as if it was just a normal little thing, and it was not humane.

But can this be normal?

Can someone improve it this way?

you see!

Another **** breakthrough!

The sixty-one level of devouring the avenue!

The First Emperor didn't know what to say.

Who is this person in charge of Wu!

This is too amazing!

Chen Ping'an continued: "Don't pay attention to him, he has a fast breakthrough speed, and can only improve a few Daoyi levels. In the words of our masters, that's it, the real genius is that all Dao's are improved together. Yes, he is also good at flattering, and he is very popular with our leader Wu."

Speaking of the latter, Chen Ping'an lowered his voice and said those words with a look of disdain.

This effect was fully pulled by him.

If Chen Yi heard Chen Ping'an's words now, he would definitely cry without tears.

It is very likely that there will be a sentence: Brother Chen, if you fool people, you fool people, why are you burying me!

At the beginning of the emperor's mother's scalp was numb at this moment.

Feeling dizzy.

Who the **** is this!

She swallowed heavily, nodded, and started flying towards Zixia and the others.

Now a lingering thought was born in her mind.

When I see this leader of Wu, do you want to try to flatter me too? !

See if you can improve yourself a little more.

If there is, the other party will give her some special exercises at will, or is there any chance that he can also improve other avenues? !


She was moved.

But when she thought of the way she was flattering, her face couldn't help turning red.

When Zixia and Ziyun saw the emperor's mother coming back, they quickly blocked the surrounding space and asked the emperor's mother Chen Yi what was going on.

When the Emperor Mother looked at Zixia and Ziyun, she suddenly had an idea.

I can't hold that face down by myself, it seems that I can let Zixia and the others do it!

"Listen well..." The Emperor Mother moistened her throat at the beginning, and then repeated what Chen Ping'an had just said.

After Zixia and Ziyun listened, they both quickly shifted their gazes to Chen Yi's side, and then they all swallowed frantically.

full of longing.

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