When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1241: we met by chance

Chen Pingan took Li Hao and others to fly a distance away from the destination.

Their current direction is somewhat different from their target direction, but as long as they change their direction, they don't have to go too far.

During the flight, Chen Pingan was aware of the situation behind him all the time.

About half an hour or so, he stopped for a while, took Li Hao and the others to hide, and waited for a while to see if anyone came behind him.

After going back and forth a few times, he can be sure that the Emperor Mother and the others did not follow him in the beginning.

"It's a bit self-aware." Chen Pingan said.

Then he started to take Li Hao and the others to their destination.

He no longer hides his strength, and uses the avenue of time and space to help a group of people on their way.

Everyone's speed increased.

Chen Pingan couldn't wait to see the situation in that place.

Especially during this period of time, he found that Chen Yi was really just as he thought, after absorbing the source of the avenue, when he swallowed the corpse, he could also improve the space-time avenue.

If there are more sources of the Dao and more corpses to supply Chen Yi, it is not impossible for Chen Yi to quickly become a 100-level person!

At that time, I am afraid that he will be able to compete with the Death Father without having to elevate the Dao of Creation.

Of course.

If there is time to wait for Chen Yi to be promoted, he can also be promoted, and if there are more sources of Dao, they can also be promoted quickly.

At that time, a group of strong people will be born, let alone killing a dead father, and it will not be difficult for them to rule the Absolute Beginning Realm.

With this beautiful thought in mind, Chen Ping'an hurried on the road a little faster.

At the same time, he is also in contact with another clone who entered the other plane.

During this time, the other clone was no longer as ill-fated as it was not long ago.

I haven't met the Death Father again, and the journey is very smooth. After some time, I should be able to meet him, and the two will be able to use the Creation Avenue.

Another hour passed.

After this period of travel, Chen Pingan met some people from the Hall of the Undead again, and without exception, these people died at his hands.

Without exception, these people in the Hall of the Undead wanted to kill them after seeing them.

The hatred between them seems to have been deeply rooted.

After a long journey, Chen Pingan and others finally stopped.

Seeing Chen Ping'an stop, Li Hao carefully observed the four directions.

She didn't know what Chen Pingan was going to do from the beginning to the end.

In the past few hours, they passed by many places where they would definitely be able to explore treasures at a glance, but Chen Ping'an had no intention of staying for a while, and continued to fly them in one direction.

The target seems to be very precise, only rushing to one target.

Just observing, she found that there is nothing nearby at all!

It's kind of puzzlingly empty.

After Chen Ping'an stopped, he also frowned.

The location he sensed not long ago was near here.

However, there is nothing around here!

Where they are now is a flat grassland.

The green grass around is lush, and these grasses are a little different from ordinary grass. In terms of height, there are several people tall.

They can't perceive danger near here, and this place is already deep in the alien plane, and the feeling of no danger is the most dangerous.

You know, when they came here, they all found that there were natural formations in some places, and many black smoke of different levels were lingering, but it was a bit strange that there was no one here.

Chen Pingan closed his eyes and felt it carefully, thinking about what space entrance might be hidden nearby.

After a stick of incense, he opened his eyes, and even using the Avenue of Time and Space to the extreme, he could not feel any entrance to the void.

"It's weird."

Just when Chen Pingan thought so, he frowned and looked behind him.

I saw a group of people flying towards the edge of the sky.

Waiting for the people over there to get closer, Chen Ping'an silently discovered that it was an acquaintance!

It was the Emperor Mother and the others in the beginning.

The Taichu Emperor and others who flew here also saw Chen Ping'an and others suspended above the grassland from a distance.

After seeing Chen Ping'an and others, Tai Chu Emperor Mu and others were also dumbfounded. The emotional changes brought about by this chance encounter made them stop flying.

The two sides quietly watched each other from a long distance.

After a while, the First Emperor continued to fly to Chen Ping'an with Zixia and the others.

She really didn't follow Chen Pingan and them!

God can testify!

This is really a chance encounter!

Since it is a chance encounter, it means fate, then it is just time to talk about cooperation...

Chen Pingan frowned as he watched the Emperor Mother and others approaching in the beginning.

As soon as the Emperor Mother approached Chen Ping'an, she immediately said, "What a coincidence..."

Chen Pingan did not speak.

He doesn't know if it's a coincidence, or if these guys have any ability to track them.

He has already taken some steps to prevent tracking, and it should not be tracked.

Chen Ping'an said: "I don't know what you all come here to do?"

Chen Pingan felt that whether the other party was following them or just met by chance, it was definitely not easy for the other party to come to this place.

This is where the natural barriers he perceives finally move.

And he can perceive this place, relying on the super powerful space-time avenue.

Even if others have the sixty-level space-time avenue, they may not be able to perceive it and find this place.

What's more, he is still the result of spending two natural barriers in exchange. If it was someone else, I am afraid that he would not be willing to let the two natural barriers move away and lose the origin of the Dao inside.

He has not sensed how strong the space-time avenues are from the Emperor Mother and the others at the beginning, indicating that there is only another possibility.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother looked at Chen Ping'an, and now her thoughts are somewhat the same as Chen Ping'an.

She felt that Chen Ping'an and the others could come here and stand in this place, they must not have simply passed by.

Must know what's in here.

Since everyone knows it, there is nothing wrong with being open and honest.

"Because there is what I want here." Tai Chu said.

Chen Pingan narrowed his eyes.

Hearing this, the only doubt in his mind that the Emperor Taichu was following them was dismissed by him.

"It seems that she knows that this is the place where the natural barriers finally move! Or, as I thought, she and the Death Father could have such achievements because they found a lot of the source of the Dao?"

Chen Ping'an thought about such a possibility not long ago, and now that the Emperor Mother came here in the beginning, it seems that he can prove his guess.

Chen Ping'an stared at the Emperor's Mother for a while, and said, "But, there is nothing here."

He wanted to make a cliché from the Emperor Mother in the beginning. Since the Emperor Mother in the beginning knew there was something in this place, but he didn't find anything now, there must be some reason for this.

After hearing this, the Emperor Mother of the beginning smiled and said, "That's because the entrance hasn't been opened yet."

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