When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1239: The first emperor was dumbfounded

Not only Li Hao now wonders if he is blind, but the other members of the Zhongtian organization standing beside or behind Li Hao all wonder if there is something wrong with them.

They stared at Chen Ping'an's back, staring at the undisguised pile of avenue marks that emerged behind Chen Ping'an, dazed.

It was like when they felt the beauty of the world for the first time, but found that this beauty was only from a dream, which made them feel at a loss.

Li Hao's mouth was originally tightly closed, but after watching this scene for a while, his mouth opened and formed a circle shape.

The other members of the Zhongtian organization also followed Li Hao.

Li Hao knew that Chen Ping'an was very powerful. Not long ago, in the Chen Ping'an Hall, she was crushed by the other party with the five kinds of avenues, so that she knew her insignificance.

But what she never expected was that her own insignificance had not reached the extreme, she could continue to be insignificant even more, even so small that it could be turned into dust, reaching the level of illusoryness.

The five avenues were already able to crush her, making her powerless to fight back, and now there are hundreds of avenues!

She couldn't imagine what she would face if she became Chen Ping'an's enemy, what kind of emotions would she be in, would she collapse, or be stunned, and then continue to be stunned, and finally die stunned? !

As soon as Chen Pingan spread out a hundred kinds of avenues, he instantly attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, he is no longer hiding and tucking, and after spreading out a hundred kinds of avenues, he condenses a move forward.

I saw him form a knife with one hand, and he waved his hand, and I saw an extremely terrifying energy condensation.

A ray of light flashed towards the more than 200 people in the Hall of the Undead in front.

The speed of the attack was under the blessing of the Great Way of Time and Space, and when those people were in a state of ignorance at the moment, everything seemed particularly fast, as fast as many people's carnival at night.

A group of people in the Hall of the Undead did not react, and they were already affected by this light full of powerful energy.

Even the three men who were invincible not long ago, as if they were the strongest **** of war in the heavens, were swept away by this ray of light before they could fully react.

They suddenly widened their eyes, and the next moment, they felt that their vitality was rapidly dissipating, and the moment their consciousness disappeared, they realized what they encountered here.

If they were given another chance, they would definitely not approach this side again, or even enter the alien plane.

Because here, for the people in the Hall of the Dead, it has become a **** mode!

clap clap clap ......

The heads and bodies of more than 200 people were separated, and they fell to the ground one after another. The sound of the sound impacted the hearts of Li Hao and the others who had no defense.

Li Hao and others turned their attention from Chen Ping'an to those in the Hall of the Dead who were attacked by Chen Ping'an.

Seeing how they were dead without even having a chance to react, they all swallowed their saliva and tried to dispel the shock in their minds with their saliva.


one move!

Just one trick!

Chen Ping'an lightly retracted the avenue mark behind him, turned to look at Chen Yi and the kitchen knife, and said, "Clean it up."

"Okay!" Chen Yi's eyes were full of light, and he was the first to fly over there. The speed and movement were familiar.

The same goes for the kitchen knife and others. It seems that they have experienced this kind of thing many times. When they searched for the things on the corpses, they moved smoothly. After the search, they handed the corpses to Chen Yi.

Chen Ping'an stopped looking at the situation over there, looked at Li Hao and the others, and said, "It has been resolved, and next time you may meet other people from the Hall of the Undead, if you want to experience it, let me know. "

Chen Pingan returned to the topic not long ago.

Li Hao now understands how wrong his understanding not long ago was.

It's utterly wrong! !

The other members of Zhongtian's organization thought the same as Li Hao. Looking at Chen Ping'an at the moment, it was like looking at some ultimate beast.

After speaking, Chen Pingan also looked in one direction at this time.

If Li Hao and the others looked over there, they couldn't see anyone.

However, Chen Ping'an can be sure that there is someone there, and this person is very likely to be the Emperor Mother in the beginning.

This kind of concealment method is not a bit stronger than Chu Lian.

But it was also because the other party made some noises at the moment he made his move just now, and he also noticed that the other party was in that direction.

Chen Ping'an was looking over there.

At the very beginning, the Emperor Mother was behind a tree. At this time, she looked like she had been tortured hundreds of times by gangsters.

The pupils lost their brilliance, and the face was very blank.

She shook her head, regaining her senses.

At this time, he looked at Chen Ping'an again.

When she saw Chen Pingan looking towards her, she was shocked again.

That's right, it was a shock!

She had forgotten how long it had been since she was like this.

The speed of the heart beating is called fast and fierce.

This feeling reminded her of how many years ago she had tried that experiment on her own for the first time without telling everyone.

"how so!!!"

Such a voice echoed in her heart.

She didn't miss a minute or a second in that scene just now, but that's why she was so shocked.

When more than 100 Great Dao marks appeared behind Chen Ping'an, she first narrowed her eyes and carefully sensed whether there were any fluctuations in the formation around her.

The answer gave her the first shock.


Then the next layer was hit more violently, and her body trembled in fright.

She also felt how strong the energy of that attack was.

That was an attack that was difficult for her to take even if she tried her best! !

All of this is without any formation fluctuations!

In the end, what made her become like this was that Chen Ping'an looked at her! !

Found her! !

You must know that her means of concealing traces can be said to be the strongest in the Absolute Beginning Realm!

Her way of life can make her integrate into everything, unless the other party's attainments in the way of life are not below her!

However, Chen Ping'an did not show traces of the avenue of birth.

And not long ago.

Chu Lian and Zhao Lili also said that there are dozens of avenues for Chen Ping'an, but now Chen Ping'an has set a new record again, and has directly used more than 100 kinds. Is there such a possibility? Chen Ping'an has more than one avenues. These? !

Is the way of life one of them?

He is now disdain to use stronger strength because the opponent's number is too small? ! !

I also thought of this, this existence that was so strong in the Absolute Beginning Realm that almost everyone could only look up. Now, after returning to the sixtieth level, I couldn't help but be shocked and my heart beat faster.

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