When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1237: The only person in the other plane with a seventy level

Chen Ping'an began to fly to the mountain where the Emperor Mother and the others were in the beginning.

And before flying there, he did one more thing.

That is to take out the three avenues of origin that he obtained not long ago, and hand it over to Chen Yi for him to absorb.

In such a short period of time, Chen Ping'an was really watching how Chen Yi went crazy step by step.

Now Chen Yi's Devouring Dao level is already forty level!

He was very shocked by the effect of Chen Yi's magical devouring avenue combined with the exercise.

Even he felt that it was a bit subversive of the worldview.

Of course, there is another reason why Chen Yi was able to break through so quickly. After entering here, there are more corpses of people of fifty or sixty levels for him to absorb. That's why he slowly discovered that this devouring avenue combined with that The magic after the practice.

However, this magical devouring avenue is also not good enough, that is, after attracting a corpse, it can only improve the devouring avenue, not the time-space avenue that he comprehends.

Chen Pingan thought of a reason.

It is very likely that Chen Yi's comprehension of the Dao of Time and Space should have reached a critical point, that is, it has reached a bottleneck. If you want to improve, it is not by absorbing the energy of the Dao, but by comprehension.

The function of the origin of the Dao is to improve people's understanding of the Dao!

Coupled with the fact that he has discovered the laws of those natural barriers, he has great confidence to be sure that where he goes, he will definitely be able to obtain a lot of the source of the Dao.

Maybe it is possible to find a mine with the origin of the avenue.

Even if he doesn't, he will wait for the rabbit in that place, and other natural barriers should move there. At that time, he can come and destroy one, harvest a piece of the source of the Dao, and so on and so forth, and get rich directly!

He also had such an idea. He directly gave Chen Yi the source of the Dao he possessed and asked him to absorb it. After Chen Yi improved his understanding of the Dao of Time and Space, he could absorb the body together with the Dao of Time and Space. Promoted!

If it is as he thought, Chen Yi's time and space avenue can also be improved, then he will be happy, and in a short period of time, there will be a super strong combat power around him!

Relying on Chen Yi alone, they can all slaughter here in the alien plane!

Because if I kill more people in the Hall of the Undead, and let Chen Yi absorb it, it won't take long for Chen Yi to become the highest-ranked person in the entire heteroplane!

You must know that the strongest person here is at the 60th level, and Chen Yi is now at the 40th level. Although the Dao level is more difficult to improve as you go to the back, so what? For Chen Yi, it means that there are enough corpses. It's not that simple.

There are more than 10,000 or even 20,000 people who entered the Hall of the Undead here, and Chen Yi devoured thousands of them. He thought that Chen Yi could be promoted to the 70th level!

Chen Ping'an quickly flew to the mountain where the Emperor Mother and the others were at the beginning.

At this moment, the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning has already collected the formation.

A group of them looked at Chen Pingan who flew in front of them.

Chen Pingan said calmly, "Everyone, why haven't you left yet?"

The First Emperor is now frowning a little.

She saw someone coming over there just now, she was still waiting for Chen Ping'an to take action, but she didn't think that the person over there was actually someone from Zhongtian's organization.

What made her helpless was that Chen Ping'an actually let go of the natural barrier again, but he still didn't make a move.

To be honest, even if Chen Ping'an attacked the natural barrier, she would break the natural barrier with a single blow, and she could infer Chen Ping's strength from this.

But Chen Ping'an just didn't do it. Is this because she knew that she was watching here, afraid of revealing that her strength was an illusion created by a formation?

To this day, she still has some doubts.

After all, everything is as Chu Lian and the others said, then the person in front of him is really not a person.

Just like when a man meets another man one day, as soon as the other man sees him, he stares at him and says that some things are dozens of times stronger than him, can this man believe it?

Even if it were true, he wouldn't believe it if he didn't see it with his own eyes.

This is what the Emperor Mother of the First Time is thinking now.

Chu Lian and the others said that Chen Ping'an was someone who could rub her against the ground, and she couldn't accept it unless she saw it with her own eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, we are tired from the journey, take a rest, it shouldn't disturb you, right?" The Emperor Mother looked directly at Chen Ping'an and said.

Chen Pingan said: "I didn't bother, but I don't like being stared at, let alone being followed. We are about to leave now, and I hope no one will follow behind."

Chen Pingan was indirectly stating his purpose for coming here.

The Emperor Mother squinted her eyes and said: "This is inevitable, no one wants others to follow secretly."

"Okay, I'll leave first, and I'll see you again." After Chen Ping'an saw that the emperor at the beginning knew what he wanted to say and indicated that he would not follow, he turned around and flew back.

If the Emperor Mother and the others secretly followed him at the beginning, I would be embarrassed, don't blame him for being rude.

Chen Pingan flew away quickly.

In the beginning, the Emperor Mother looked at Chen Ping'an's back and fell into contemplation.

From what Chu Lian told her when she came back not long ago, it can be seen that Chen Ping'an has recognized her identity, but it is really not easy for Chen Ping'an to dare to speak to her with such an attitude.

Unless his acting is superb.

"Master, we will ignore him?" Zixia asked aside.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother said: "No way, bad luck, no one can help us verify his strength."

After waiting for so long, two groups of people came, but they were the ones they taught at the beginning and those from Zhongtian's organization, not the people from the Hall of the Dead. It was all a matter of luck.

If Chen Ping'an really acted, relying on a special magic formation to shock others, so that others would not dare to do anything to him, and would not dare to seize opportunities with him, then he would be really lucky.

Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, they did not dare to offend Chen Ping'an and the others.


Just as the Emperor Mother finished speaking like this at the beginning, something miraculous happened.

In the sight of Emperor Mu and others at the beginning, Chen Ping'an just flew back to the kitchen knife and they saw a group of people flying towards Chen Ping'an.

That group of people was also fast. When they approached Chen Ping'an's side, the Emperor Mother and the others found out that those people turned out to be people from the Hall of the Undead!

"It seems that our luck is not very bad." The Emperor Mother narrowed her eyes in the beginning, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

After all, she raised the formation again, and then asked Zixia and the others to stay at the peak of the mountain, not to go out, while she sneaked closer to there.

It is very likely that there will be a fight there. Chen Ping'an has to do it. As long as she can't feel any fluctuations in the formation there, and Chen Ping'an's strength is as described by Chu Lian and the others, then the answer will be clear.

But if Chen Ping'an doesn't do it, or if he does, there are fluctuations in the formation, it means that everything is fake.

It can only show that Chen Ping'an has a special formation in his hand.

As long as it is an array, there is a way to crack it!

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