When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1231: The origin of the road

Mainly because they don't know what to say now.

Because the scene in front of them has exceeded their understanding of the word strength.

Dozens of Dao imprints, and they are all sixty-level, what the **** is this!

At this time, a voice came out of Zhao Lili's mind.

"Will we also enter some phantom formation and be affected?!"

But not long after the voice appeared, she shook her head, thinking it was impossible.

If there really is an illusion around here, how could she not feel it at all, and why does this illusion strengthen Chen Ping'an? Look at Jiang Chen and the others, how tragic they died!

Seeing Jiang Chen and the others lying on the ground not far away with their heads and bodies separated, she couldn't help swallowing, feeling that it was good to be alive.

To be honest, she is not sure if Chu Lian is not next to her, just now she would choose to speak ill of Chen Ping'an's words, or do something extreme.

Now she looked at Chu Lian and felt that Chu Lian was her benefactor.

I shouted in my heart: Fortunately, there is Chu Lian!

The other five women were the same. Looking at Chu Lian, they immediately felt that Chu Lian was beautiful and moving, and that it was good to have her.

over the natural barrier.

Chen Yizheng took a kitchen knife and they cleaned up the bodies on the beach.

In order to have more corpses appear, Chen Yi also asked the kitchen knives and the others to cooperate with him to refurbish the blood-stained sand on the beach again, so that if someone comes again later, they won't find anything, and they will even die again.

This little thought got the full cooperation of the kitchen knife and the others.

Because they found that when they searched for the treasures stored on these corpses, they gained a lot again!

After the kitchen knife scoured Jiang Chen's treasure, his eyes lit up, and he quickly went to Chen Ping'an: "Master! I have harvested a piece of the origin of the avenue!"

"Oh?" Chen Ping'an took Jiang Chen's treasure from the kitchen knife, and when he saw that there was indeed a stone-mill-sized Dao Yuanyuan lying inside, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Unexpectedly, there is such a harvest.

After collecting the corpse, Chen Yi went to practice, while the kitchen knives followed Chen Pingan and stared at the natural barrier, waiting for the natural barrier to move.

After waiting, an incense stick of time passed.

In this stick of incense, everything was as Chen Yi thought, and someone really came again, still from the Hall of the Dead.

It's just that the number of people who came to the Hall of the Undead this time is relatively small, only seventy or eighty people.

But after seeing Chen Ping'an's situation, these people were extremely arrogant when there were not many people.

Not surprisingly, they were all swept away by one blow.

Chen Yi smiled and packed up again.

Not far away, looking at this scene, Zhao Lili and others were not as shocked as they were at the beginning, they just felt a little numb.

This time, Chen Ping'an didn't use so many avenues, only twenty kinds.

Zhao Lili looked at Chu Lian and asked a question that she felt incredible.

"You said that the Dao of his comprehension is not only as much as it was revealed at the beginning?"

As soon as the voice passed, Chu Lian and the others all stared at her.

Chen Pingan made it clear that he analyzed the enemy's situation before deciding how much strength to use.

Just now Jiang Chen and the others were relatively large, and their strength was indeed relatively strong, so Chen Ping'an used more than 30 kinds of avenues.

The number of people in the Hall of the Undead appeared this time is small, but he used twenty kinds of avenues. Is there such a possibility? If there are four or five hundred people, he will use seventy or eighty kinds, or even hundreds of kinds of avenues. ? !

Chu Lian blinked her big eyes, swallowed her saliva, and said weakly, "It shouldn't be so scary!"

That's right, Chen Ping'an can only use the word horror to describe it now.

In her heart, Chen Pingan has gone beyond the normal range.

She can be sure that if their imperial mother came here now and offended Chen Ping'an, they would only be pressed by Chen Ping'an and rubbed on the ground, screaming!

Zhao Lili swallowed her saliva before saying, "Let's continue to see..."

Chen Ping'an didn't drive them away, which means they can continue to watch here.

Chen Ping'an's side once again swept away the leaves with the autumn wind, and after annihilating a group of people, he finally got the scene he wanted to see.

That natural barrier began to change.

First, the color of the barrier has changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the energy of the space avenue radiated from it.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ping'an didn't try to destroy the natural barrier this time, but chose to watch the natural barrier shake under the action of Space Avenue.

The vibration of the natural barrier didn't last long. In just a few breaths, a huge buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and the natural barrier disappeared in place with a brushing sound.

The imprint of the time-space avenue behind Chen Ping'an is now showing. He uses the time-space avenue when the natural barrier changes, and wants to capture the direction in which the natural barrier moves.

And everything was as he guessed, the natural barrier moved away, and nothing was left on the ground.

This natural barrier disappeared with the source of the Great Dao inside.

But fortunately, he, who has been using the Avenue of Time and Space, still caught the direction of the movement of the natural barrier!

"In that direction." Chen Ping'an looked in one direction in the inner circle of the alien plane.

After determining the direction, Chen Ping'an didn't want to stay here anymore, looked at the kitchen knives and the others, and said, "Ready to leave!"

The kitchen knife and others have been waiting here for some time, and nodded.

Before leaving, Chen Ping'an looked in the direction of the entrance of the alien plane, communicated with the clone that was flying towards him through mind communication, and then started to leave the place with the kitchen knife.

That avatar is wearing a disguise mask this time, plus the luck has been extremely bad several times in a row, it should not be worse this time, and there is still that strength, as long as they don't encounter the death emperor, they should be able to arrive safely in front of him.

the other side.

The avatar wearing a middle-aged man's disguise mask, after learning that the other avatar continued to rush to the depths of the inner circle to find more sources of the Dao, he also told the other party to ignore him and just go.

Anyway, this time, he felt that he would not have bad luck again, but he was really unlucky, and when he met the Death Emperor and the others, he believed that under the disguise of the disguise mask, the other party would not be surrounded by them as soon as they saw it. .

With such thoughts in his mind, he flew a little leisurely.

It's just that this leisure didn't last long. After half an hour, he suddenly found someone in front of him.

There is something strange about these people.

There are not many people, only eight people, but behind one of these people, there are actually five clouds of black smoke! !

These black smoke didn't attack that person or do anything else, they just followed him closely, just like his subordinates!

"What's going on?" The clone was a little confused.

But he didn't care what happened to the other party. What he wanted to do now was to merge with another clone, so he quickly changed direction and prepared to avoid these people.

It's a pity that the people over there are extremely powerful, and when he discovered them, they also discovered him.

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