When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1128: Don't mess with him, what if he's dead?

Chen Pingan took the kitchen knife and they flew all the way to the inner circle of the alien plane. During this period, he was always looking for something.

The source of the road!

By now, he already had two pieces of Dao Yuanyuan the size of a stone mill in his hand.

When the second block met, it was still an hour ago.

At that time, they passed a mountain range and encountered a group of people from the Hall of the Undead, who were attacking around a natural barrier just like the group he saw not long ago.

Chen Ping'an appeared in front of those people again. When the people in the Hall of the Dead wanted to kill him, he was alone and surrounded a large group of them.

Then he didn't rush to break the natural barrier, but waited in place.

He wanted to see if this natural barrier would move at some point, as it was not long ago.

Everything is as he expected, it really moves, as if after being attacked, at a certain time, if the barrier is not broken, it will move.

Chen Ping'an broke the natural barrier with one blow and took down the source of the avenue inside.

And now, his place is in front of the beach.

Chen Yi and the others were busy cleaning up the bodies of the people in the Hall of the Undead who had just been destroyed by him, while he was sitting in front of a natural barrier and waiting quietly.

That's right, this is the third natural barrier he has encountered. The natural barrier in front of him is the same as the previous one, and there must be a great source of the Dao in it!

This time, Chen Pingan decided not to attack the barrier, to see if the barrier would move away, and to see if there were any clues left.

And while he was waiting, just in the direction he was flying in, several people were flying in at the moment.

These people are all women.

One of them was the woman who was hiding behind the tree when Chen Ping'an came to the other plane, Chu Lian, who was hiding behind the tree when he first met those people in the Hall of the Undead.

And the woman flying side by side with Chu Lian is even more eye-catching than Chu Lian. She is tall and fleshy, with gentle eyes, just like the image of a gentle big sister.

Zhao Lili looked at Chu Lian who was still in a daze, and said gently: "Xiao Lianlian, don't think about that anymore, you must have been psychedelic by something here in the alien plane. You are very likely to break in. into a natural psychedelic array."

Zhao Lili also met with Chu Lian an hour ago. After the two met, Chu Lian once again told her vividly and vividly the scenes when she met Chen Ping'an.

Zhao Lili was very helpless when she heard the words of one enemy against one hundred again. She tried many methods to wake up Chu Lian, but it didn't work.

It was impossible for her to believe that someone could do that.

If the other party is seventy or eighty level, it is still possible to achieve that level. It is also sixty level, and there are more than ten mainstream avenues. It sounds unrealistic.

Such people, even if they saw the strongest person in the early days, the emperor, they must be called fathers, right?

Chu Lian didn't speak at this time, she told Zhao Lili so many times, and after finding out that the other party didn't believe her, she didn't say anything.

Thinking about the scene not long ago, it is indeed a little difficult to say it and let others believe it.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and heard others say it, she wouldn't have believed it.

"Sister Li, I see, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." Chu Lian said.

Zhao Lili nodded, and continued to fly towards the inner circle, not forgetting to remind a few women of the same sect who followed behind, saying: "The closer you are to the inner circle, the more dangerous it will be, everyone should be careful."

There were four other women behind the two, adding up to a total of six.

Their strength is very strong, Zhao Lili and Chu Lian are the strongest two among the 6,000 people who have been taught in Taichu, and the three behind them are in the top 20.

As far as their lineup is concerned, if they encounter a dozen or twenty enemies of the same realm, they can instantly annihilate them.

However, there are also crises in the different planes. The crisis is not only from the environment of the different planes, but also from other people.

Especially after the people from Zhongtian's organization came in, the situation here became more complicated, and it was necessary to be careful.

The six flew for a while and saw the beach ahead.

If you want to enter the inner periphery of the alien plane, you have to cross this ocean.

This is what the Emperor Mother said in the beginning.

However, just as they flew to the beach, they stopped abruptly, and their eyes were turned in one direction.

There stood an upside-down bowl-shaped natural barrier.

Seeing this natural barrier, Zhao Lili's eyes lit up.

During this period, she kept in touch with other people, and she also knew what was hidden in this natural barrier.

The source of the road!

"This luck is a bit good!" Zhao Lili's eyes flashed with light.

However, when she glanced over there, she found that there was someone under the natural barrier at this moment.

Chu Lian, who was beside her, couldn't help thinking of what happened not long ago when she saw the natural barrier. When she saw the person under the natural barrier, her whole body froze there.

It was as if someone had been shot with paste, and finally froze and she couldn't move.

"It's him!!!" Chu Lian exclaimed.

When Zhao Lili heard Chu Lian's words, she realized something, and stared carefully at the cultivation status of the people under the natural barrier.

It was found that the people there are generally of low Dao level. Except for one person whose Dao level reached the 60th level, the others were all below the 50th level!

She blinked, and the words Chu Lian said not long ago echoed in her mind.

Chu Lian said that the person with more than ten kinds of sixty-level avenues brought a group of people whose general avenues did not exceed twenty-level.

Now Chu Lian came out with such an exclamation, wouldn't it be that group of people!

If this is the case, are the words Chu Lian said not long ago true? !

"Impossible! How could this be true! It should be these people who were with Xiao Lianlian at the time, and Xiao Lianlian was misled by the illusion array, so they thought these people were strong or something."

Zhao Lili analyzed herself.

After the analysis, she looked at Chu Lian and said, "Come on, let's go over and take a look!"

Hearing this, Chu Lian instantly regained her senses, and quickly grabbed Zhao Lili and asked in shock, "Sister Li, what are you trying to do?!"

That's killing God!

Going to mess with him now, what if he gets killed!

Killing 100 people is like stepping on ants, and now there are only six of them. They accidentally offended them, and it is not enough to put them between their teeth!

I'm afraid they will all die when he waves!

Zhao Lili said: "It's okay, we just go down and have a look, it's not a conflict with them, and looking at them, they can't break the natural barrier, maybe we can work together."

Zhao Lili saw that Chen Ping'an and others were staring at the natural barrier and did nothing. At first glance, she had attacked the barrier for a long time, but it had no effect at all, and there was nothing she could do.

Chu Lian's hair was numb.

Miss Li!

People can pierce this level of natural barrier with just one finger!

You say people can't break it? !

Chu Lian was very anxious.

But she found that Zhao Lili didn't listen to what she was saying, and the four little sisters behind her had the same expressions as Zhao Lili, and she didn't realize how dangerous the people below were.

Feeling the words she said not long ago, they all fell on deaf ears! !

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