When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1212: Death Father can enter other planes

Out of the plane.

Where the Father of Death is.

Not long ago, the detailed work from the Zhongtian Organization had already passed the news of the Zhongtian Organization to Qingshuang.

Qingshuang frowned when she heard that Zhong Tian organized a group of people to get together to explore different planes.

Thinking of Zhong Tian's organization, it was a little detrimental to them.

Zhongtian organized this practice in order to survive, and at the same time, he would lose something.

That is when exploring different planes, the efficiency is not so good!

After all, they are a group of people together, and certainly not everyone is scattered to explore to maximize efficiency.

There may be treasures anywhere in the alien plane, and divergent exploration is the most efficient.

The Zhongtian organization gave up this efficient method and chose the method of high survival, which virtually forced them to change the Hall of the Dead.

She thought about it for a while, and finally decided to discuss it with the death emperor, and let the people in her organization gather together to prevent people from accidentally encountering people organized by Zhongtian and being killed instantly.

However, after the death emperor heard it, he said coldly: "It's better for us to do this! You let people go in and notify the people inside, so that they don't rush to fight with the people organized by Zhongtian, avoid their edge first, and be good. Explore, wait for a few days to pass, then gather and destroy them!"

Qingshuang understood.

This approach really kills two birds with one stone!

However, if they do this, the geniuses in the Hall of the Dead will indeed be more efficient than the Zhongtian organization, but if they are unlucky and encounter those people in the Zhongtian organization, the possibility of being surrounded and killed is very high.

Father Death seemed to know what Qing Shuang was thinking, so he said indifferently: "The people who entered in their Zhongtian organization were less than 10,000, and we entered almost 20,000 people, so it doesn't matter if some die! Those geniuses just don't die!"

In the eyes of the Death Emperor, even those under his own power are insignificant ants who can sacrifice at will.

After Qing Shuang was silent for a moment, he finally nodded, ready to do as the Death Emperor said.

However, at this moment, she found that one of the twenty top genius soul cards in the Hall of the Undead that she had collected was shattered!

This also indicates that a top genius has died!

These twenty top geniuses are all the future combat power of the Temple of the Dead.

This time, after they enter the alien plane, if they come out safely, their future attainment will definitely be able to reach the ninety level and above.

Maybe there will be a genius comparable to the death emperor in the future.

But now, only one day has passed since the divorce plane was opened, and one person has died!

Qingshuang informed the Death Father about this.

The death emperor said coldly: "It seems that he has met those people in the Zhongtian organization!"

He decided that he would die on this day and must be surrounded.

"Now let people go in and send letters, and let everyone avoid the people who are organized by Zhongtian these days. There are many people, and the speed of movement will definitely be slow. For them who act alone, it is very easy to avoid those who are organized by Zhongtian! "

The death emperor said solemnly.

When there is not much time before the alien plane is about to be closed, they will start killing again!

At that time, there was no need to slowly find the people organized by Zhongtian. After all, they were all working in teams, and it was especially easy to find them.

Qingshuang hurriedly worked and sent a letter to his subordinates.

And after the letter was passed, she had nothing to talk to the Death Father, and was about to leave.

But at this time, she found that a subordinate sent a letter to her, saying that a person of the ninety-nine level who had never met, came to visit the Death Emperor!

Qingshuang's eyes narrowed suddenly, wondering if this person was from the Zhongtian organization.

"Master, someone wants to see you!" Qingshuang hurriedly informed the death emperor.

After the death emperor heard it, he was suspicious.

"Maybe someone from Zhongtian's organization?" Father Death felt that if the other party was really a member of Zhongtian's organization, coming here alone would be no different from sending him to death!

"Let him in!"

Father Death is interested.

Qingshuang passed the news to the subordinate who reported the news and asked him to bring people here.

Shortly after.

There were two people in the hall.

An old man followed the person who led the way in the Hall of the Dead appeared in the hall.

The old man was wearing a white robe, immortal style, and the corners of his mouth were always upturned, giving him an amiable temperament.

But he looks a bit like a businessman.

After the person who led the way brought people here, he bowed his hands and left.

Father Death and Qingshuang both looked at the white-robed old man standing below. After seeing this person's appearance, both of them had doubts in their eyes.

Haven't seen this man!

The death emperor runs the virtual and real avenues, but unfortunately, this person is not wearing a disguise mask!

"It's weird!" Father Death muttered in his heart.

It stands to reason that he knows all the ninety-nine-level, and even ninety-eight-ninety-seven level people in the Taiyuan Realm.

These are the people he stepped on in the first place.

But he had never seen this man before.

It seems that this person has fabricated it out of thin air, and there is no Absolute Beginning Realm.

"My lord, Murong Tian, ​​I have seen the death emperor." The white-robed old man smiled and looked at the death emperor, handing over his hands.

That attitude can be regarded as an interpretation of what it means to be respectful and polite.

Father Death stared at the white-robed old man: "Murong Tian? Which force are you from?"

He had never heard the name before!

Murong Tian smiled and said, "The faction I belong to may not have heard of either of them, and it has nothing to do with the Zhongtian Organization or the Taichu Sect."

Death Emperor and Qingshuang frowned.

Have not heard?

There can be people of the ninety-nine level in the force, and this force should have some prestige.

"My force is called Yimian Pavilion." The white-robed old man still smiled.

Alien Pavilion?

Different planes, different planes, is there any connection?

Father Death has never heard of such a force, and the doubts in his heart are even deeper.

"So, what do you want me to do?" The Death Emperor looked at the white-robed old man and asked.

The white-robed old man said, "I came here mainly to do business with the Hall of the Undead."

"Specifically." Death Emperor said.

The white-robed old man did not speak in a hurry, but took out something from the storage treasure.

Finally he took out a human body.

That's right.

It's a human body!

This body has no temperature, it seems to be alive, but there is no vitality.

Father Death stared at the dead man in front of him and frowned.

He found that the body was a little different.

Is this... mortal?

This corpse does not have any traces of the Great Dao, and there is no cultivation base at all!

Just like a mortal.

The white-robed old man smiled and said, "This is my commodity, and I can sell ten pieces to your palace."

Father Death's expression turned cold.

Sell ​​corpses to them?

Although there is something wrong with this corpse, and there is no trace of cultivating the Dao at all, but what is the value or usefulness of this?

The white-robed old man said with a smile, "Don't worry, you two, and let me finish his role."

"Didn't the different planes appear now? And the different planes are also limited by the level of the Great Dao, but after this thing, even if you are the emperor, you can enter the different planes."

As soon as these words were over, the hall was silent for a moment.

Father Death's eyes widened.

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