When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1200: right at my door

In the hall of a mansion in the Zhongtian organization.

Chen Pingan suddenly appeared.

Following him now is the entrance stone gate of the other plane.

The situation of Shimen was exactly the same as it was not long ago, and the multi-colored light radiated, making the walls around the hall plated with multi-colored light.

However, because Shimen appeared inside the house, people outside did not know what was going on here.

After appearing with the entrance of the alien plane, Chen Ping'an began to think about what to do next.

"Is it better to let the entrance of the alien plane appear in a place that has nothing to do with me, or in the mansion?"

Chen Ping'an thought for a while, and felt that the entrance to the alien plane could be located in his mansion.

This will be beneficial for him to control the Zhongtian organization in the future.

After all, when others saw the entrance to the alien plane, it appeared in his mansion, and not long ago he said that the entrance would appear in the organization, which would definitely make all the people in the organization respect him.

"No, not inside the mansion! The gate of the mansion is the best!"

If the entrance appears in the mansion, I am afraid some people will question one thing.

That is, the entrance actually appeared a long time ago, and in order to stabilize the position of the master, he first concealed the fact that the entrance did not appear.

So it is best to have the entrance of the alien plane appear outside the gate of the mansion.

There will be people passing by, and if the entrance had appeared long ago, it would have been discovered long ago.

With this in mind, Chen Pingan started to get busy.

He moved the xenoplane entrance to the gate of the mansion.

After confirming that there is no one outside, quickly take the entrance of the alien plane and go out of the mansion door.

In the end, the entrance to the alien plane stood in front of the gate of the mansion, blocking the entrance to the mansion.

Chen Ping'an clapped his hands and felt that the location was good and the field of vision was very broad.

"It's a little after noon now, there should be a bunch of people questioning me, it's time for them to see the results!"

The corners of Chen Ping'an's mouth were raised, and he took out the messenger treasure that contacted Emperor Hongtian and the others.

At this time, he discovered that Emperor Hongtian and the others had contacted him several times while he was working hard.

Zhongtian Organization Square over there.

At this moment, a group of people are still squatting there.

The sun was shining directly, and it was clear that the weather was not hot and the sun was not fierce, but everyone looked a little impatient.

"Hmph, it looks like it's all fake!"

"It should be fake. I said that the other plane has only appeared once, how can he master the rules of the other plane! But it seems that what he said is correct, didn't he say that there is a 70% possibility? He But not absolutely!"

"Yeah, so he can use the other 30% possibility to exonerate himself."

"How brilliant!"


Some members of the organization began to sneer with disdain.

Of course, they didn't dare to speak too loudly, for fear of being heard by the Great Emperor Hongtian in the sky.

It must be known that Emperor Hongtian and others, because of that business, are very short on Wu's resignation as the venerable master.

And because of this, many people also realize that in a world where the strong are respected, money is also very important.

"Seriously, if someone like him is also in charge, our organization may break up in the future!"

"Have you seen it? Many honorable lords have come, but he didn't come, probably because he was afraid of being criticized, so he didn't dare to come."

"It seems to be true. I can't see his shadow. Is he still a coward?"


Many of the people below spoke in a low voice, but that did not prevent the venerable lords such as the Great Emperor Hongtian from being powerful and having excellent hearing.

They all heard it.

The Great Emperor Fuyin said with a bad expression: "It seems that this time Wu Zunzhu's reputation will be severely hit."

"Hey, in fact, I really hope that the entrance to the other plane can appear on our side. After all, there is an entrance on the side of the Death Father. If we don't have one here, their Undead Hall will exclusively occupy the other plane! You all Knowing how strong the resources are in the different planes, I am afraid that in the future, our Zhongtian organization will be severely suppressed by the Hall of the Undead!" Emperor Buried Heaven sighed.

Emperor Hongtian didn't say a word, he took the messenger treasure that contacted Chen Ping'an, and tried to pass on the messenger again.

He always felt that Chen Ping'an could not be contacted at this time, something was wrong.

And just when he was about to send a letter again, he found that Chen Pingan had sent him a letter!

"Be quiet! Lord Wu Zun has returned to me!" Emperor Hongtian said in a deep voice.

The Great Emperor Fuyin and others all closed their mouths and listened quietly.

After the Great Emperor Hongtian connected the messenger baby to Unicom, he said, "Master Wu Zun, where are you?"

Chen Ping'an's voice sounded.

"I was estimating the location of the entrance to the different plane just now, and now I have calculated it, but what I can't imagine is that the location of the entrance is so close to us!"

Emperor Hongtian's eyes widened.

Is there really an entrance? !

But not right.

The subordinates he sent out did not send letters back to report.

Emperor Hongtian quickly asked: "Master Wu, where is the entrance now? Or where are you? Come and chat?"

Chen Pingan said: "The entrance is right in front of me, come over here."

The sky where the Great Emperor Hongtian and other venerable lords were located was suddenly silent.

right in front of you? !

Emperor Fuyin was the first to react and quickly asked, "Where is your current position, Lord Wu Zun?!"

Chen Pingan said: "In front of the gate of my mansion."

In front of the mansion gate?

Emperor Hongtian and other strong men looked at each other in dismay.

They didn't know what to say for a while.

Chen Ping'an said that the alien plane is in front of him, and he is now in front of the gate of the mansion, that is, the entrance of the alien plane is in front of the gate of his mansion?

But how could this be!

The entrance does not appear anywhere, but it will appear in front of your gate? ? ?

Everyone began to wonder if Chen Pingan was joking.

However, Emperor Hongtian quickly said: "Go! Go and see!"

seeing is believing.

Just take a look and you'll know!

The Great Emperor Tongyou and the Great Emperor Henggu were also beside the Great Emperor Hongtian and other Venerable Masters. When they heard these words, it was difficult for them to return to their senses.

After noon had passed, they had not seen the so-called entrance to the alien plane, and they began to believe that what Chen Ping An said yesterday was false.

Now hearing this, they are very suspicious.

However, they still quickly followed Emperor Hongtian and the others to the direction of Chen Ping'an's mansion.

Take a look and you'll know if it's true or not, it's not far away anyway.

Yi Ge and Yuan Zunzhu were standing not far from Emperor Hongtian and the others, so they also heard their chatting words.

At this moment, the two looked at each other and quickly followed.

A group of powerful Venerable Lords quickly flew in one direction, which can be regarded as a spectacle, and everyone in the square noticed this scene.

After they were stunned for a moment, an idea could not help but pop into their minds.

The entrance to the other plane appeared? !

"Quick! Follow!"

"It must be the entrance to the alien plane!"

"No way! It really appeared?!"

"Go! Look where it appears!"


A large group of people flew in one direction like a swarm of bees.

It only flew for a while, and everyone was surprised to find that Emperor Hongtian and the others stopped.

They thought they were going to leave the headquarters, and they even flew a long distance.

Unexpectedly, it stopped after flying for a while.

Moreover, this place is still the site of Wu Rei as the Lord?

And after they stopped, they stared at Emperor Hongtian and the others.

At this time, they found that the expressions of the strong people such as Hongtian the Great were a little wrong at this moment.

As if seeing something surprising.

They followed the eyes of these big men and looked down.

It is also this eye, everyone is infected with a disease that can make the eyes bigger, and the eyes are bigger.

I saw that in front of the gate of Chen Ping'an's mansion, there stood a stone gate exuding colorful light.

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