What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 98 It’S Your Fate That’S Bad When You Meet Me

Ye Yu looked back.

I found three middle-aged men with stern faces.

Flying in the air, following behind the spirit boat.

See them coming.

Xiaoyun and Chen Aji's faces immediately turned pale.

These three people were the Wang family monks who had followed them all the way.


I actually followed him here.

Chen Aji clenched his fists.

Suddenly he knelt down in front of Xiaoyun.

"Master, this old slave can no longer accompany you.

Please take this into account in the future.

The old slave will try his best to delay time for you. "

After saying that, Chen Aji was about to turn around and leave.

But Xiaoyun raised her hand to hold her.

"Uncle Chen, I'm tired, I won't run anymore."

When saying these words.

A wry smile appeared on Xiaoyun's face.

In fact.

Regarding the fate after being caught by the Wang family.

She could figure it out.

The Wang family will definitely let their direct descendants marry her as soon as possible.

Complete the engagement.

After that, tie her with the child again.

When will Xiaoyun give up her hostility to the Wang family because of her children?

Then let him return to the family and recognize his ancestors.

Thereby obtaining the help of the great monk of the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

The power of the Wang family increased again.

Of course, there are more nasty ways.

For example, the elixirs of the Demon Sect, or the mind-catching techniques.

Anyway, this is what the Wang family wants.

It's just a relationship with the great monk of the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

As for Xiaoyun?

No one will care.

But Xiaoyun really didn't want to see someone die in vain again.

The three Wang family monks who caught up were all masters of the Soul Formation Realm.

If they move, they will be strong.

Uncle Chen and Ye Yu will both die.

When the time comes, Xiaoyun still cannot escape the fate of being caught.

That being the case.

Why didn’t Xiaoyun face it earlier?

Save yourself from killing other people?

Just because I figured this out.

Only Xiaoyun would make such a decision.

"Master, you can't do this.

Give me a chance, and I will definitely hold them back!"

Chen Aji dug into the ground with his head.

There was already a slight tremor in the voice.

At this moment, he really hated his low level.

Otherwise, Xiaoyun would not be in such a difficult situation.

But Xiaoyun still shook her head firmly.

Walk straight towards the rear of the spirit boat.

When passing by Ye Yu.

He took off the storage ring in his hand.

Put it in Ye Yu's hand.

He sent a message from his heart: "Fellow Daoist Ye, thank you for giving me a ride.

Don't worry, I won't drag you down.

There is something you want in this storage ring.

And my little savings over the years.

Meeting is fate.

All given to you.

I hope you can take Uncle Chen to a safe place. Sorry to trouble you. "

Hear the words.

Ye Yu's expression became extremely strange.

Watching Xiaoyun leave like a zombie.

Immediately asked: "What are you doing?"

This sentence.

Xiaoyun was immediately confused by the question.

The monks from the Wang family are coming with force.

And his cultivation is profound.

Xiaoyun didn't think that Ye Yu would become an enemy of the Wang family for two hundred Anxuan flowers.

not to mention.

Ye Yu doesn't seem to have this ability.

That being the case.

Then why bother asking this?

Xiaoyun really couldn't understand.

Ye Yu saw that she remained silent.

Hold the storage ring in your hand directly.

“Your travel expenses are accepted.

Just stay here with peace of mind!"

Ye Yu said and directly pulled Xiaoyun back.

Then he jumped up calmly.

Arrive at the rear of the spirit boat.

Look directly at the three Wang family monks.

He said in a deep voice: "I don't care if she is the wife of your Wang family.

Since she gave me travel expenses.

I will deliver it safely to its destination.

So, you can get out now!"

These words.

The faces of the three monks from the Wang family became extremely ugly.

In Fu'an Prefecture.

The Wang family can be said to be a first-class immortal cultivating family.

Very powerful.

No one ever dared to go against them.

These three monks.

He is also the leader among the third generation of the Wang family.

They are Wang Linkai, Wang Linqiao and Wang Linjun respectively.

They are all Soul Formation Realm monks.

On weekdays, relying on his advanced cultivation, he is used to being arrogant.

If it weren't for Ye Yu's spirit boat being too bluffing, it wouldn't be a mortal thing.

It's impossible for them to talk so well.

But Ye Yu is just a Gold Core Realm.

How dare you speak so rudely.

This made the three of them immediately furious.

Wang Linjun immediately sent a message to Wang Linkai and Wang Linqiao: "Two brothers.

I have searched with my spiritual consciousness.

Apart from Xiaoyun and the old man, there was only one person on this spirit boat.

It's better to kill him directly and save the nonsense. "

Wang Linqiao frowned slightly: "This spirit boat is so huge and quite extraordinary.

This kid is most likely a direct disciple of a large sect. If he takes action rashly, he may cause trouble. "

"No trouble.

Just keep your hands and feet clean!”

Wang Linkai finished speaking.

Immediately make a Tao seal with both hands.

Several giant flame dragons immediately condensed in front of him.

He shot towards Ye Yu on the spirit boat.

See this situation.

Xiaoyun couldn't help but exclaimed: "No!"

However, Ye Yu seemed very calm and did not dodge at all.

When several giant flame dragons were about to rush onto the spirit boat.

Suddenly a blue barrier emerged.

Keep all these dragons out.

Xiaoyun and Chen Aji's expressions changed drastically, and they couldn't even believe their eyes.

It wasn't just the two of them who couldn't believe it.

Even Wang Linkai, Wang Linqiao, and Wang Linjun couldn't believe it.

The all-out attack in the middle stage of Soul Formation Realm was blocked just like that?


It seems to be a defensive formation on the spirit boat.

Are you kidding me?

How can a spirit boat's defensive formation be so powerful?

This is simply unimaginable.

Wang Linkai shouted coldly: "Let's do it together!"

Now that hostility has been revealed.

Then be sure to eliminate the root cause.

Otherwise, it will definitely be a big trouble if left alive.

After all, such a terrifying spirit boat.

Is it something that ordinary people can have?

Wang Linqiao and Wang Linjun did not hesitate.

Take action immediately with Wang Linkai.

The three of them worked together.

Immediately, a huge flame dragon with a size of nearly a hundred feet was gathered.

The heat wave on the body.

It makes the surrounding scene look distorted.


even so.

This terrifying attack was still easily blocked by Lingzhou's defensive formation.

Ye Yu showed a smile.

I once again applaud the craftsmanship of Great Qian Dynasty.

He promised to be able to block the full blow of the Soul Formation Realm's peak monk.

It can really block it.

No exaggeration at all.


And this time.

Xiaoyun was extremely excited.

did not expect.

This time I really got it.

Ye Yu Fellow Daoist's spirit boat is so powerful.


I can go back safely this time!

Just return to the family.

The Wang family would definitely not dare to continue the pursuit.

By the time.

The first thing Xiaoyun did was to ask the Transcending Tribulation Realm monk to take action.

Destroy the Wang family!

Restore the prestige of their family!


What Xiaoyun didn't expect was.

It was already a win-win situation.

Ye Yu suddenly made a mysterious operation.

I saw him suddenly take a step forward.

Yukong left the protection of the spirit boat.

Such a scene.

The three monks from the Wang family really didn't expect it.

Originally, they were still thinking about how to break through the spirit boat's defense.

But what are you, Ye Yu, doing?

What does it mean to carry a treasure and throw it away?


Under everyone's shocked gaze.

Ye Yu's whole body was filled with a strong black aura.

He said calmly: "If you meet me, your fate will be bad!"

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