What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 94 Let Go Of My Husband Quickly

Seeing Zhu Diezhen and Zuo Yingchun looking so nervous.

Ye Yu didn't want them to worry too much.

So he pretended to be calm.

He looked carefully at Zhu Diezhen and Zuo Yingchun.

"I don't know why, but I always feel like I'm very familiar with you.

But I still can’t remember where I saw it?”

Zhu Diezhen's face was filled with joy.

It feels familiar.

At least I haven't completely forgotten.

This is already a blessing in misfortune.

Zuo Yingchun stood there.

After thinking for a long time.

Go straight forward.

He directly took Ye Yu's right hand and began to explore with his spiritual consciousness.

Obviously wanted to see it.

What happened to Ye Yu's body?

Was the amnesia caused by the injury?

Or rather, the previous memories were deliberately sealed completely.

Zuo Yingchun's actions.

Zhu Die was really unhappy on the spot.

"what are you doing?

Let go of my husband's hand!"


Zhu Diezhen wanted to step forward and pull it away.

However, Zuo Yingchun had already let go of Ye Yu at this time.

His eyes were slightly red, and he said seriously: "Do you really not remember me at all?"

Ye Yu resisted the urge to hold him in his arms.

He said again: "It feels very familiar, but I can't remember anything about you.

I don’t know, why?”

"It's okay, I will help you remember it."

Zuo Yingchun stepped forward and hugged Ye Yu into his arms.

And whispered softly: "At the same time, I will also make up for the mistakes I made."


Zuo Yingchun examined Ye Yu with his spiritual consciousness.

Nothing unusual was found.

But there is such a thing as memory.

Very magical.

There are many causes of amnesia.

Even if Zuo Yingchun was reincarnated as an immortal, he could not restore his previous memories instantly.

not to mention.

Even until now.

Zuo Yingchun couldn't tell the difference either.

Was the previous time with Ye Yu a dream or a memory from the previous life?


She could not delve into the matter of Ye Yu's "amnesia".

However, from Zuo Yingchun's point of view.

This was more like an opportunity given to her by God to make amends.

Zuo Yingchun will naturally hold on tightly.

Ye Yu will never be harmed again.

Zhu Diezhen on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

"Let go!

If you dare to hug my husband freely again, I will be rude to you!"

Since coming here.

Just one stick of incense.

Zuo Yingchun has hugged Ye Yu twice.

This was completely unacceptable to Zhu Diezhen.


What you say is what you say.

What are you doing?

Zuo Yingchun let go of his hands.

He sneered and said: "Oh? I really want to see what kind of rudeness method it is!"



Zuo Yingchun and Zhu Die were really at odds with each other and were about to take action again.

See it.

Ye Yu said in a deep voice: "Stop!

What do you two want to do?"

Zuo Yingchun and Zhu Diezhen were angry when they saw Ye Yu.

Immediately fell silent.

Don't dare to say more than a word.

After all, being able to find Ye Yu was already God's favor for them.

If Ye Yu is made angry at this time.

Let Ye Yu ignore them from now on.

This is the most painful punishment.


Whether it is Zhu Diezhen or Zuo Yingchun.

They have become very honest now.

Ye Yu glanced at the two of them.

Pretending to be angry is very effective.

So he struck while the iron was hot and continued: "Maybe we did know each other before.

But now, I really can't remember it.

give me some more time.

When I think about it. I'll find you again!

Now, my mission is completed and I have to return to the Qingyun Sect to take my orders.

Please come back, you two. "

Zhu Diezhen and Zuo Yingchun suddenly looked embarrassed.

But looking at Ye Yu's serious look.

I didn’t dare to say anything more.

After leaving their addresses one after another.

Leaving reluctantly.

However, Zhu Diezhen and Zuo Yingchun did not stay away.

Still hiding in the dark and observing Ye Yu.

the reason is simple.

They were all wary of each other going to find Ye Yu privately.

If that's the case.

Whoever is absent will suffer a big loss!

Looking at the empty surroundings.

Ye Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Phew, let’s go through the primary Shura field for now.

However, this is only the beginning.

The situation in Shura Field will definitely be different in the future.

Maybe it will continue to be upgraded.

From two people to three people, four people, and even five people.

by that time.

A simple sentence of amnesia cannot be easily excused.


We have to think of a way to break the situation.

Especially Bu Lingfei and Yun Ciwu.

They are definitely representatives of the impulsive group.

If the situation in the dream really happens again.

So what should Ye Yu do?

This is definitely a question worth thinking about.

Ye Yu shook his head slightly.

Then he just wanted to call Wei Aoshu to leave together.

But suddenly he noticed the latter's expression.

Becoming incredibly weird.

So he asked softly: "Senior sister, what's wrong with you?"

Wei Ao stepped forward slowly.

He looked solemnly and asked: "You are not my undercover agent in the Hall of Ten Thousand Souls, right?"

Hear the words.

Ye Yu's toes tensed up instantly.


Within the Qingyun Sect.

Sect leader Luo Ze called Yun Roumu into the main hall.

Looking at the beautiful face of his disciple.

Luo Ze had been brewing for a long time.

Again I don't know how to speak.

It's a bit hurtful to go straight to the point.

But if you keep silent.

But it doesn't work either.

After all, Ye Yu had already expressed his intention to let go and successfully left the Qingyun Sect.

If you don't wait for this opportunity, strike while the iron is hot, and you will break when the iron is hot.

There may not be such a good opportunity in the future.


Luo Ze thought about it again and again.

Changed to a very soft entry point.

"Ye Yu hasn't come to see you again lately, has he?"

Yun Roumu's pretty face turned red.

Although she is a saint.

But the news within Qingyun Sect.

How could she not hear anything?

Even the book "The Story The Saint and I Have to Tell".

Yun Roumu also quietly found someone to buy a copy and watched it alone.

Should be said or not.

The author of this book has a delicate writing style and vivid descriptions.

It is very easy to stir up the readers' emotions.

If the protagonist were not herself.

Yun Roumu even wanted to promote this book.


the most important point is.

Who took the picture with the photo stone in the first place?

It looks really shameful.

Being suppressed by Ye Yu in that posture.

Thinking about it now makes me feel a little hot.

To hide the embarrassment.

Yun Roumu lowered his head slightly.

He said softly: "Master, actually, Junior Brother Ye Yu and I are innocent.

We are not who you think we are.

Except for the previous common outings.

We have not met personally. "

Luo Ze hummed twice.

Not what you imagined?

What else?

Everyone has already taken away the stolen goods, and they are still talking harshly.

Disciple, you have changed.

It has become impure!


This is also a good thing.

Be tougher.

No matter who asked, they all said it had nothing to do with Ye Yu.

Only in this way can we maintain a pure and pure personality in the future.


The fact that Yun Roumun and Ye Yu are on the same page means that they have both let go.

This is the greatest joy.

Luo Ze put his hands behind his back.

He said softly: "A monk will live a long life and meet many people.

One or two errors don't mean anything.

Just wait, the future will be better!"

Such cryptic words.

Yun Roumu was confused.

I was about to ask.

Then he saw that Luo Ze had disappeared.

Yun Roumu had a strange expression.

Will the future be better?

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