What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 90: Ask Less About Social Affairs

Baizhang said.

Located in the northern part of Zhongzhou Continent.

On the hillside of Zhuxie Mountain.

A channel created by man.

Therefore it is called Baizhang Road.

This place is rich in aura and sparsely populated.

Many precious fairy grasses grow there.

Even if it is Qingyun Sect, one of the five holy places.

It was only after paying a huge price that we obtained the ownership of Baizhang Road.

To ensure the safety of herbs here.

Five hundred years ago.

The master of Wujian Peak, Elder Situ Zongxing, personally led dozens of disciples to garrison here.

Such a long time passed.

Some of the dozens of disciples have already spread their wings.

It is said that a small family of practitioners has almost been formed.

Listen to Wei Aoshu's explanation.

Ye Yu nodded thoughtfully.


No matter what kind of world we are in.

Good resources can only be obtained by robbing them.

Wei Aoshu was silent for a moment and looked around.

He asked softly: "I heard that this spirit boat is worth a sky-high price.

It was given to you by the Empress of the Great Qian Dynasty.

Is it possible that you really have that kind of relationship with that empress as rumored?"

Ye Yu's head was suddenly covered with black lines.

However, Wei Aoshu's words gave him a wake-up call.

Li Ruowang gave away such a precious spiritual boat.

Said it was for his safety.

But now it seems that there is another hidden meaning.

That is a declaration of sovereignty!

After all, they are neither relatives nor friends.

Who would give away such a valuable spiritual boat at will?

What a kill-two-birds!

Ye Yu didn't speak.

Wei Aoshu asked again: "If you don't speak, it's the same as acquiescing, right?"

"Don't make blind guesses, and don't ask about social affairs!

Things between us are very complicated, not what you imagine. "

Ye Yu didn't want to dwell too much on this issue with Wei Aoshu.

So he simply waved his hand and turned around.

Refuse to communicate.

Wei Aoshu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Not what you imagined?

How is that?

Wei Aoshu stood up without thinking for too long.

He said in a deep voice: "Baizhang Road, we've arrived!"

Hear this.

Ye Yu also quickly stood up and looked forward.

All I could see was halfway up the mountain ahead.

Several main halls and many ancient houses are scattered in perfect harmony.

Surrounded by clouds and mist.

It looks very beautiful.

Before Ye Yu and Wei Aoshu could control the spirit boat, they continued to approach.

Five sword rays came from a distance.

Stop steadily in front of the spirit boat.

Take a closer look.

They are five young sword cultivators.

The leader took a step forward.

He said in a deep voice: "The important area of ​​the sect ahead is closed to traffic, so leave quickly!"

Wei Aoshu tapped his toes.

Take out the token given by Luo Ze, the leader of Qingyun Sect before leaving.

He said in a deep voice: "Brothers, I am Wei Aoshu, a disciple of the Qingyun Sect's Law Enforcement Hall.

This is Ye Yu, a disciple of Wuzhi Peak.

On the order of the sect leader, we came here to collect two hundred dark mystic flowers and take them away.

Senior brother, please inform Elder Situ. "

Looking at the token in Wei Aoshu's hand.

The leading swordsman stepped forward slowly.

Checked it out.

After confirming it is true.

His expression immediately relaxed a lot.

"It turns out to be Junior Sister Wei and Junior Brother Ye.

I am Deng Zhenpo, the great disciple of Wujian Peak.

I just met you for the first time, I don’t know your identity, and your tone is cold, so please don’t take it to heart. "

Hear these words.

Ye Yu couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this senior brother looked cold.

Speaking is like a spring breeze.

And judging from the impressive sword intent around him.

This person is definitely not weak.

Wei Aoshu on the side said with a smile: "Senior brother, you are worrying too much.

You are responsible too, as it should be. "

After Deng Zhenpo exchanged a few more pleasantries.

Invite Wei Aoshu and Ye Yu into Baizhang Dao.

Ye Yu felt that Lingzhou was a bit eye-catching.

So he immediately snapped his fingers.

Turn it into a box and put it away.

When a disciple with a scar on his face saw this, a look of greed flashed in his eyes.

Come to Baizhang Road.

Ye Yu found that there were several children playing and playing here.

Looks very lively.

Deng Zhenpo smiled and said, "I'll make you laugh.

These are the children of several junior brothers.

They already have a family.

It is estimated that in a few hundred years, there will be even more people on Baizhang Road. "

Wei Aoshu echoed: "This makes it look more vibrant, doesn't it?"

Several of the disciples accompanying him laughed.

After a while.

Deng Zhenpo brought Ye Yu and Wei Aoshu into the main hall.

Then he slightly arched his hands.

He claimed that he was going to invite Master Situ Zongxing to come over.

But not long after leaving, he returned again.

He said very apologetically: "Master Situ Zongxing comprehended the art of swordsmanship on the top of the mountain and has entered a critical moment.

It is inconvenient to go down the mountain.

As for the two hundred dark mysterious flowers, it is not difficult to handle.

There is a lot of inventory here.

If I pick some more overnight, I believe I can get it all together tomorrow morning. "

"Thank you for your hard work, senior brother."

Wei Aoshu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

I originally thought I would stay in this place for a long time.

Now it seems that it only takes one day to complete the task.

What a blessing.

Soon, it was getting dark.

Wei Aoshu and Ye Yu, led by Wujian Peak disciples, prepared to return to the room to rest for a while.

Wait until an hour later.

The disciples of Wujian Peak will also hold a reception banquet for them.

After all, Baizhang Road is far away from Emperor Gao of Qingyun Sect.

Usually few people come.

I finally got the chance this time.

Naturally, I have to entertain him well.

For such a warm invitation.

Ye Yu and Wei Aoshu really had no reason to refuse.

I can only agree.

Wait until they leave the hall.

The smile on Deng Zhenpo's face slowly faded.

A black mist suddenly appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the disciple with the scar on his face walked out.

"That guy's spirit boat is very good, I've taken a liking to it."

"Since you like it, go and get it yourself.

What, do you expect me to help you?"

Deng Zhenpo didn't even turn around.

The voice was unusually flat.

The disciple suddenly laughed and said: "You are really annoying.

No wonder your master doesn't like you. "

Deng Zhenpo looked at the night scene outside the door.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly.

He whispered: "Master doesn't like me, and there's nothing I can do about it."

the other side.

Wei Aoshu came to the room.

I was about to get a glass of water.

Suddenly, the opposite wall suddenly collapsed.

Look up.

It was Ye Yu who walked over from next door.

It's just that he didn't go through the room door, but through the wall door.

Wei Aoshu's mouth twitched slightly.

"Junior brother, you'd better give me an explanation, and at the same time think about how to explain it to the disciples of Wujian Peak."

Ye Yu looked solemn.

He said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, I don't need to explain to them!"

Wei Aoshu took a deep breath.

Just about to speak.

Then I heard a knock on the door from outside.

"Sister, let me bring you some spiritual tea."

"Please come in!"

Wei Aoshu waved his sleeves and the door opened automatically.

She has already thought about it.

Take out more spirit stones. Ask this disciple to find someone to repair the wall.

After all, they were counting on the disciples of Wujian Peak to help them get the Dark Mysterious Flower.

It's better not to offend.

However, before the disciple carrying the spiritual tea entered the room.

Ye Yu directly pulled out the magic sword from Wei Aoshu's waist.

Cut off this disciple's head with a sword.

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