What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 81 The Raptor Crossing The River From The Nanman Continent

[At the beginning, the elders were very skeptical. ]

[But as time went on, curious people began to imitate Ye Yu’s behavior. ]

[Also go to Taoist companions anonymously. ]

[After being together for a while, confess your identity. When I saw the other person's extremely shocked look, I felt a sense of relief in my heart for no apparent reason. ]

[His, this feeling seems wonderful. ]

[I have to say that the sect leader still knows how to play! ]

[Afterwards, more and more elders began to seek out Taoist companions for a pure love affair. ]

[And they are all looking for the kind of low-level female cultivators from outside the sect. ]

[What is needed is shock, shock and shock. ]

[after a while. ]

[Many of the Demon Sect leaders are about to collapse. ]

[Is this a new way of attracting people from Xuanyin Sect? ]

[More and more female cultivators are leaving the sect crying and shouting. ]

[Also talking about finding true love. ]

[Even if Master kneels down to dissuade me, he can't stop me. ]

[Using emotions to attract people is simply a bad idea!]

[Many Demon Sect leaders gathered together to discuss the matter of denouncement of Xuanyin Sect. ]

[But I think of the incident where the top management of Qianjimen was wiped out some time ago. ]

[They all misfire instantly. ]

[There is no way, no one has the courage to face Ye Yu. ]

[That night, the makeshift alliance fell apart. ]

[Use the best method possible. Anyway, we only attract female monks, not men. ]

[whatever! ]

[And the other side. ]

[Ye Yu got an important piece of news from Lan Lianyan. ]

[That is, the six main Dao Sect sects are preparing to join forces to launch an attack on Xuanyin Sect. ]

[No matter whether Ye Yu is really the master of Demon Dao. ]

[We must make the Xuanyin Sect completely disappear from the East China Sea Continent. ]

[Otherwise, no one can guarantee that it will not become the next Qianjimen. ]

[Hualing Mountain is also among them. ]

[News came from high-level officials that a general attack on Xuanyin Sect was about to be launched. ]

[Lan Lianyan and Ye Yu only need to do a good job of internal response. ]

[After hearing the news. ]

[Ye Yu has no fear in his heart. ]

[He has been waiting for this day for a long time. ]

[Some things have to jump out after all before they can be thrown away in one pot. ]

[However, at this time, Ye Yu remembered the second sentence left by the first generation leader of Qianji Sect. ]

[The devil has a nemesis, and the nemesis is in the north. Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and success or failure can only happen in a matter of seconds. ]

[The nemesis is in the north, who is the nemesis? ]

[Moreover, since it is a nemesis, why do we say that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other? ]

[Ye Yu hasn't figured this out yet. ]

[Lan Lianyan, who was beside him, touched Ye Yu's heart with his finger. ]

[This action is extremely dangerous for any monk. ]

[If you are not careful, you will be seriously injured and die. ]

[But Ye Yu was unusually calm at this time. ]

[No worries. ]

[Maybe I think from the bottom of my heart that Lan Lianyan will not hurt him. ]

[It is even more impossible to kill him. ]

[If a fight really breaks out, don't interfere indiscriminately. It's best to stay by my side. ]

[I will protect you. ]

[Hearing Lan Lianyan’s words. ]

[Ye Yu is very touched. ]

[Cracks gradually appeared in the cement seal. ]

[When a cute girl says she wants to protect you. ]

[I believe no man can resist this kind of lethality. ]

[However, Lan Lianyan's next words once again cemented the loose cement in Ye Yu's heart. ]

[After all, it’s really hard for me to find a good dinner partner like you. ]

[It turns out that your strong desire to protect is just to protect your partner? ]

[Lan Lianyan, can’t you have anything else on your mind besides eating? ]

[Ye Yu left angrily, saying that he had a bad appetite today and would not eat!]

[Are you really in a bad mood? ]

[The moment when you walk out of the treasure pavilion. ]

[Ye Yu's expression became very solemn, or maybe he was upset. ]

[When the righteous monks besieged Xuanyin Sect. ]

[Perhaps, his identity can no longer be concealed. ]

[At that time, will Lan Lianyan still say such innocent words? ]

[Ye Yu knows what the answer is. ]

[It’s just that I haven’t wanted to face it. ]

[However, there is one thing that Ye Yu has always been firm on. ]

[That is, he will not be soft-hearted this time in the dream, and vows to see what it means to ascend to immortality! ]

[Three days later. ]

[After a brief hiatus. ]

[Ye Yu found no trace of righteous people near Xuanyin Sect. ]

[This made him very curious. ]

[The siege was promised, why hasn’t it come yet?]

[In desperation, Ye Yu carried a lot of delicious food and came to the Treasure Pavilion. ]

[But this time. ]

[Lan Lianyan told Ye Yu that the action might have to be postponed for a while. ]

[This made Ye Yu very surprised. ]

[Quickly asked him what was going on. ]

[It turns out that Lan Lianyan just received the information from Hualing Mountain yesterday. ]

[A Demonic Cultivator came from the Nanman Continent. ]

[Strength is astounding, and attacks are ruthless. ]

[I just came here and destroyed the second-rate sect, Burning Flower Pavilion. ]

[After that, he moved around and killed many monks who had been famous for a long time. ]

[This fierce dragon crossing the river attracted everyone's attention. ]

[To prevent more righteous people from being killed. ]

[Many sects decided to join forces to kill this Demonic Cultivator first. ]

[After all, Ye Yu's threat is much smaller in comparison. ]

[In the past hundred years, I have only massacred Qianjimen and nothing else. ]

[Hearing this, Ye Yu felt very strange. ]

[Is this considered good and evil in comparison?]

[Anyway, the current situation seems to have stabilized again, and Zhengdao began to prepare to deal with the Demonic Cultivator from the Southern Barbarian Continent first. ]

[As for the Xuanyin Sect matter, I guess we need to let it go. ]

[Well, I really don’t pay attention. ]

[However, Ye Yu's mood suddenly became happy. ]

[Sweep away the haze in my heart before. ]

[Indicates that Lan Lianyan should eat more. If it is not enough, bring more tomorrow. ]

[But it is this sentence. ]

[Let Lan Lianyan stop moving. ]

[She told Ye Yu very seriously. ]

[Don’t think about just providing delicious food, you should focus on business. ]

[Since she became Ye Yu’s new online. ]

[Ye Yu didn’t even provide any useful information. ]

[Every time Xuanyin Sect asked for news, Lan Lianyan kept writing Wuwuwu. The pressure was really great. ]

[After expressing my sorrow. ]

[Lan Lianyan angrily took two more bites of the delicate snack. ]

[After Ye Yu thought for a moment, he immediately provided Lan Lianyan with some information about the elders of the Xuanyin Sect. ]

[Although they are insignificant things, it is enough to deal with Hualing Mountain for the time being. ]

[It was getting late, when Ye Yu returned to the main hall of Xuanyin Sect. ]

[A familiar voice suddenly comes from behind. ]

[Brother Yu. ]

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