What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 76 How Can Demonic Cultivator Become Famous All Over The World If He Doesn’T Bully His Maste

[Under the leadership of Wu Xinzi. ]

[Ye Yu came to the Taoist temple in the back mountain for the first time. ]

[Compared with the clean and tidy Taoist temple in front. ]

[The Taoist temple at the back looks quite old. ]

[As if it had not been repaired for hundreds of years. ]

[It is devastated and dilapidated. ]

[On the pillars in front of the main hall, there are several bright red bloody handprints, which look shocking. ]

[Wuxinzi told Ye Yu that these were all traces of battles left by previous battles with others. ]

[Don't be too afraid. ]

[The person who will be the master of the Demon Sect in the future and lead the Demon Dao must be brave! ]

[Hear these words. ]

[Ye Yu immediately nodded slightly. ]

[After entering the main hall of the Taoist temple. ]

[The first thing Wu Xinzi did was scan around Ye Yu with his spiritual consciousness. ]

[After discovering that his body is indeed powerful. ]

[The smile on his face becomes a little more intense. ]

[Dangji let Ye Yu close his eyes and relax his whole body. ]

[I will use my soul to teach him a very high-grade skill right away. ]

[However, when passing on the power. ]

[Some strange things may happen to your body. ]

[But remember one thing. ]

[No matter what happens, don't resist. ]

[Otherwise, it is very likely that the transfer of skills will fail, or even end up with a disability. ]

[Ye Yu nodded vigorously. ]

[Look at this disciple looking so well-behaved. ]

[A blush appears on Wu Xinzi's face. ]

[It looks very strange. ]

[Subsequently. ]

[At Wu Xinzi’s signal. ]

[Ye Yu slowly closed his eyes. ]

[Wuxinzi, on the other hand, opened his black robe, revealing two skinny arms. ]

[In an instant, a rotten breath came out. ]

[I saw many dense wounds on Wu Xinzi’s arms. ]

[And basically all rotten. ]

[To describe it as riddled with holes is not an exaggeration. ]

[Wuxinzi has a look of pain on his face. ]

[But my hands keep moving. ]

[Immediately form a complex Tao seal. ]

[Immediately afterwards, Wu Xinzi closed his eyes tightly. ]

[At the top of its head, a light blue Wuxinzi shadow slowly emerged. ]

[This is his soul. ]

[It’s strange. ]

[The soul of a monk like Wu Xinzi should be very powerful, far beyond that of ordinary people. ]

[But his spirit gives people a feeling of weakness. ]

[Just as Wu Xinzi’s soul floated over Ye Yu’s head. ]

[When preparing to seize the body. ]

[Ye Yu suddenly opens his eyes. ]

[Light blue light erupts from his right hand. ]

[Caught Wu Xinzi’s soul directly. ]

[This sudden change. ]

[Making Wu Xinzi unexpected. ]

[No resistance offered. ]

[He was firmly controlled by Ye Yu. ]

[Feel the surging spiritual energy in this hand. ]

[Wuxinzi immediately said: Disciple, let me go, my teacher wants to teach you the skills!]

[Ye Yu smiles sarcastically. ]

[The blunt expression was exactly as expected. ]

[The soul often leaves the body and enters the body of others, trying to occupy the magpie's nest. ]

[It can easily make the soul extremely weak. If not, I might not be able to defeat you. ]

[Master, is seizing a body so fun? ]

[Hearing this, Wuxinzi's expression immediately became panicked. ]

[Desperately trying to break free from Ye Yu's restraints and return to his body. ]

[But I can't do it. ]

[It confirms what Ye Yu said. ]

[If it weren't for the weakness of the soul, it would be impossible for Ye Yu to control him alone. ]

[Since this year. ]

[Wuxinzi found hundreds of children with good qualifications who came on a very cloudy day. ]

[The purpose is to occupy their healthy bodies. ]

[It would be even better if we could get the body of the Demon Dao Lord. ]

[So Wuxinzi made a lot of preparations. ]

[For example, Jiuyou Body Training Technique. ]

[You can only exercise your body, but you cannot cultivate spiritual energy. ]

[This is very convenient for Wu Xinzi. ]

[Because the soul is very fragile when it leaves the body. ]

[If you are not careful, you will die. ]

[So Wuxinzi is very cautious. ]

[But after trying so many bodies in a row, none of them could perfectly accommodate his soul. ]

[A maximum of three days at a time. ]

[The new body will be rejected. ]

[While Wu Xinzi was unhappy, he was not discouraged at all. ]

[Continuously trying to find a body that can accommodate his soul. ]

[But now, it is controlled by a teenage child. ]

[Such a situation caught Wu Xinzi unexpectedly and he immediately yelled. ]

[who are you? ]

[Why do you know about the seizure of the body? ]

[And what I’ve given you is only the Jiuyou Body Training Technique, which can’t cultivate spiritual power at all. ]

[How did you get your cultivation level? ]

[Facing Wuxinzi’s incompetent rage. ]

[Ye Yu sneers. ]

[During this period of time, he successfully deceived Shi Aotian's family-inherited martial art, Po Xu Gong. ]

[Although he has only reached the peak of Qi Refining Realm. ]

[But controlling Wu Xinzi’s broken soul is enough. ]

[Ye Yu uses both hands hard. ]

[Keeping pulling at Wu Xinzi’s soul. ]

[Want to kill it. ]

[Wuxinzi’s soul is already weak. ]

[I can't stand such torture at all. ]

[Said immediately. ]

[As long as Ye Yu is willing to let him go, then he will definitely teach Ye Yu everything he can, seriously teach him how to practice, and help him grow. ]

[You can even swear to be Ye Yu's guardian. ]

[Guard him for a hundred years. ]

[But faced with such temptation. ]

[Ye Yu is not moved at all. ]

[Still trying to tear Wu Xinzi’s soul apart. ]

[Unfortunately. ]

[The spiritual power at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm is really not high. ]

[I couldn’t kill Wuxinzi for a while. ]

[Since practicing Qi is not enough?]

[Then it’s time to build the foundation!]

[Ye Yu slowly exhales a breath of turbid air. ]

[Beginning to break through. ]

[In fact, he has been able to build the foundation long ago by practicing the Void Breaking Technique. ]

[It’s just to prevent Wu Xinzi from discovering the abnormality, so he worked hard to suppress his cultivation. ]

[Now that the matter has come to an end, there is no need to tie our hands and feet anymore. ]

[Next second. ]

[The surrounding spiritual energy surges into Ye Yu's body like a tide. ]

[soon. ]

[Ye Yu moves from the Qi Refining Realm to the Foundation Building Realm. ]

[Feel the fierce killing intent. ]

[Wuxinzi quickly roared, you can't kill me. ]

[Killing a master is not allowed by heaven. ]

[Do you have to bear the reputation of deceiving your teachers and destroying your ancestors? ]

[Ye Yu shows a smile. ]

[Master, everyone is a Demonic Cultivator. ]

[Don’t talk about respecting teachers and teaching!]

[If Demonic Cultivator doesn’t kill Master? How can he become famous all over the world? ]

[Ye Yu performed the Void Breaking Technique, and his hands directly penetrated Wu Xinzi's soul. ]

[Then for safety reasons. ]

[He kept tearing his soul into pieces and then stopped. ]

[at the same time. ]

[Wuxinzi's body also collapsed to the ground at this moment. ]

[Starts to decay at an extremely rapid rate. ]

[And this time. ]

[Shi Aotian breaks through the door from outside. ]

[Closes your eyes and swings a wooden stick around. ]

[Yelled, come to me if you can, don’t hurt my brother!]

[Seeing this situation, Ye Yu was very curious. ]

[Ask him what he is doing?]

[Shi Aotian said with trembling all over. ]

[You are my only friend here. I don't want you to die, so I'm here to save you. ]

[Ye Yu can clearly see the fear and determination in Shi Aotian's eyes. ]

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