What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 70 I’Ll Fuck You, The Great Virtuous Person

Facing Wei Aoshu's admiring gaze.

Ye Yu felt extremely speechless.

He quickly waved his hand and said: "Senior sister, the situation is not what you think.

The saint and I are innocent. "

Hear this.

The smile on Wei Aoshu's face grew stronger.

"Okay, stop pretending when I'm here."

Ye Yu sighed.

Knowing this very well, I'm afraid that even if I jumped into the Yellow River, I wouldn't be able to cleanse myself.

So I won’t explain it anymore.

Instead, he said seriously: "Senior sister, what do you think of the second elder and fifth elder of Ten Thousand Souls Hall?"

Wei Aoshu frowned slightly.

"Why do you suddenly ask this?

To be honest, I have never met the second elder and the fifth elder.

At first, after I was favored by Master Zhu Diezhen, I was directly sent to Qingyun Sect as an undercover agent.

I am really unfamiliar with the people and things in the palace. "

Hear these words.

A flash of joy flashed in Ye Yu's heart.

This is really great.

Originally, he was testing to see if Wei Aoshu was a member of the second elder and fifth elder.

Since we don't know each other.

That's what can be trusted.

Ye Yu then told the second elder and fifth elder to contact the Blood Demon Sect and prepare to rebel.

Wei Aoshu's expression changed drastically.

He immediately said: "How is this possible?"

Ye Yu shook his head and said: "Nothing is impossible, I mean, I want you to contact the palace master.

Tell her about this.

Whether it is true or false, the palace master will judge for himself. "

Wei Aoshu thought for a moment.

Finally decided to believe Ye Yu.

Although it is a serious crime to falsely accuse a sect elder.

But if this is true.

Then Lord Zhu Diezhen would be in danger.


Wei Aoshu is willing to take this risk.

He immediately said that he would go down the mountain to deliver the message to Zhu Diezhen.

But at this time.

But Ye Yu pulled him back again.

"Sister, I have a heartfelt request.

That is, don't tell me about this matter.

For some special reasons, I can't be in the limelight.

Moreover, Ye Yu is not my real name.

My name in the Hall of Ten Thousand Souls is actually Zhao Wuji. "

Ye Yu's idea is simple.

That is, he doesn't want Zhu Diezhen to know that he is in Qingyun Sect for the time being.

Because after meeting with Li Ruowang, the Empress of Daqian.

Ye Yu discovered a strange phenomenon.

That is the ladies in the dream, although they have the memories in the dream.

But the personality is a little different.

For example, Li Ruowang.

In the dream, he is a very possessive person.

I wish I could lock Ye Yu in the room every day and not let him come out even a step.

But in this reality.

But he was very generous and allowed Ye Yu to leave at will.

And there is no entanglement.

This is in sharp contrast to the dream.

This made Ye Yu feel something.

Perhaps, the character of the lady in the dream may be different in reality.

Yes, that's right.

In the dream, Zhu Die really liked him.

But there is no guarantee that anything will change in reality.

Therefore, Ye Yu is ready to wait until his level is higher.

Meet Zhu Diezhen again.

It's still a little too early to recognize each other now.

not to mention.

There is a dream system in hand.

It doesn't take long to break through a realm and become stronger.

Wei Aoshu's expression became extremely strange.

She found that she couldn't understand this junior brother more and more.

If it is true that the elders rebelled.

That is definitely a great achievement.

It is very likely that Zhu Diezhen valued him and entrusted him with important tasks.

Why didn't Ye Yu come forward for such a great thing?

Wei Aoshu was puzzled.

Then suddenly I discovered something magical.

"Are you already in the late Gold Core Realm stage?"

Ye Yu's face froze.

Secret passage is not good.

To know.

Half a month ago, when I just met Wei Aoshu.

He is only at the early stage of Foundation Establishment Realm.

Nowadays, they are all in the late stage of Gold Core Realm.

Such a big realm has been crossed.

I'm afraid if you look at the entire world of cultivation, Scorpion Baba is the only one.

As a result, Ye Yu's mind suddenly changed.

He quickly said: "Well, that's right.

I had some adventures in Daqian, and by luck, I made a breakthrough. "

Wei Aoshu showed envy.

The junior brother who I always wanted to protect before.

Now, it has grown to the point where it is equal to it.

It's incredible.

Wei Aoshu exhaled a breath of thick air.

He said seriously: "Junior brother, I believe you will not lie to me.

I will go and deliver the message to Palace Master Zhu now.

In the meantime, I won't mention you. "

"Thank you, senior sister."

Ye Yu earnestly handed over his hand.

Wei Aoshu did not hesitate and immediately turned around and left.

After he left.

Ye Yu frowned slightly.

Wei Aoshu's surprise just now gave him a wake-up call.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a monster.

If the realm grows too fast, it will indeed cause some unnecessary troubles.

Fortunately, the level is still low now.

Nothing too noticeable.

But the realm will get higher and higher in the future, once there is a huge leap.

He is bound to be targeted.

In order not to be used as a guinea pig for research.

Ye Yu decisively returned to Wuzhi Peak.

I am going to go to Hong Luan and ask for a breathing technique to practice it.

Use this to cover up your cultivation.

Of course, it would be better if there was any Law Weapon that concealed its aura.

But what Ye Yu didn't expect was.

After returning to Wuzhi Peak.

But Hong Luan was not found.

Is it possible that I will lose again when I gamble?

Ye Yu couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

After going back, I suddenly saw it.

Xie Muling, a senior sister with snow-white hair, was reading in front of the bamboo building.

It’s time to say it or not.

Xie Muling really feels like a two-dimensional girl.

Cute and cute.

However, the hobby is somewhat unique.

At night, I like to open the opposite door and window with my junior brother.

This is really unbearable.

I urged many times to ask Brother Gong Shuzhe, who built the hall, to come again.

Help with window renovations.

But Brother Gongshuzhe was "happily" injured time and time again.

Without any choice.

As for the window problem, it can only remain in a stranded state.

There was nothing Ye Yu could do about this.

This can only go on like this for the time being.

After staring at Xie Muling for a moment.

Ye Yu took a deep breath.

He stepped forward and asked, "Senior sister, do you know where Master is?"

Xie Muling raised her head slightly and said lightly: "I don't know."

Ye Yu was not surprised by this.

Because Master Hongluan gives people the impression that he appears and disappears.

It's normal to not be able to find anyone.

In order not to make the atmosphere too depressing.

Ye Yu asked casually: "Okay, senior sister is so serious, what book are you reading?"

The corners of Xie Muling's mouth suddenly rose slightly.

This little action.

Ye Yu immediately realized that something was wrong.

as expected.

Xie Muling suddenly raised the book in her hand.

I saw ten big characters written on the cover.

"Breaking down the poses of Ye Yu and the Saint!"

Author: A great virtuous man from Qingyun Sect’s Preaching Peak.


Fuck you, great virtuous man!

Who would be a kind person who would write such a book?

Also, don’t the senior officials of Qingyun Sect care about it?

How can such a book be circulated?

Ye Yu's face became extremely embarrassed.

He said softly: "Senior sister, this kind of book is completely made up. It's better to read less of it!"

Xie Muling shook her head and said: "I'm not just making it up. If you buy a book, you'll get a photo stone for free.

There are also action scenes of you and the saint being intimate. "

Hear the words.

Ye Yu went crazy!

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