The end of Ye Yu's dream does not mean that everything is over.

In a blessed place.

Zuo Yingchun is sitting cross-legged.

His eyes were closed tightly, and his face was full of pain.

[Looking at Ye Yu's gradually cold body. ]

[Zuo Yingchun was in great pain. ]

[tearful. ]

[Husband, I didn’t mean it, I just wanted to push you away. ]

[I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. ]

[Zuo Yingchun lowered his head slightly and pressed it against Ye Yu's cheek, feeling the last warmth. ]

[What she didn’t know was. ]

[At this moment. ]

[The smile flashed in Ghost Wenzhen’s eyes. ]

[Then he pretended to be angry and accused Zuo Yingchun. ]

[What are you doing? Let go quickly. He is a demon who destroyed the sect and killed the master and his wife.]

[According to my opinion, he should...]

[Before Wen Zhen finished speaking. ]

[A bolt of lightning suddenly falls on her. ]

[Wen Zhen screamed, and his soul became even thinner. ]

[Zuo Yingchun said coldly: Shut up. ]

[I have thought clearly that no matter what Ye Yu did in the previous life, it was all about the previous life. ]

[In this life, he is my Taoist companion. You are not allowed to make irresponsible remarks. ]

[What's more, you just took advantage of my distraction and used ghostly voice on me. ]

[I believed your lies without any evidence. ]

[You actually questioned Ye Yu? ]

[What are your intentions?]

[Hear these words. ]

[Wen Zhen panicked. He thought he was doing something very subtle, but unexpectedly, Zuo Yingchun saw it. ]

[But he still pretended to be calm and said angrily, I am your junior sister and I will not harm you. ]

[Zuo Yingchun said coldly: It is precisely because you are my junior sister that you can still stand here and talk properly. ]

[Otherwise, you are not qualified to talk to me now. ]

[Give you time to think carefully about how to explain to me. ]

[If it's not reasonable enough, don't blame me for not talking about friendship. ]

[At this moment, Wen Zhen’s face turned extremely ugly. ]

[She knows very well that even if Zuo Yingchun has been reincarnated now, he still has the ability to control her. ]

[Zuo Yingchun withdrew his gaze, grasped the shadow stone in his hand, and slowly injected spiritual power into it. ]

[Soon, a shadow of Ye Yu appeared. ]

[Hello, welcome to the Spring Festival. ]

[When you see this photo stone. ]

[It means I have confessed to you. ]

[It was on the top of Zixiaomen Mountain. ]

[You must say that I am the reincarnation of an immortal. ]

[No matter how I explain it, you won’t believe it. ]

[So, in order not to let you continue to struggle with this issue. ]

[I can only admit it. ]

[In fact, I am really not the reincarnation of an immortal. ]

[The name Lidong is even more made up. ]

[The reason why I came up with this name. ]

[It’s because spring will only come after winter has left. ]

[As for you saying that I can break through all the way just by sleeping and not practicing. ]

[I don’t know the specific reason. ]

[Maybe it’s because of the different talents. ]

[As soon as I practice, I will fall into the realm. If I don’t practice, I will break through. ]

[It’s amazing, right? ]

[Also, I confessed to you, please don’t be angry, okay? ]

[Whether it is the reincarnation of an immortal or not, I don’t think it matters. ]

[The important thing is that we just love each other together. ]

[Finally, I hope we can always be together. ]

[Ascend together, attain enlightenment and become immortals, and live forever and never be separated!]

[Ye Yu in the shadow is smiling brightly. ]

[But Zuo Yingchun was already crying. ]

[breaks down and cries. ]

[Since the name Lidong was made up by Ye Yu. ]

[That means that what Wen Zhen said just now is all lies. ]

[It hurts, it hurts too much!]

[It turned out that a lie caused such a disaster. ]

[Zuo Yingchun only feels that she is in pain now. ]

[Wen Zhen on the side sees that something is wrong. ]

[Immediately prepare to hide. ]

[But in an instant. ]

[Countless thunders appear out of thin air and fall suddenly. ]

[Wen Zhen lets out a painful cry. ]

[The thunder lasts for the duration of a stick of incense. ]

[It ended slowly. ]

[The place where Wen Zhen is has turned into a huge pit. ]

[The soul body, which was not solid in the first place, is now riddled with holes. ]

[Wen Zhen’s face became distorted. ]

[The extreme pain made her almost collapse. ]

[Zuo Yingchun is very angry. ]

[Ask Wen Zhen why he did this? ]

[The latter suddenly laughed, very wantonly.]

[Because I hate you, Zuo Yingchun! ]

[I wish you could die without a burial place!]

[I wish I could eat your flesh and drink your blood!]

[Hear this answer. ]

[Zuo Yingchun froze on the spot. ]

[She never expected it. ]

[My fellow junior sister would actually say such a thing. ]

[After Wen Zhen explained. ]

[Only then did Zuo Yingchun understand everything. ]

[Three thousand years ago. ]

[When Wen Zhen worshiped at Shou Tian Guan. ]

[Zuo Yingchun has begun to retreat. ]

[So I don’t have much impression on this senior sister. ]

[After starting to practice. ]

[Wen Zhen shows extremely high talent for cultivation. ]

[And with her good looks. ]

[Received countless praises from within the sect. ]

[The young monk who later joined the sect. ]

[I even feel that Wen Zhen is the most shining pearl of Shou Tian Guan. ]

[She is beautiful and talented. ]

[Absolutely perfect. ]

[Wen Zhen walked out of the small town and heard so many praises. ]

[It can be said to be full of vanity. ]

[However, all of this changed dramatically when Wen Zhen squeezed into the Gold Core Realm. ]

[Yingchun, who has been in seclusion for a hundred years, is back. ]

[Until this time, the younger generation of monks knew what was most beautiful. ]

[It turns out that Senior Sister Yingchun is the guardian of the sky... No, it should be said that she is the most beautiful woman in the entire East China Sea Continent. ]

[Moreover, the talent for cultivating Taoism is higher than that of Wen Zhen. ]

[After the retreat, she has reached a height that is difficult for others to reach in their lifetime. ]

[It is the arrival of spring. ]

[Making Wen Zhen dim from now on. ]

[Although she is very jealous of this senior sister. ]

[But equally, she is also very good at survival. ]

[Hold high the banner of friendship. ]

[I quickly became involved with Yingchun. ]

[In the eyes of outsiders, the two are as close as sisters. ]

[This is exactly what Wen Zhen wants. ]

[only if. ]

[Yingchun will not hesitate to teach her. ]

[The perspective of a genius is different from that of ordinary people. ]

[Yingchun is an absolute genius. ]

[Has unique insights into exercises and practice. ]

[Even their master has to admire this. ]

[With the help of Yingchun, Wen Zhen sang all the way on the road of spiritual practice. ]

[Even though he can never surpass Yingchun, he can still be regarded as the second most outstanding person in Shou Tian Guan. ]

[Finally, after hundreds of years, Yingchun ascends to the Heavenly World. ]

[Wen Zhen believes that his opportunity has come. ]

[As long as the senior sister is not here. ]

[She is the most shining person in Shou Tian Guan. ]

[But the facts prove that this is not the case. ]

[Even half a year after Yingchun ascended. ]

[In Shou Tian Guan, the favorite topic of conversation is still the Spring Festival. ]

[And not her. ]

[This makes Wen Zhen feel very uncomfortable. ]

[A few days later, she found her junior brother Mu Baige to express her feelings. ]

[Actually, it was as early as two hundred years ago. ]

[Wen Zhen secretly admires this good-looking junior brother. ]

[But she knew it very well. ]

[Mu Baige likes to welcome spring. ]

[But so what? ]

[Yingchun has no feelings for Mu Baige between men and women, not to mention that they have already ascended. ]

[What else is there to say? ]

[However, Wen Zhen’s confession was not successful this time. ]

[In exchange for cruel rejection. ]

[Wen Zhen will never forget the look in Mu Baige’s eyes at that time. ]

[It's sympathy, it's disdain. ]

[An even more outspoken statement. ]

[Senior Sister Wenzhen, you will never be as good as Senior Sister Yingchun. ]

[This sentence deeply hurt Wen Zhen’s heart. ]

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