What, The Ladies In My Dreams Are All Real

Chapter 6 A Lifetime Of Bondage

[If it weren’t for your unstoppable momentum in the past three hundred years, your realm would be advancing by leaps and bounds. ]

[It is impossible for Zhu Diezhen to reach the late stage of the Fusion Realm in such a short period of time. ]

[Of course, you didn’t get no benefits at all. ]

[In the past three hundred years, you have not had any bottlenecks in your practice. ]

[It’s also thanks to Zhu Diezhen’s blessing. ]

[Tongxindan, complementing each other, is not an empty talk. ]

[But it also has a fatal flaw. ]

[When one person dies, his partner will not survive alone. ]

[The two not only live and die together, they can even feel each other's senses. ]

Hearing what Zhu Die said.

Ye Yu's expression instantly became wonderful.

No wonder I studied Kun Zi Jue calligraphy with Liu Xinxiu in Suoyue Tower.

Zhu Diezhen will know immediately.

It turns out that she also feels that way.

Tsk tsk tsk.

This is too magical.

[When you hear that people who take the Tongxin Pill will live and die together, you can't help but panic. ]

[Tomorrow, Suoyue Tower will attack the Hall of Ten Thousand Souls in a large scale. ]

[Now that Zhu Die is seriously injured, he must not be Shen Nantian's opponent. ]

[It is very likely that he will die. ]

[Doesn't this mean that you will die too? ]

[Of course you are unwilling to accept such a result. ]

[So I wanted to ask about the antidote to Tongxindan. ]

[Zhu Diezhen tells you that there is no cure for this elixir. ]

[Tongxin Dan is more like a constraint for Taoists. ]

[After taking it, you will live and die together, and you will not regret it. ]

[How come there is an antidote? ]

[You were very angry and punched the wall. ]

[In your eyes. ]

[Tongxin Pill is more terrifying than Bone Erosion Pill. ]

[At least there is a medicine that can cure Bone Corrosion Pill. ]

[Tongxindan is a lifelong bondage. ]

[Zhu Diezhen looks at the ground helplessly. ]

[She tells you that it is not easy for the Great Elder of the Ten Thousand Souls Palace to be disloyal. ]

[Deliberately killed the trial disciples of Suoyue Tower. ]

[Initiate a battle between Suoyue Tower and Ten Thousand Souls Palace. ]

[I want to get rid of Zhu Diezhen with the help of outsiders. ]

[Thereby holding the Hall of Ten Thousand Souls in his own hands. ]

[After Zhu Diezhen found out about this, Shangyi was immediately punished severely. ]

[But he was attacked by the third elder. ]

[At this time, Zhu Diezhen discovered that more than half of the elders in the palace had defected to Shangyi. ]

[Subsequently, the two sides began to fight. ]

[This is what happened just now. ]

[This internal fighting has wiped out all the elite members of the Ten Thousand Souls Hall. ]

[The rest are all people who are still not easy for the Great Elder. ]

[Zhu Diezhen, the once aloof master of the Demon Sect. ]

[Already alone. ]

[Even if I am rescued by you now, I will still be hunted down by you in the future. ]

[What's more, there is Suoyue Tower watching eagerly from the side. ]

[No matter how you look at it, it’s a certain death situation. ]

[You look at Zhu Die who is really determined to die. ]

[I'm so angry. ]

[In this situation, even if Zhu Die really wants to die, you still don't want to. ]

[The good years have just begun. ]

[You haven’t lived enough yet. ]

[This night, you scolded Zhu Diezhen all night long. ]

[The latter's eyes also gradually changed. ]

[At dawn the next day. ]

[An elder from the Ten Thousand Souls Palace found you. ]

[He is a difficult person. ]

[Attack you immediately. ]

[With the cooperation of you and Zhu Diezhen. ]

[Killed the elder with great difficulty. ]

[Afterwards, you did not return to Suoyue Tower. ]

[Instead, he took Zhu Diezhen to continue escaping from Shangyi's pursuit. ]

[After knowing the effect of Tongxindan. ]

[You know very well that Zhu Diezhen must regain his fighting spirit and become strong again. ]

[In this way, you can truly sit back and relax. ]

[Otherwise, you will never be at peace no matter what you do. ]

[I'm afraid that the next second, because Zhu Die really dies, you will be buried with him. ]

[So, you promised to rebuild the sect with Zhu Diezhen. ]

[Kill the rebel Shang Buyi. ]

[Zhu Diezhen is not too excited about the pie you drew. ]

[But there was no rejection either. ]

[After all, there is no place for her in this situation. ]

[As for rebuilding the sect, is it not easy to kill him? ]

[How easy are these two things? ]

[The next hundred years. ]

[You and Zhu Diezhen have escaped being chased again and again. ]

[You have become the best partners. ]

[But at the same time, you can never go back. ]

[After the fact that you and Zhu Diezhen were together became known. ]

[Everyone thinks you have fallen into Demon Dao. ]

[Shen Nantian, the owner of Suoyue Tower, even offered 5,000 High Grade Spiritual Stones and a Law Weapon as the reward for your reward. ]

[If I can capture you alive. ]

[The spiritual stone is doubled. ]

[When you heard the news, you felt very complicated. ]

[Back then, Shen Nantian thought highly of you. ]

[I even intend to accept a disciple as a teacher, so that you can become the great elder of Suoyue Tower in the future. ]

[But now, I'm offering you such a high price to kill you. ]

[This may be the depth of love and the depth of pain. ]

[After knowing the reason for your sadness. ]

[Zhu Diezhen comes to you and wants to wake you up just like you did before. ]

[But after seeing your affectionate eyes. ]

[I originally prepared words, but I couldn’t say them. ]

[This night, you once again learned how to write Kun Zi Jue. ]

[The person who accompanies you to study is Zhu Diezhen. ]

Feel the images that come to mind.

Ye Yu couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Dream simulation time.

All feelings are experienced firsthand.

That kind of touch makes people feel like they are actually there.

transmigrate for three years.

Finally took off.

Ye Yu didn't expect that the first moment actually happened in a dream.

As for the previous Liu Xinxiu?

They were just playmates in leisure time.

How can Zhu Die really be lucky?

[In-depth communication on learning calligraphy. ]

[It seems to have stimulated the Tongxin Dan in both of your bodies. ]

[This night, you both broke through a small realm. ]

[At the same time, it also makes you realize the magical effect of Tongxindan. ]

[Five hundred years later. ]

[You and Zhu Diezhen squeezed into the early stage of Transcending Tribulation Realm one after another. ]

[Become a feared life-seeking demon in the world of cultivation. ]

[Not only killed all the enemies headed by Shang Buyi. ]

[A sect was also created. ]

[It’s called the Soul Refining Hall. ]

[This name was given by you. ]

[During your relationship with Zhu Die, she taught you the Ten Thousand Souls Secret of the Ten Thousand Souls Palace. ]

[After you have mastered this technique. ]

[It was also improved and named Soul Refining Technique. ]

[The name of this sect comes from this technique. ]

[Originally, you and Zhu Diezhen naively thought that you could ascend to the Heavenly World together in the future. ]

[Be a pair of gods and immortals that everyone envies. ]

[But life cannot be smooth sailing. ]

[Since there are demons, those righteous monks will naturally use the slogan of eliminating demons and defending the Tao. ]

[Come to attack you. ]

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