[Facing Bu Lingfei’s confession. ]

[You are also very happy and keep talking about how much you miss her over the years. ]

[And thanks again and again, Concubine Bu Ling took action to destroy the Zhulong Sect twenty years ago. ]

[Bu Lingfei said that she is the one who should be grateful. ]

[You misunderstood Ye Yan back then. ]

[The reason why Ye Yan made things difficult for Concubine Bu Ling was because he was deliberately putting on a show for outsiders to see. ]

[Ye Yan and Bu Lingfei’s father have been close friends for many years. ]

[My friend died, how could he bear to see his friend's daughter wandering around. ]

[But it is definitely not appropriate to keep him in Futian Valley. ]

[Because Ye Yan doesn’t want to bring disaster to Futian Valley because of Concubine Bu Ling. ]

[So I deliberately directed and acted in a play. ]

[Send Concubine Bu Ling away angrily. ]

[However, privately, she sent many cultivation resources to Concubine Bu Ling. ]

[You are very surprised to hear this. ]

[I really didn’t expect that Ye Yan secretly did so many things behind your back. ]

[Eyes turn slightly red again. ]

[Concubine Bu Ling tells you that it was Ye Yan's kindness to her. ]

[So after entering the late stage of the Fusion Realm, I couldn’t wait to destroy the Zhulong Sect and avenge Futian Valley. ]

[Your expression becomes unnatural again. ]

[My own failure is certainly terrible, but my brother's success is even more heart-wrenching. ]

[It’s just over a hundred years old. ]

[Have you all entered the realm of integration? ]

[Such a speed of cultivation is definitely an unprecedented first time. ]

[Daughter of Destiny, indeed extraordinary. ]

[However, this is to be expected. ]

[Can destroy a sect with one person's power. ]

[How could the realm be lower? ]

[Originally, according to your idea, it is estimated that only monks above the Transcending Tribulation Realm can do it. ]

[But Concubine Bu Ling accomplished this matter with the combined state. ]

[Presumably there must be a peerless magic weapon in his body, or a skill that can kill enemies beyond his level. ]

[Or maybe both. ]

[After all, the life of Daughter of Destiny is not something ordinary people can imagine. ]

[After that, you lived with Concubine Bu Ling. ]

[The two are inseparable and have a great relationship. ]

[During this period, Bu Lingfei once asked, she has been trying to find you for so many years, but there has been no news. Where have you been? ]

[You are not telling the truth about this question. ]

[Instead, I just found an excuse to put it off. ]

[You have a strong feeling in your heart that you must not tell anything about Yun Ciwu. ]

[Otherwise, unexpected big events are likely to happen. ]

[At 151 years old, your realm is still stuck in the middle stage of Soul Formation Realm. ]

[This seems to be your bottleneck. ]

[Bu Lingfei, on the other hand, has already started preparing to attack the Transcending Tribulation Realm. ]

[Futian Valley’s revenge has been avenged. ]

[But the real culprit of the Bu family massacre is still at large. ]

[The Demon Dao giant had already set foot in the Transcending Tribulation Realm hundreds of years ago. ]

[So, if Bu Lingfei wants to take revenge, she can only choose to attack the Transcending Tribulation Realm. ]

[As soon as she retreats, you will be alone again. ]

[So, you decide to travel and see if you can find some breakthrough opportunities. ]

[Be reasonable. ]

[Actually, you are under a lot of pressure. ]

[That’s not to say that strong women and weak men have a hard time. ]

[But you don’t want to be a burden. ]

[Since Futian Valley’s revenge, Concubine Bu Ling has avenged it for you. ]

[Then now I have become your Taoist companion again. ]

[In this case, how can you stand by and watch the Bu family's hatred. ]

[Not to mention becoming the main force, at least you have to help out, right? ]

[The strength of Soul Formation Realm in the mid-term is really embarrassing. ]

[We must find ways to improve. ]

[One month later. ]

[You come to a huge mountain range. ]

[I just wanted to stop and rest here. ]

[But unexpectedly, an extremely surging air wave came from a distance, making you unstable. ]

[This makes you very confused. ]

[What exactly happened ahead? ]

[Is it possible that some kind of secret treasure was born? ]

[With the idea of ​​trying my luck. ]

[You approach the front cautiously. ]

[Immediately discovered that there was a huge pothole in the distance. ]

[There are even remnants of lightning shining around. ]

[A surge of coercion makes you feel very unhappy. ]

[A fierce battle between high-level monks definitely broke out here. ]

[Otherwise, there would not have been such a big momentum. ]

[After you carefully observe the area for a long time and see nothing unusual. ]

[Begins to approach slowly. ]

[In the pit, you found a woman with a torn robe. ]

[Her hair is messy and her face cannot be seen clearly. ]

[But from the outside, she seems to be seriously injured. ]

[Except for this woman, you didn't find anything in the pit. ]

[Originally, you didn’t want to pay attention to it. ]

[Failing to save someone is the main theme of the world of cultivation. ]

[But before leaving, you suddenly discovered that there was a bright little flower on the woman's shoulder. ]

[You instantly feel as if your whole body has been struck by lightning. ]

[Then strode over. ]

[Tear apart the torn clothes on the woman's shoulders. ]

[Yes, it’s this little flower. ]

[This is what you carved on it!]

[Decades ago, you and Yun Ciwu accompanied each other every day, once when they were studying together. ]

[Discovers a tiny birthmark on her shoulder. ]

[Yunciwu is very concerned about this and doesn’t want you to see it. ]

[So, while he was sleeping, you secretly planted a bright little flower on it. ]

[And told Yun Ciwu that he had never seen her real face, so leaving a mark would make it easier to find her in the future. ]

[Although Yun Ciwu said she was bored, she used her magic power to keep this little flower. ]

[You really didn’t expect that. ]

[I unexpectedly met Yun Jiwu here. ]

[So, you quickly took her to a safe place and took out various miraculous medicines to treat her injuries. ]

[It must be said that the vitality of the Transcending Tribulation Realm monks is extremely tenacious. ]

[It’s only half a day. ]

[Yunciwu then slowly wakes up. ]

[When I saw you next to me, I was extremely surprised. ]

[Then he subconsciously touched his face again. ]

[After discovering that the mask on his face is missing. ]

[Still pretending to be calm. ]

[No words. ]

[But you revealed her identity in one sentence. ]

[Yunciwu, you are so beautiful. ]

[Hearing your words, Yun Ciwu felt ashamed and annoyed. ]

[I was about to get up, but found that my body was in severe pain. ]

[And you quickly stepped forward and helped her lie down. ]

[And asked what happened. ]

[Yun Ciwu deliberately turned his head away from you and refused to speak to you. ]

[You didn’t ask any more questions. ]

[Quietly guard her side. ]

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