Hou Wang and Hou Zhen didn't live up to expectations, but that didn't matter.

But if they die.

I'm just afraid that if Hou Bu sees this cousin, he won't be willing to do it.

Li Long reminded Wei Aoshu that he would inform Hou Bujian of the death of the two Hou brothers.

If Hou Bujian asks Wei Aoshu.

You must tell the truth and don't lie.

Avoid getting into trouble.

Wei Aoshu had also heard of Hou Bujian.

He is the direct disciple of Elder Lei of Qingyun Sect.

Extremely powerful.

According to legend, it has even reached the Nascent Soul realm.

But there is no way to know whether it is true or false.

Currently, he ranks third among the inner disciples of Qingyun Sect.

In terms of strength.

Wei Aoshu was definitely no match for him.

But he didn't want to lose Ye Yu, a fellow undercover agent, because of this matter.

So Wei Aoshu stayed up all night.

I went to visit an elder with great sincerity.

Worked hard all night.

Finally the elder was willing to accept a disciple.

The key is.

This elder is the senior sister of the leader of Qingyun Sect.

Not to mention her appearance and beauty.

Moreover, he is extremely powerful and holds a high position of authority.

As long as he successfully becomes her disciple, even if Hou Bujian really finds out that the deaths of Hou Zhen and Hou Wang are related to Ye Yu.

It will also be because of the existence of this elder.

And a little bit afraid, not daring to strike at will.

After listening to Wei Aoshu's story.

Ye Yu couldn't help but feel a little moved.

I really didn't expect it.

It was just a chance encounter.

Wei Aoshu would be such a big help.

Even the escape route has been thought out.

"Thank you, senior sister."

Wei Aoshu was shocked.

He turned around and said, "Thank you. If you can be more honest with your hands, it will be better than anything else!"

Ye Yu suddenly looked embarrassed.

Under the leadership of Wei Aoshu.

Ye Yu entered the inner sect of Qingyun Sect for the first time.

This is completely different from the outer door.

This place is surrounded by mountains and full of spiritual energy.

From time to time, there are roars of spiritual beasts.

In the sky, there are many monks flying in the air.

Such a scene.

It completely satisfies all mortal fantasies about building the True Immortal Gate.

This is the real Xianxia.

Wei Aoshu pointed his sword forward.

The flying sword under his feet accelerated again.

Soon they came to a mountain peak.

"When you see the elder later, you must be respectful."

After falling, Wei Aoshu still did not forget to give the final reminder.

Ye Yu nodded vigorously to express his understanding.

See this.

Wei Aoshu tidied his clothes.

He cupped his hands and said, "Disciple Wei Aoshu and his disciple Ye Yu are here to ask to see Elder Hongluan."

After saying that.

Wei Aoshu lowered his head slightly and waited patiently.

And Ye Yu also followed suit.

But after a long time, no response came.

This made the two of them very confused.


They smelled a very rich aroma of wine.

Turn around and look.

I saw a hammock hanging under two trees not far away.

A fairy in a white dress was sleeping on it.

He was also carrying a wine gourd in his hand.

The lid was uncovered and the wine kept spilling onto the floor.

This is definitely a space magic weapon.

A large puddle of alcohol accumulated on the floor.

But the wine gourd still shows no signs of drying up.

It looks amazing.

Ye Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

The woman in front of me is indeed beautiful.

Her skin is as white as snow, and the moon is shy of the flowers.

Compared with Zhu Diezhen and Li Ruowang in the dream, they were more unwilling to give in.

However, this sleeping position is a bit too unrestrained.

Wei Aoshu looked a little embarrassed.

He quickly stepped forward and tried to wake up the woman in the hammock.

"Elder Hongluan, Elder Hongluan?"

The sound keeps getting louder.

The woman named Hongluan finally woke up.

She looked at Wei Aoshu sleepily and said softly: "It turns out to be Xiao Wei, what are you doing here?"

This sentence.

The smile on Wei Aoshu's face instantly froze.

She whispered: "Elder, didn't you and I already say this yesterday?

Send you an apprentice?"

Hong Luan scratched his hair.

It took a while to react.

He raised his head and looked at Ye Yu, who was not far away.

"Is that you?

Okay, I will accept this apprentice.

Xiaowei, you can go.

I'll talk to him alone. "

Hear the words.

A smile appeared on Wei Aoshu's face again.

After nodding towards Ye Yu.

Handed over and left this place.

After she left.

Ye Yu suddenly felt a little nervous.

The reason was that Hong Luan was sitting there, staring straight at him.

What does this mean?

Could it be that he saw the Ten Thousand Souls Secret in him?

If so.

How to explain that?

Suddenly, Ye Yu started to sweat.

Although Hongluan looks very unreliable, just like a drunkard.

But Qingyun Sect is one of the five holy places.

Those who can serve as elders are basically those with a cultivation level of Soul Formation Realm or above.

If Hong Luan really sees that he has demonic skills.

Then if Ye Yu is in her hands, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

At present, the only thing that can be done.

We can only pray that Hongluan doesn't see any clues.

if not.

Then Ye Yu will really cry to death.

But the next second.

It seems that Ye Yu's prayer has worked.

Hong Luan fell asleep again, snoring slightly this time.

It turns out that I was sleepy just now.

That’s why you keep staring at one place, right?

Ye Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.


Just turned around.

Suddenly I saw a girl with white hair standing next to me.

Ye Yu, who was caught off guard, was immediately startled.

"W-who are you?"

"I am your second senior sister, my name is Xie Muling."

The white-haired girl said as she spoke.

While walking forward, he skillfully picked up Hongluan and walked to the side.

Ye Yu was a little confused, but he still followed.

"Hello, senior sister, I am Ye Yu.

Please give me your advice in the future!”

Ye Yu greeted him seriously, but received only a slight nod.

But Ye Yu was not angry either.

Instead, he asked Xie Muling about the situation here.

Fortunately, Xie Muling just looked cold.

But it's actually not difficult to get along with.

Ye Yu gave detailed explanations for his answers.

That's exactly what it is.

Only then did Ye Yu learn that this place was the Five Finger Peak of the Qingyun Sect.

Elder Hongluan is the owner of this place.

Counting Ye Yu.

There are three disciples in total.

Senior sister Tuoba Qiyue is currently in seclusion.

The second senior sister is Xie Muling.

The third junior brother is Ye Yu.

Compared to other mountains.

Wuzhi Peak has the fewest disciples.

the reason is simple.

Hong Luan thinks that teaching his disciples is too troublesome.

Therefore, in the past two hundred years, not a single disciple has been accepted.

The reason why he accepted Ye Yu.

the reason is simple.

Because she lost in the card game with Wei Aoshu yesterday.

There are no spiritual stones to give.

I can only bite the bullet and accept Ye Yu.

After hearing the real story.

Ye Yu once again had a new understanding of this cheap master.

He is addicted to alcohol and loves to play cards.

Isn’t this a fairy version of Tsunade-hime?

Well, that seems a bit imprecise.

After all, Ye Yu had not carefully observed that pair of famous weapons.

Unable to make an accurate judgment.

We can only wait and study it carefully later.

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