Aokiji held the energy bar in his mouth and poured the energy drink into his mouth bit by bit.

Qiong's physical condition has improved a lot. Saeko Toushishima is taking care of her in the audience, and Aokiji feels relieved. Before leaving, he also checked Qiong's physical condition today and found that it was within safe limits.

In the locker room, there were only Songshanyan, Ning Qiang and Li Zhen.

Aokiji ate something, gave himself a revival wind, closed his eyes and rested his mind, feeling that his condition was getting better little by little, but he didn't feel too worried.

He was ready for a long battle.

In fact, he, Matsuyama Iwa and others have been thinking about it for a long time, and they have been considering what kind of fighting method Yabuki Yabuki might use.

However, the conclusions they reached were surprisingly consistent.

That means Yabuki Jo will definitely push the fight to three rounds later.

Yabuki Jo is a player with a very strong will but outstanding physical strength. He can quickly regain his fighting consciousness after suffering a huge blow, and he also has sufficient physical strength to allow him to last eleven rounds in the boxing ring.

For him, the five rounds in the fighting ring were like a horse race.

He will use the most passive defensive counterattack to get through the first two rounds when Aoki Tsukasa is in the best condition, and then use his abundant physical strength to start a counterattack in the third round. He may even go crazy in the third round. He and Aokiji exhausted their energy, and in the fourth round, no, it was the fifth round, they completed what seemed like a final outcome.

This is his only way to win.

In a boxing fight, he might be able to fight to a close, but Aokiji is not only solid with his fists and kicks, he can also knock him down at any time during the fight and put him at a disadvantage.

Moreover, Aokiji's leg skills even far exceed his boxing skills, and in this regard, Yabuki Jojo is far inferior.

Thinking about tactics, Aokiji took in a certain amount of food and energy drinks every short period of time. He did not eat until he was full. Eating too much would also affect his condition. Moreover, he had not had any water for two days, so it was not suitable for him to do this.

When the UFC fighters finished their bottom rounds and the heavyweights started competing, Tsukasa Aoki began to warm up.

Generally speaking, a half-hour warm-up time is the best, as it can prevent injuries and wake up muscles.

He stretched his muscles and moved his body with an expressionless expression. Songshanyan cooperated with him and hit several sets of boxing and leg targets. Aokiji felt that his body was heating up and his meridians were stretched. Finally, the game reached its final climax.

Aokiji took a deep breath, and Matsuyama Iwa brought a black hooded cloak specially customized for this game.

Aokiji put it on himself. On the back of the cloak was the logo of Matsuyama Fight Club and a big word devil.

The all-black cape is edged in red, which looks very cool.

Of course, Aokiji would probably never wear such clothes to go shopping in his life, but on this occasion, he didn't resist.

Whether it's fighting or other sports events, athletes often enter a state, just like actors enter their roles. All athletes do the same. In this kind of role, showing your strongest self is what athletes must do.

Standing in the Octagon.

Aokiji believes that that is another side of himself, one that longs for excitement, longs for victory, and longs to be the strongest version of himself. In other words, that is the embodiment of his desire to win and lose.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little dazed.

When did I give up the desire to win in my last life?

Since elementary school, because no one participated in the 2,000-meter long-distance race, I was forced to run because I was not popular, and when I ran to the point of vomiting, I was only in last place?

When I was in the third year of junior high school, I mustered up the courage to tell my coach that I wanted to play basketball. Was it a good time in the first year when the coach rejected me because you are already in the third year of junior high school?

Is it when you know that you are destined to work hard to make money for your family in this life?

He still remembers how much he wanted to win in the beginning.

Even if he is just competing with others to see who can jump more steps, he will try his best to jump to the highest level.

When did you start giving up on your energetic self?


demon king!

The cheers that flooded into his ears made him break away from his rare memories.

When he came back to his senses, he had already reached the player tunnel.

The ceiling of the player tunnel separates the inside and outside of the venue. The slight light inside the tunnel and the dark venue outside the tunnel are like two different worlds.

His toes stepped on the front of the shadow, and as long as he took one step, he would reach the world that belonged to the 'Great Demon King Aoki Tsukasa'.

As expected, I still want to win. Aokiji's muttering made Songshanyan on the side look slightly sideways: Huh?

Nothing. Aokiji pulled up the hood of his cloak to cover his face.


A man is a very simple animal that can be happy.

My former self, being patient, forgot the taste of victory.

Be stronger than others, be faster than others, and be able to stand one second longer than others.

This simplest and most honest happiness made his heart beat fast.

It’s last!

As a fighter, it’s your last day!

The hard training in the past, the faces of old John, Andy, and even the coaches at the Supernova Conference flashed through my mind. Every time I ran to vomit and couldn't even lift chopsticks when I got home, it seemed like it was yesterday.

That was also the last time!

Then, no regrets!

Win it!

Fighter, Big Demon King, Tsukasa Aoki

Win it!

“From Chiba!”

demon king!!!




Aokiji took a deep breath, and with the sound of a bell, he took a step.

The lights in the entire venue suddenly went out, and red lighting swept around. Finally, they gathered at his feet, illuminating the road ahead.

Yabuki Jo was in the octagonal cage, facing him from a distance.

The two people who used to be considered friends only saw in each other's eyes an unspoken fighting spirit.

Sure enough, you also want to win.

Aokiji raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


He turned his head and looked towards the audience.

On the edge of the octagonal cage, on the VIP seats, Qiong, Busujima Saeko, Maeda Tora, Fujiwara Miao, Matsusaka Daitake.

Everyone who had spent so many years with him was sitting on their seats, waving hard at him.

Aokiji walked to the ring and threw away his cape. The referee checked his body and he waved his fist in Qiong's direction.


Aokiji stepped into the octagonal cage. The slightly elastic floor gave him ample feedback. Aokiji patted the iron mesh of the octagonal cage. It was tough but not harsh. He squatted down again and stretched his legs. At the same time, he patted the ground.

It’s the last one!

Aoki stood up, and under the referee's gaze, he and Yabuki walked to the center of the Octagon.

I won't lose. Yabuki's eyes were calm and cold.

I will win. Aokiji raised the corner of his mouth and stretched out his right hand.

Yabuki stretched out his right hand and touched him hard: Let's fight.

Aokiji took a deep breath, took a few steps back, and clenched his braces when the bell rang to start the round.


Yabuki Jo!

The opponent I identify with the most so far! ——

PS: The update is a little late. You all know that the old village chief and I won the lonely carry game tonight. There will be a game from 8 to 10 o'clock tomorrow night. Don't forget to go and watch it.

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