What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 344 Third semester?

Aokiji, wearing a hat and mask, lay at the entrance of the station and stared at the people coming and going in a daze. Next to him, Songshanyan stood with his hands in his pockets, looking like a security guard.

In the crowded car show, there were all passers-by carrying luggage in a hurry. Aoki looked at the time on his phone and said to Songshanyan, We're almost there.

Ask me. Song Shanyan glanced at Aoki Si: I don't know what kind of car your little girlfriend takes.

Not yet. Aokiji's face was slightly red, but he saw a dazzling purple in the crowd. He was about to say hello with a smile, but he saw a dazzling blue next to the dazzling purple hair. With several bald heads like light bulbs.

These people met together! ?

Aokiji stretched out his hand and waved, and Busujima Saeko in the crowd saw Aokiji. She smiled distantly at Aokiji and walked straight towards him.

Busujima Saeko wore a large black trench coat with a white turtleneck sweater underneath. The sweater tightly outlined her graceful figure. Below her body, she wore cyan jeans and black high-heeled leather shoes, which made her figure slimmer. While looking taller, she also looks more mature and sexy.

And next to Busujima Saeko, it turned out to be Teruhashi Komimi.

Teruhashi Shinmi ignored the cold winter wind and wore a short skirt that reached her knees. The white stockings on her legs made her already slender legs look fairer and slender. She wore a denim jacket on her upper body, which was also white underneath. He wears a turtleneck sweater, has blue hair draped over his shoulders, and has a flawless face that makes passersby around him exclaim.

At this time, Teruhashi Shinmi and Busujima Saeko were walking side by side. Both of them looked at Aokiji with smiles on their faces, and they looked very close. If Aokiji hadn't understood what was going on, he would have really felt sorry for Busujima Saeko and Teruu. Qiao Xinmei is such a good best friend.

As for Teruhashi Shinmei, there are Tora Maeda, Miao Fujiwara, and Daitake Matsusaka. The three brothers' bald heads looked like spotlights when they were gathered together, making Busujima Saeko and his wife look even more beautiful.

As soon as they saw Aokiji, Maeda Tora and the others waved their hands extremely excitedly, and they seemed to be a little more excited than Busujima Saeko and the others.

Aokiji smiled bitterly and watched them gradually approaching. When they arrived, his first words were: Why are you guys here together?

You mean Busujima-senpai? What a coincidence. As soon as we got in the car, we found that Busujima-senpai was here, hahaha.

Maeda Tora couldn't wait to reach out his hand: Boss, I miss you so much!

Before Aokiji could react, he came over and gave him a hug. Aokiji hurriedly pushed him away with some disgust: Where did you learn that?

Andy and I all say hello like this. Tora Maeda smiled awkwardly and looked around. It seemed that passers-by looked at him a little strangely.

Aokiji glanced at him speechlessly: I always learn these useless things.

Turning his head, Aokiji looked at Busujima Saeko and Teruhashi Koimi, who were looking at him with a smile, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: Uh, I'll help you with your luggage.

Looking at Busujima Saeko and Teruhashi Koimi who were just smiling, Aokiji always felt that there seemed to be a strange air flow surrounding them, which made him get goosebumps and a slight chill on the back of his neck.

Aokiji first reached for Busujima Saeko's suitcase, and then reached for Teruhashi Koumi's suitcase: Have you had lunch?

I simply ate something in the car. Busujima Saeko said with a smile, but she did not refuse Aokiji's hand to help her carry the box. Otherwise, she might have refused, but this time, she had nothing. explain.

Teruhashi Shinmei also smiled softly: Bujima-senpai treated us to rice balls and bento.

Is that so? Aokiji glanced at Busujima Saeko and said with a smile: I may not be able to have dinner with you tonight. If I have an appetite after the boxing match, we can have a midnight snack together.

It's okay, the boxing match is important. Teruhashi Kotomi spoke first, quickened her pace, and walked beside Aokiji to walk side by side with him. But Busujima Saeko just still smiled softly, as if she didn't care what Teruhashi Kotomi did. What.

Maeda Tora rubbed his stomach and said indifferently: Actually, I'm still a little hungry.

Okay, there is a buffet in the hotel, you can eat whatever you want. Aokiji walked out with a salute, opened the trunk of the Songshanyan Jeep, stuffed the things in, looked at the space, and said: Maeda Hu, you guys have to take a taxi to the hotel.

This kind of jeep itself is large, but the seats are not much different from ordinary models. The trunk is very spacious, but Aokiji can't let them sit in the trunk.

Maeda Tiger nodded and said with a smile: We also want to go shopping in the streets. We don't usually have the opportunity to come to Tokyo.

Okay. When Aokiji said this, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Busujima Saeko: Do you want to go play with them? I will probably stay in the hotel in the afternoon to maintain my condition and not go out shopping.

Busujima Saeko chuckled and shook his head: No, I'll just stay in the room.

Teruhashi Shinmei naturally said the same: Me too, just stay in the hotel.

Aokiji smiled awkwardly: Okay, let's go back first.

After saying hello to Tora Maeda and the others, Tsukasa Aoki sat in the passenger seat, Saeko Busujima and Summi Teruhashi sat in the back seat. Matsuyama Iwa became a full-time driver without saying a word, only occasionally using the driver's seat. When he looked at Aokiji from the corner of his eye, he would show a somewhat malicious smile: Brat, you are so worried!

I'm still single!

Thinking of this, Songshan Yan felt a little sad in his heart.

Aokiji was much more annoyed than Matsuyama Iwa at this time. He wanted to speak to break the silence, but when he looked in the rearview mirror, Busujima Saeko and Teruhashi Sumimi were staring out the window in a daze, and he didn't know how to speak.

It seems inappropriate to talk to anyone.

After a few awkward minutes, Aokiji finally cleared his throat and said, How is your school life lately?

Very good. Very good.

Two voices speaking in unison made the atmosphere even more awkward. Aokiji scratched the side of his face: That's right.

Yesterday's final exam, Tsukasa didn't come, what to do with the results? Teruhashi Shinmei looked at Tsukasa Aoki with a smile as usual.

Aokiji raised his eyebrows when he heard this: How many times will you take exams?

Yesterday! Teruhashi Shinmei's words made Aokiji's eyes widen: Yesterday?

Song Shanyan glanced at Aoki Si calmly: I've done it, don't panic, just go back when school starts.

When will school start again? Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that high school would have a break so early!

January 7th. Teruhashi Shinmei looked at Aokiji strangely.

January 7th. Wait, the winter vacation here is only two weeks?

Aokiji did a calculation in his head and said in shock: In other words, after the finals are over, I will be a sophomore in high school?

No, Teruhashi Shinmei's eyes became even weirder: Isn't this how Tsukasa went to school before? It starts on January 7th, the third semester of the first year of high school!

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